Boston Marathon Fundraising Party – More info and RSVP

Updated with some more details, please feel free to invite friends, RSVP,  or get in touch regarding raffle items.!/events/289777451079946/

What: 2012 Boston Marathon Fundraiser for The ALLY Foundation

When: February 25, 2012 at 7:00

Where: Savin Bar & Kitchen, right across from the Savin Hill red line station. Yes, it is safe to go to Dorchester.  Even after dark.

Why: Because Marie and I have a combined $10,000 to raise in the next three months!

Suggested donation: $10

There will be a raffle with some fabulous prizes from local businesses, wine from our own collection, favorite cookware lines, and more. If you know a business that would like to donate something for the raffle, please let me know!

More details to come, but we would love to see as many of you as possible. Savin Bar & Kitchen has great cocktails (trust us, we know), beers, wine, and of course, food.

If you aren’t free on February 25th but would still like to help support The ALLY Foundation’s work for human safety, please check out my fundraising page: 


Thank you for your support; we hope to see you on the 25th and also on Marathon Monday!

Tags: Boston, Boston Marathon, The ALLY Foundation

  1. Alaina’s avatar

    The ALLY Foundation is such a great organization! They used to have their office in our hotel so I got to know the organizers. Sounds like a fun evening!!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I visited their office a bunch of times in Copley. I wish I had “known” you then!


      1. Alaina’s avatar

        Well, it looks like I’ll have that night off! I hope to make it!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Would love to have you!


        2. Megan’s avatar

          This must be for me: “Yes, it is safe to go to Dorchester. Even after dark.” Ha. I am marking the calendar!


        3. Raija’s avatar

          Just saved the date!


        4. Daisy’s avatar

          If I’m not skiing with my Mom and sis (trying to push it to march) I’ll be there!


        5. Elizabeth’s avatar

          Marked it on my calendar 🙂


        6. Elizabeth’s avatar

          Fun! I definitely will try to make it


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