Snow Day

Snow days are good for the soul. I am not known for my love of winter in general, but when snow falls at a convenient time (weekend or holiday) or is enough to keep my husband working from home, I don’t mind it. I just like for it to melt quickly rather than lingering, freezing on un-shoveled sidewalks, and turning filthy.

Saturday was just that sort of day. Last week I completed five pretty intense workouts. I won’t lie; I am super proud of my Boston Marathon training right now. I will never be very fast, but I feel strong and healthier than I have in marathons past. But the workouts make me crave fat and rest.

I also had a bunch of meetings last week with new or potentially new clients. Being a consultant is like constantly job-hunting it seems; putting myself out there so much is something that takes it out of me every time. I’m not naturally outgoing. . . at all.

By the time Friday night rolled around, I was achy, hungry, and exhausted.

The remedy? A snow day.

After sleeping for over 10 hours (!), I woke up to this. With nowhere to go, I read blogs, sipped on tea, and relaxed until I was ready for a spinning workout. I had planned on a day off, but the sleep made me feel so good!

Boston in the snow

The rest of the day was spent watching Downton Abbey.

Downton Abbey


And baking a chocolate chip cookie pie.

chocolate chip cookie pie

chocolate chip cookie pie

And bringing that chocolate chip cookie pie, along with a bottle of one of my favorite wines, Piazzo Barbera, to our neighbors’ house for a lasagna dinner and movie watching.

This Barbera was one of the first wines I ever tried and purchased at The Urban Grape. It was such a solid introduction to their taste in wine, and it is one of the reasons we keep going back.

Piazzo Barbera

We watched Bridesmaids, feasted on lasagna stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, and turkey sausage, with a side of a garlicky bread, and followed it up with my cookie pie topped with vanilla bean ice cream.

We made the short, snowy walk home just after 11 pm and had another early-to-bed night. It’s great having neighbors who are also good friends. Despite all of the complaints we have about our actual condo, I love our neighborhood, especially in winter and summer!

If you had a snow day this weekend, how did you spend it?

Tags: baking, Boston, Food, snow, wine

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    We also enjoyed a snowy weekend. We did end up running errands and doing laundry, but it was nice to sleep in, read, do wedding stuff, and just relax!


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    this sounds absolutely lovely. i did quite a bit of sipping tea and reading blogs myself.


  3. Heather’s avatar

    That chocolate pie looks amazing! I am jealous of your Saturday – it was such a great day to lounge around but sadly I had to go to work.

    Downton Abby is quite the talk at work – I wonder if I can find it on Hulu?


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Season 1 is on Netflix if you have that! We got the free trial just to watch it. 😉


    2. Elizabeth’s avatar

      Luckily the snow didn’t put a crimp in my weekend. We still had a great turnout at the market on Saturday and I was still able to enjoy my plans with friends who were visiting. LOVE Downton


    3. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

      I love watching the snow fall with no where to be – you weekend sounds a bit like mine! I finally started watching Downton Abby – only 1 episode in but I cannot wait!


    4. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

      That snow day was good for the soul (though I am hating the mush it left behind!). Sounds like you had the perfect day! And congrats on being on track with your marathon training despite the cold and snow!


    5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      Downton Abbey is my life! I love it. I watched season 1 on Netflix in one day then illegally downloaded season 2 because I couldn’t wait for it to come to the states. I’m such a rebel with my Masterpiece Theater!

      Glad you had such a relaxing weekend!


    6. Hadley at The Urban Grape’s avatar

      Chocolate Chip pie AND one of our favorite wines ever! A very good weekend indeed! I made a hearty mushroom risotto last night to combat the cold. But I must admit, I’m glad there is finally a little snow.


    7. Michelle Collins’s avatar

      Snow days – and personal days in general – are SO necessary. Glad you got to enjoy one last week!


    8. Megan’s avatar

      Mmm…. chocolate chip cookie pie! I baked during the day but we went out to Tico Saturday night to celebrate my friend’s 30th.


    9. Alaina’s avatar

      It was great waking up to snow on Saturday. I still wanted to get out to run, just to prepare myself if it snowed on the half marathon. Let me just say, I hope it doesn’t snow during the half. Haha. And I had to work that night. So no snow day for me! Glad to hear you had a relaxing one. 🙂


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