Red Hook Brewery

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I had a really fun one, all of my various flus and colds seem to have moved on, and we are leaving for Ireland in eight days. I am in a pretty good Monday mood! Before I get to my post, I did want to remind anyone in Boston that The Shops at Prudential Center are hosting their GIFT Holiday Shopping Event for Charity on Thursday and Friday from 4-9. There will be lots of great discounts and deals, and the proceeds from the $5 registration fee goes to eight great charities. It’s a perfect time to get some of that holiday shopping out of the way. I’ll be there on Thursday, so if you decide to get your shopping in then, send me a tweet!

The weekend was a ton of fun. It started off with a surprise party at Savin Bar & Kitchen, our favorite local bar and restaurant. The fun continued on Saturday with a road trip to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I have lived in Boston for almost 10 years and as I mentioned in yesterday’s post had never been to Portsmouth. Luckily, a great group of Boston blogger friends planned a trip and invited me along.

Red Hook Brewery Red Hook
blackhook image

I rode up to Portsmouth with Michelle and Daisy, and once at the Red Hook Brewery, we met up with Emily, Megan, Bridget, Jen, Bianca, Elizabeth, and Elina. Needless to say, a large group of bloggers meant lots of food, photography, and fun, and of course beer. Many of us ordered the sampler which included six large tastes of Red Hook beers. The sampler included Red Hook ESB, Pilsner, Longhammer IPA, Copperhook, Blackhook, and Winterhook. Always a fan or darker beers, I enjoyed the Copperhook, Blackhook, and Winterhook the most and the Pilsner the absolute least. That was actually the only one I did not finish; it was not my style of beer at all!

beer sampler

The restaurant at Red Hook features a large menu with all sorts of items from appetizers to burgers to entrees. We immediately honed in on the appetizer portion of the menu and proceeded to order just about everything on it. From potato skins to hummus, a jumbo pretzel, spinach and artichoke dip, buffalo chicken tenders, fried artichokes, and more, we demolished lots of tasty pub grub. The potato skins, adorable little cups flavored nicely with bacon and sour cream, were one of my favorites, along with the fried artichokes and lemony aioli. Clearly, we were not here for a healthy meal, but it did the trick in fueling us up for our tour of the brewery.

potato skins hummus
soft pretzel artichoke dip

One of the highlights of the day for me was as we were getting up from our lunch. A group of men were approaching our seating area to sit down after us, and one of them, after seeing the remnants of our feast, just said “Oh wow.” It was pretty hilarious. Hey, we know how to eat and drink!

pub food

The tour was a little too long for my taste and something I would skip on my next visit. I’ve been on lots of beer, wine, and spirits tours of the years, and I feel like they are often similar. The fun part, is of course, the tasting at the end, but even by then I was not feeling great, due to the crowd and standing for a long time in a really hot room. My advice? Eat lunch at Red Hook, taste a sampler, then head straight to the store to pick up some of your favorite beers to go. I grabbed Winterhook and brought it home to a very happy husband. Fun fact, when my husband first moved to the US, he worked for IBM and the Navy in Portsmouth, so he loves all of the beer from that area. Somehow we never went out in downtown Portsmouth though. I’ll have more pics from our trip later in the week, and I am definitely looking forward to a repeat visit to this adorable New England town.

Tags: beer, New Hampshire, Red Hook, Travel

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    Bret was also happy (and a lot less cranky) when I returned with Redhook beer!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I didn’t even think the was cranky, just tired. I hope he got some time away from work!


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      Good advice about the tour – though I was glad to finally take it after all those years.

      “Oh Wow” = best comment of the day.


    3. Erica @ In and Around Town’s avatar

      Don’t you love when servers do that!?! Looks like you got to do a lot of sampling 🙂


    4. Lindsey @ BeantownEats’s avatar

      This sounds like so much fun! I went to the brewery once in college. I didn’t get the chance to eat at the pub, but remember liking how a lot of their menu items incorporated beer. Glad you’re feeling better!


    5. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

      Loved the “OH WOW” guys. That really made my day. I’m glad this trip worked out 🙂


    6. Megan’s avatar

      So glad you enjoyed your first visit to Portsmouth – knew you would love it! The brewery was fun, but, yes, the tour was a little long and hot.


    7. melissanibbles’s avatar

      The group of guys sound funny. Glad you had fun!


    8. Brady Walen’s avatar

      Thanks for visiting the brewery this weekend, Meghan! We always appreciate the kind of feedback you’ve offered here. Glad you found some beers you enjoyed, and that you were able to take some home with you. Cheers!

      Brady Walen
      Marketing Communications Manager
      Redhook Brewery


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Thanks for a great experience! We love love love the Winterhook! 🙂


      2. Michelle Collins’s avatar

        I’m such a big fan of the Red Hook Brewery! Good food, great beer, and a fun tour. 🙂


      3. Kelly’s avatar

        I love Redhook Brewery, I’m glad you finally went up! I actually really liked the tour, but I find I have a lot less patience for tours when I’ve already started drinking so maybe that was the problem haha- I have taken the last tour of the day twice and the tasting part was really fun because they weren’t rushing to get another group through (or maybe thats always what its like).

        I’ve recently learned there are some other breweries up in that area Smuttynose and something else- so I think I may go a little beer tour later this winter 🙂


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