Sandrine’s Bistro

Have you ever eaten at Sandrine’s Bistro? Somewhat hidden from the hustle and bustle of Harvard Square on a side street, Sandrine’s is a Cambridge institution that has consistently received rave reviews for the last 15 years.

My first experience at Sandrine’s was last spring, a wine dinner with Red White Boston that featured two fabulous women in wine, Maureen Martin from Clos du Bois and Janet Myers from Franciscan Estate.

I loved the event, which had a special menu paired with Clos du Bois and Franciscan wines. This past Tuesday night, I, along with a small group of Boston bloggers, had the opportunity to feast on items from Sandrine’s regular menu.

We all received a warm welcome from our server as well as Sandrine’s chef, Raymond Ost. Then we got down to the wine and food.

I started the evening with Trimbach Pinot Gris, a white wine from Alsace that was a perfect pairing with the starters we all shared.


{Moules Marinières  P.E.I. mussels sauteed in Riesling wine, with garlic, shallots & onions}


{Traditional Baked Alsatian Escargots}


{Tarte Flambée (Flammekueche) crispy flat bread topped with nutmeg-scented fromage blanc}

Everything we tried was delicious and perfectly-made. The escargots were garlicky and so tender, not the least bit rubbery or chewy as people often expect them to be. And the Flammekueche was light, cheesy, and smoky. I could have eaten the whole thing myself, but I knew I needed to save room for dinner.

When it came to ordering an entrée, I had a hard time deciding as Sandrine’s menu offers many appealing options. Did I want lobster risotto? Or the traditional, meaty Choucroute Garnie? I ran 15 miles earlier in the day, so I definitely wanted something hearty. I ended up going with the duck, which is something I have only eaten a few times. It was tender and flavorful with brandied cherries and a heavenly mushroom risotto. To pair with the duck, I switched to the red wine option our server had chosen for us, a Rhone blend which went great with the duck. It mirrored the dark cherry flavors in the dish and also had a nice smokiness to it. I love Rhone wines!


{Roasted Maple Leaf Farm Duck Magret  Mushoom risotto, brandied cherry reduction}

Dessert was another tough decision. Luckily the group was willing to share!


{Chocolate Kougelhopf  warm dense chocolate cake, caramel coulis,
vanilla ice cream and chocolate ganache}

The Kougelhopf, a luscious chocolate cake, was pretty incredible. It was almost like a molten chocolate cake but not quite molten. It is a must-order.


{Milk Chocolate Pot de Crème Peanut mousse, salted brittle}

But my Pot de Crème won me over even more. Rich and creamy chocolate, topped with a creamy peanut butter mousse and served with light peanut brittle, this was a sophisticated mix of pb and chocolate, one of my favorite dessert combinations.

The service at Sandrine’s was outstanding. Our server was charming, knowledgeable, very helpful, and fun to chat with. The cuisine of Sandrine’s is from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. Our server was from Lorraine while the chef is from Alsace, and I think the experience was extra-special because it was authentic.

Sandrine’s has a cozy, romantic vibe with a menu that is perfect for chilly weather. You will definitely not leave the restaurant hungry!

My dining experience was complimentary, but I would definitely return for dinner again in the near future. Perhaps Valentine’s Day? Or rather the day before Valentine’s Day, since we prefer to stay in on the holiday itself.

Thanks to Sandrine’s for taking such good care of us!

Tags: cambridge, Dining out, Food, Restaurants, Sandrine's Bistro, wine

  1. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    This was such an excellent dinner! I actually might return for Vday (or the day before, since we also stay in on the actual day!)


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I’ve never been to Sandrine’s Bistro before! Those mussels make me want to give this restaurant a try!


  3. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

    I have never been but someone gave Nick and I a generous gift card there for our wedding! This review is making me super excited to try.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      We got a restaurant gift card as a wedding gift too. . . one of the best gifts ever! Once all of the wedding hoopla was over, it was so nice to get out and be treated to a quiet dinner!


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      Flammekueche is a funny word. this meal looks awesome, I need to go to here.

      I feel like I barely saw you last night, 🙁 dinner was such a whirlwind!


    3. Molly Galler’s avatar

      I went to Sandrine’s for Restaurant Week in March of 2011 and loved it! I agree, the service is fantastic and the food is delicious (and great for winter). Here’s a peek at what I ate during that meal:


    4. melissanibbles’s avatar

      Looks like a romantic dinner. I’ve never heard of Sandrine’s. I’m intrigued…


    5. Alaina’s avatar

      I love Sandrine’s!! I used to work at the Charles and the concierge and I went there one Christmas, while a manager worked the desk. 🙂

      I had the duck too and it was so devine!


    6. Megan’s avatar

      The tart and the duck look just wonderful. I can’t believe I still haven’t gone there.


    7. Elizabeth’s avatar

      I totally want to try the chocolate kugelhopf


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