Help our Western Massachusetts Neighbors

This morning I was reading my friend Alicia’s blog, The Clean Plate Club, and learned she would be donating her June Foodbuzz funds to the American Red Cross of Central and Western Massachusetts to help with the aid that is needed in the wake of Wednesday’s horrifying tornadoes.

Alicia’s family was one of the first I thought about when I heard the storm would be hitting the Springfield/Wilbraham areas hard, and I was grateful to hear that they were all okay.

Unfortunately, so many others were not so lucky. Four lives were lost, hundreds were injured, and there was extensive property damage. As I commented on Alicia’s blog, it is horrible when something like this happens anywhere, but when it happens so close to home, it really hits you.

So I am joining her! All of my Foodbuzz funds from the month of June will go to the Red Cross, and you can help! Just visit my blog and stop by Alicia’s when you get a chance.

Thanks, and have a wonderful, safe weekend!

  1. Alicia’s avatar

    YAY MEGHAN!! Much love to the 413!!


  2. Eric King’s avatar

    This is a really great post and shows just how fragile things can be – Wonderful news to hear that Alicia’s family are safe and sound.

    Please donate what you can to this worthy cause and help your neighbours in Western Mass


  3. Raija’s avatar

    Great idea. So scary.


  4. Di’s avatar

    I think this is great that you guys are helping out. I have a close friends out in Western MA and they were all VERY lucky not to have damage after the storm…I’m glad Alicia’s family is safe, too!


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