Nantucket Cookies

It has been a slow work week. Normally this would cause me to freak out that I will never have enough work to keep me busy ever again, but the new, 2012 Meghan has embraced the quiet. I still have a terrible cough and have felt exhausted, plus I worked a ton of hours leading up to New Year’s weekend. I am thinking that if my business does move more toward food, wine, and hospitality, the holidays will always be a busy work time, and my quiet time will come after. I am okay with that. But if you know anyone looking for Marketing help, send ‘em my way.

Despite trying to be okay with a slower work schedule, I get bored very easily. I wanted to go to the MSPCA to walk dogs, but since I literally didn’t feel strong enough to go anywhere, I needed a home project. Somehow, even though our house is a mess, cleaning is never that project; it most always involves food. I decided to break out the Salty Sweets recipe book I received at the Boston Brunchers birthday brunch.

Salty Sweets

The recipe for the Nantucket cookies, with white chocolate chips and dried cranberries, topped with sea salt, seemed like a good option, and since I had most of the ingredients on hand, I went for it.

white chocolate

The recipe called for dried cranberries, but I split it in half an mixed in dried cherries because I am exciting like that.

cranberries and cherries

The recipe also called for both brown and white sugar; I only had white so I just used half the sugar. I am not much of a baker, but I think doing this is okay, right? I am sure the brown sugar would have added lovely flavor, but I actually liked that the end result wasn’t very sweet.

The real problem with these cookies is that the dough was SO dry. I followed the rest of the recipe, and it just seemed like it needed a little liquid. It was impossible to get the dough into a cohesive ball that wasn’t crumbling all over, and when I went to make individual cookies, all of the berries and chocolate chips were falling out.

cookie dough

I had to push them back in. It was really frustrating to work with, very messy, and I almost called it quits. Who needs cookies, anyway?


I did the best I could, popped the cookies into the oven at 375 for eight minutes as the recipe said, and got started on cleanup. At 8 minutes, they were nowhere near done; they ended up taking about 15 minutes.

Nantucket Cookies

In the end, though a bit dry, these cookies were really good. Because of the fruit and white chocolate, they have little bursts of sweet and sour. I am certainly not a baker, so I am sure whatever went wrong with the dough was my fault. If you get your hands on the book Salty Sweets, give them a try, and let me know how it goes for you.

The funny thing was, with fresh-baked cookies in the house, I actually wanted a glass of fresh vegetable juice instead! I have been, in an attempt to rid myself of this everlasting illness, juicing up carrots, apples, and garlic daily and loving it. Garlic and apple taste surprisingly good together!

What’s your favorite cookie?

Tags: baking, cherries, cookies, cranberries, dessert, white chocolate

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    I’m going to have to check this recipe out when I get home because I have white chocolate chips and dried cherries left over from my NYE dessert. I hope you get better soon!


  2. Eric King’s avatar

    “Because I am exciting like that” – I almost laughed out loud at my office when I read that. The cookies look amazing and moist – I was surprised to say you thought they were dry.

    I hope you begin to feel better – you sound like you are coming out of the worst of it though. Rest and let yourself off the hook for having to be constantly on all the time. You are not a machine – and even machines get maintenance windows – treat this slow time as one.


  3. Megan’s avatar

    You needed the brown sugar for the moisture. 🙂 If you have molasses and white sugar, you can make it.

    These sound great though! Definitely a white chocolate and dried cranberry day.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I know, I know. I am the worst baker ever. I get how the brown sugar would help the final product, but I can’t imagine another dry ingredient in that very crumbly dough!


    2. Erin’s avatar

      Megan above beat me to the punch – skipping the brown sugar is probably why the dough was so dry. Since baking is totally about chemistry, leaving out ingredients will cause your product to come out differently than advertised. That said if you enjoyed them it works out!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Thanks! I guess I just need to find desserts that call for less sugar in the actual recipe!


      2. Samantha’s avatar

        This is why baking infuriates me. I always set out optimistically then end up cursing and crying half way through, declaring that they are RUINED and so glad I WASTED MY TIME because they are too dry/too wet/too sticky/disgusting looking. In the end they always turn out fine, but it’s just not an enjoyable process for me 😉 I’ll stick with cooking!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I am with you! I think I hate anything that involves flour. 🙂


        2. Daisy’s avatar

          I was nodding right along with you like….”oh yea you can totally sub out brown sugar for regular”. Now reading the comments, I’m laughing at how wrong that is! Who knew?!


        3. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

          Brown sugar makes cookies moist and chewy! I love white chocolate and cranberries together, next time I will add cherries and sea salt too 🙂


        4. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

          Ha, I never knew the importance of brown sugar either. Glad I read these comments!! White chocolate and cranberries is such an awesome combo – and I love the name!


        5. Elizabeth’s avatar

          I think the moral of this story is, you need to stock your house with more brown sugar 🙂 You can never have too much.


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            We threw it all away when I spied a mouse in November. I never replaced it! 🙂


          2. Michelle Collins’s avatar

            I’ve flipped through this book but have yet to bake anything from it – everything looks delicious, though. I’m excited to finally make use of it!


          3. Amie’s avatar

            This is on my list – I have this cookbook too and love it! Although I’ve only made 1 recipe from it, about 25 times.. (the chocolate chip cookies are amazing)


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