
Happy Thanksgiving! How will you be celebrating? Whatever you are doing, I hope that it is full of fun, food, family, and a good nap. We’re over here cooking dinner and probably going for a long walk to the beach and around Galway. I’m keeping it short but important today, sharing the 20 things I am most thankful for, in no particular order. (But some obviously far outweigh others and some are just for fun!)

1. Our families

2. My husband

3. My cats

4. Great friends, old and new

5. My sometimes topsy turvy but still awesome job

6. Food, for fun and nourishment

7. Our warm and cozy house

8. Memories

9. Hot bubble baths

10. Champagne

11. Our boat

12. Cheese

13. Spas

14. Sleep

15. The ocean, no matter which one

16. Sunshine

17. Gray, rainy days

18. Coffee

19. Exercise, even though I often rebel against it

20. All of the great things blogging has brought into my life


What are you most thankful for? I’d love to hear both the really important and just the fun, day-to-day things.

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your Thanksgiving dinner goes well in Ireland! I wrote this on Facebook recently but I’m thankful for all of the love and support I’ve received this past year through the most challenging (and changing) year of my life.


  2. Megan’s avatar

    Happy Thanksgiving! So thankful for all the wonderful people in my life.


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