Parmesan Truffle Quinoa Muffins

Just when I think I have exhausted ideas for healthy, delicious meals, Pinterest shows me something new. Thank goodness for Pinterest! (Are you annoyed by my Pinterest love yet?)

I love browsing through Pinterest food pics, seeing something that looks yummy, and then following through to the website the image originates from. That’s how I got the inspiration for the parmesan truffle quinoa muffins I made for dinner one super exhausted evening last week.

The ingredients:

2 cups cooked quinoa

3/4 cup parmesan cheese

1 cup shredded carrots

1/4 cup chopped cilantro

2 large eggs

2 teaspoons truffle oil

parmesan cheese


black truffle oil

Making this dish is super easy; just mix up all of the ingredients.

carrots and cilantro

Heat the oven to 350, and fill a lightly oiled muffin tin with scoops of the quinoa mixture. I made six large muffins; you could easily also make minis.

quinoa muffin

quinoa muffins

I cooked the muffins for about 20 minutes at 350. The tops got browned and crunchy, while the middles stayed warm and soft with a bit of gooey-ness from the cheese. The scent of truffle oil permeated the entire room; the salty, nutty parm complimented them perfectly.

I served these with some spicy homemade marinara sauce, but they would have been great alone. I didn’t expect them to be great, but they were absolutely delicious.

This meal was served up with a Pie de Palo Viognier from Mendoza, Argentina. Viognier has passed all other grapes to become my favorite white. This wine is fresh, with citrus and pineapple notes, a lovely, rich mouth feel, and a balanced acidity that made it a great dinner wine. I wish I had purchased more; it was only $11 at Bin Ends!


Long runs, especially when they feel awful, call for a great glass of wine and a hearty meal. This certainly did the trick.

Have you come across any surprising recipes lately?

Tags: healthy, quinoa, recipe, Vegetarian, Viognier, wine

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    I love savory muffins! I’m planning on making my breakfast egg-white muffins this week for an easy breakfast to go!


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    what a cool muffin recipe! and Viognier really is just the best kind of white! so good.


  3. Michelle Collins’s avatar

    These sound awesome! I just received the new Betty Crocker cookbook, so I plan to flip through that this week – I’m hoping for some new cooking inspiration.


  4. Elizabeth’s avatar

    This is so interesting, I’ve never baked with quinoa.


  5. Ché @ Knight at the Restaurant’s avatar

    What a great weeknight recipe – it looks really easy. May have to try these tonight…


  6. Megan’s avatar

    I have never seen anything like those — they sound so good! I saw a quinoa cookie recipe the other day that I was thinking of trying, but I might be making these savory muffins first!


  7. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Wow, I’ve definitely never seen anything like this either. Looks great, though! I just made lentil cakes with very similar ingredients – no reason why quinoa wouldn’t be great too!


  8. Jolene (’s avatar

    Those are SO cool!!! I have bookmarked for my next dinner party!


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