Meet the Neighbors

Have you ever had a horrible neighbor? The kind that made going home at the end of the day a miserable experience, the kind of person you looked at and thought “WHO DOES THAT?”. Well, we’ve had six years of those neighbors. It’s been six years this month since we bought our condo, and we have seen quite the parade of tenants through the other units. Whatever we did in a past life is coming back to haunt us, because we have seen it all, from selfish trust fund princess to neighbors who smoked crack. Yes, crack.

American Horror Story

At this point, I would trade neighbors with these people.

Six little years has introduced us to the following cast of characters:

  • The vapid trust fund blonde teenager, playing house with boyfriend in a property that daddy bought, well, until they broke up two months after living together. Then it became our turn to deal with her not cleaning up after her dogs, even after we asked verbally, by email, in notes, and finally demanded, without success. The final straw? When a guy she was “friends” with started building a free patio in our shared back yard. Their “friendship” ended halfway through construction, she learned that nothing in life is free, and we got stuck with a construction nightmare, complete with giant rats, for an entire summer.


  • The player, a normally nice guy with kids but one who brought different women home seemingly every week and giving them keys to our common front door. Not that they needed keys, because he was fond of leaving the door wide open to the outside. Clearly, he did not have to pay for heat.


  • The crack smokers- Yup, we had a neighbor who initially seemed pretty okay, minus her habit of leaving the door to the outside wide open. (Really what’s with all these people leaving doors to the outside open, in the city, in the middle of winter?) That is, until her boyfriend came back from being away. Away in a place where he lifted weights, got homemade tattoos, and seemed to have had his teeth knocked out, if ya know what I mean. They proceeded to fill the air with crack, yes CRACK smoke and the sweet sounds of what sounded like her beating him up.  Because that’s what young, hardworking professionals in their first home want to deal with, crack. The kicker? They insisted on parking in the space we were renting until I put the smack down. Don’t mess with me after a long work day and volunteer event in the middle of winter. There may have been words. But the final straw was that, when they finally moved, my husband’s very nice bike went missing with them. Hopefully karma catches up with them someday, before or after the Boston Police.


  • And then there are our newest neighbors, the teenage/college student hipsters who have, in a month living beneath us, vomited on our porch, littered our garden, patio, sidewalk, and INDOOR carpeted common space with cigarette butts. They too lack the concept of locking doors and not smoking in common spaces, even after being asked. We’ve since had to move some of our items stored in the area so that they don’t end up smelling. I am not sure they do anything but smoke all day long. They and their friends perpetually look stoned or as if they just woke up, or both. Mostly, I am afraid that they are going to burn the house down. Who puts cigarettes out on carpet?!


I should also mention that every single couple(other than us), including newlyweds married less than a year, who has moved into the building has broken up. A cursed abode, perhaps?

The above is really just scratching the surface. There is so much more to each story (especially the vapid trust fund princess) that I could probably write a book about our first home ownership experience. It has been a nightmare.

Have you had any really bad neighbors?

Tags: Boston, city living

  1. Erica @ Boston Rookie’s avatar

    Oh wow, what an experience! We’ve been lucky to have neighbors that we don’t know much about and are normally pretty quiet, except for the neighbor with a dog that barked every time you walked by their door.


  2. Jean | Delightful Repast’s avatar

    I’m sorry I’m laughing, Meghan! I KNOW it isn’t funny. I’ve had a few interesting neighbors in my life, but you have really had quite a run of them. Wish I had some effective advice for you, but … I think there’s a book in this!


  3. Leeanne’s avatar

    My neighbors are highly irritating but not nearly THIS bad. I give you credit for staying sane the past six years.

    We’ve got a retired woman downstairs with the loudest, yappiest Yorkie you can imagine. And I swear she purposely leaves her door open so the dog will bark at anything that moves outside. During the past two winters, she’s been in Florida from late October to April, so I can’t complain. But I am convinced it was her that “reported” my car to the town police when I first moved here from Mass. and didn’t change my license plates quick enough for her taste. (I was a student at the time and well-within in the confines of the law.)


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I had SO much trouble when I moved to MA with NJ plates. I got the most random tickets, like for blocking a driveway, when there were no driveways for 200 feet. Very mean if she did report you, it’s difficult enough!


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      whoa. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. Even in college, I knew better than to vomit in the common area! and crack smoking? really?! I don’t think you could do anything in a past life to deserve these horrendous neighbors.


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Yeah, I am pretty sure if people don’t know better by a certain age, they never will!


      2. Di’s avatar

        Holy crap, lady! That’s some pretty bad luck. I’d be pretty worried about the newest neighbors…is there any way a condo association can kick them out? Ugh.

        I only really had bad neighbors at my first place…and it wasn’t really bad as much as I just have little to no patience. The toddler who would bang pots and pans on the hardwood floor above me at all hours of the night was a serious issue, especially when I was told it’s against their customs to answer the door at night…so I couldn’t just go upstairs and politely ask them to control their kid. I always had to call the landlord to get them to get the kid to stop. That coupled with the neighbor downstairs who I’m pretty sure was blasting music also at all hours of the night was what ended up getting me to move. Somehow it wasn’t the fact that everything I owned smelled like curry, no matter how often I washed it, because the next door neighbors and the upstairs neighbors cooked with it every single night.

        I’d take that over crack smoking, open doors, and theft, though, for sure.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Our condo association is another post in itself!


          1. Di’s avatar

            Can’t wait to read it! 😉


          2. Elizabeth’s avatar

            Oh my! First off, please keep up these posts because they are highly entertaining, though clearly the circumstances are highly unfortunate. The first apt I moved into in the Boston area was north of Davis. There were six of us total in a two room house and there were definitely times when it devolved into a shitshow.


          3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

            Please keep us posted on your neighbors. I love gossip! I can’t believe people were smoking crack! Did you report them? I don’t know what I would do in that situation. Scary!

            I had one neighbor that was a stripper and when she would come home at 4 in the morning, she would walk around in her heels and vacuum! Who vacuums every night at 4am?! In heels?!


            1. traveleatlove’s avatar

              A lady of her profession, obviously! 🙂 That is hilarious, but not for you!


            2. Megan’s avatar

              Wow, that is nuts! My last apartment has some strange people living in the house behind it. My bedroom window was right by their door and for some reason, they always felt the need to put out their recycling at 3 am. Made it hard to have my windows open in the summertime. They also have a creepy cat that hangs out in the yard. But I think that’s the worst I’ve had to endure.


            3. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

              Yikes! What a nightmare! I am lucky to always have pretty good neighbors. I guess I never really appreciated them until I read something like this!


            4. Lin @ BeantownEats’s avatar

              I’m going to bookmark this page so that the next time I complain about our condo-mates, I’ll realize that it really isn’t that bad. I’m so sorry about your bad luck, that really is a pretty awful string of neighbors.

              We have had a few issues with neighbors. One unit likes to smoke pot, dress in neon fleece costumes and twirl flaming sticks in our backyard, which is a little scary when there are trees with low-hanging branches and our unit is closest to the back yard. Still nothing as bad as any of your neighbors though.


              1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                You need to schedule a viweing party for this neon fleece costume dance! The college kids behind us actually having flaming hula hoops, but they use them on a special mat, which I am assuming (hoping) isn’t flammable.


              2. Kim’s avatar

                I have to say, I also live in Dorchester (Neponset Area) and I purchased a condo about 3 years ago. I can easily say that I have had the same bad luck you have had with neighbors! There was the owner of the other 2 units who cleaned out the condo association account and forclosed on his units. The people who let the basement flood with 2 feet of water without notifying anyone, the woman who almost burnt the house down make weed brownies, etc etc. But it can get better. i now have two awesome neighbors who pay their fees and keep to themselves. Good luck!


                1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                  Thanks! Overall, we love Dorchester and the neighbors around us. Now if we could just get some normal people living IN our condo building!


                2. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

                  Eek!! Can you guys implement changes to the condo docs to prohibit smoking on/around the premises (we have that language in our docs, since before we lived in our place). Hopefully the situation improves, though it does provide good fodder for the blog – keep us posted!


                3. El’s avatar

                  Ugh, What a nightmare. This is the exact reason that 5 years ago we decided to never share a wall again. I’d list some of our nightmares but I don’t want to stir up the memories. Sorry you have to deal with this.


                  1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                    Thanks! My desire for a farmhouse with lots of land around it is pretty understandable at this point! 🙂


                  2. Shannon’s avatar

                    Wow! That is INSANE!

                    My upstairs neighbors are pretty crazy. Fortunately, I’m a renter so if things every get too out of hand I can just move on. But for example: it’s a mother and her two sons, one is MAYBE 15… has tattoos and sometimes sits in our basement bonus room (the one for MY apartment) and smokes dope with his friends, the other is probably late 20’s and throws the 15 year old around when the mother isn’t there and screams profanities at the mother when she is there. The mother is pretty wretched herself, yelling at me last winter for where I put shoveled snow despite the fact that the 3 of them didn’t pick up a shovel at all last winter.

                    So I totally get where you are coming from, though your stories are much worse, hopefully the stoners don’t last long and you get some quality neighbors!


                  3. Eric King’s avatar

                    This entire post is hilarious and so so so true.


                  4. Molly Galler’s avatar

                    First of all, I love that you are sharing more personal stories in addition to your travel, wine and food adventures. Second, I hear you on crazy neighbors! I had an upstairs neighbor that played the bongos, a couple downstairs that got into screaming matches every night, a couple that lived below me that claimed I “walked too loudly”, a neighbor who smoked in the house, the list goes on. Good luck with your newest hooligans!


                    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

                      Bongos?! That is not okay!


                    2. Jennifer’s avatar

                      When my husband and I moved into our first apartment together, we had a very quiet, introverted woman and her teenage son living across the hall from us. Never an issue. But upstairs lived HONEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY and FAT COW. I’m certain those were their names because they screamed them enthusiastically whenever they spoke. They talked a lot, especially when she’d hang out the 2nd floor window screaming at him as he drove away after a fight. Except for the time she stabbed him in the leg with a pen and he called the cops.

                      But that wasn’t even what made us move. It was the 18 year old that moved into the downstairs basement apartment and was on a 24 hour a day smoking and party cycle with all his friends. Everything we owned smelled like smoke because somehow his apartment vented into ours. Yay.


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