Happy 2012: Ramblings and Resolutions



Happy New Year! Did you have a good night? We had a quiet one; I just barely saw midnight while watching Homeland (We’re on the 3rd episode and loving it!). I said Happy New Year to my husband, and I promptly fell asleep, hoping to leave most of my icky flu in 2011. And thankfully, I am better today.

I have recently become a little Pinterest obsessed, especially when it comes to my inspiration board (Yeah, I’m that person, the one who like inspirational quotes and Hallmark cards and all that. Feel free to laugh.), and I came across the above pin this morning. It fits me quite well, and it’s something I have been working on and want to keep working on in 2012. I won’t call it a resolution; I just like how this pin and the others on my board are nice, neat reminders that I can go back to for a little pick-me-up.

So. . . 2012.

I am excited because I prefer even numbered years and ages. Yes, I am even excited to be 32 instead of 31 because I like the number better.

In addition to building my sparkling wine collection which I actually got started on big time this weekend, I have a few other hopes/goals, which I will not call resolutions.

I’d like to change this blog up a little. To be honest, I am pretty tired of writing about food the majority of the time. Between being sick and out of town, I haven’t cooked in about two weeks, and my camera has been conspicuously absent from dinners out.

I want to move more toward being a lifestyle blog; thanks again to Pinterest, I am remembering that there are so many other things I love outside of food. So be prepared for more weekend and day trips, sightseeing, exercise, and a few social media-related posts thrown in (starting tomorrow).

I’d also like to do more wine writing; these posts never get much traffic, but I like writing them, and since I am feeling a big time blog slump, it’ll be nice to write what I like.

I want to beat my marathon PR. I don’t know how possible this is, being many years older than I was when I set it, but I want to at least try (but without putting too much pressure on myself, because I definitely have had my unhealthy moments with running). So there might be a running post here or there to help keep me accountable; this will not become a running blog.

I want to plan an amazing trip somewhere. Well, I know exactly where, and details will follow if the husband can take any time off work. As of right now he is slated to work seven days a week until April. Charming.

But mostly, truly, I want to live more in the present. I want to be better at enjoying the work that I have and doing an awesome job at it rather than worrying about whether or not it will be there in three months. Let 2012 be the year of slightly less worry!

Did you make a resolution?

  1. Heather’s avatar

    Happy New Year! I am not the biggest fan of resolutions but like you, I would like to be more present this year!


  2. Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca)’s avatar

    Happy New Year!!!! All the best to you in 2012!

    I plan on setting some goals, instead of making a resolution.


  3. Megan’s avatar

    I also need to live more in the present and quit worrying so much. Sometimes I feel like all I do is worry and stress. I started this year by doing some stress-relief yoga, and I hope to make that a daily routine. Happy 2012! Wishing you all the best!!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    I am loving the direction your blog is set to take in 2012. I always enjoy your lifestyle posts and your wine posts, so bring on more in the new year!!!


  5. melissanibbles’s avatar

    Homeland is one of my favorite shows. I’m glad you like it! The blog changes sound wonderful. Looking forward to reading. Now I’m going to stalk you on pinterest…


  6. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to the new content on your blog 🙂


  7. David Crowley’s avatar

    I like your resolutions! Have you done “Wine Blogging Wednesday”? nice way to focus on it and tends to give traffic to one’s posts on the subject.

    I’ve been writing about alternatives to resolutions–“finding flow” and focusing on the things we are doing well that we want to be sure to continue and build upon in the new year.


  8. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Here here to less worry. And also here here to writing about what makes you happy.


  9. Mardi@eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Meghan, Happy 2012. I like your focus in this list of resolutions/ goals. It sounds like you are focussing on what’s best for YOU. That is what I will aim to do on 2012 too. We shall see! All the best to you both for a great year!


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