Banh Mi Rice

A sandwich favorite turned into a cool, easy rice salad for summer? Yes, please! Make it mayo-free, and it is the perfect on the go meal, great for bringing to barbecues, parties, on picnics, or less fun places like work.

I love a good banh mi sandwich, pretty much any day of the week. I really enjoy the crisp veggies, the spice and the cilantro. With a bunch of random ingredients on hand, and inspired by Myers + Chang tofu banh mi, I decided to make a salad.


organic basmati

I started by cooking about a cup and a half of basmati rice according to the package directions.

While the rice was bubbling, I grabbed some pre-cut veggie slaw, a mix of broccoli, carrots, and cabbage, and marinated it all in a mix of rice vinegar, cilantro paste, and sriracha for intense flavors.

veggie slaw

Once the rice was done, I mixed it right in with the veggies. I wanted them to get slightly softer from the rice, and I wanted the warm rice to absorb the vinegar mix.

veggie slaw


banh mi rice

While all of this was going on, I was also baking up some tofu chips to top the rice with. I sliced a block of Nasoya  extra firm tofu into very thin slices and quickly dusted them with cayenne and black pepper. I initially put them in the oven at 375 and after about 15 minutes lowered it until 320. I left the oven at 320 for 20 minutes and then shut it off, leaving the tofu in the oven to dry out.

baked tofu

The end result was tasty but not pretty! These crunchy chips made a great topping for the banh mi salad though. I used vegetable scissors to cut them into strips and tossed them in with the rice and vegetables.

tofu chips

I will definitely be making this salad again. Even though I have mentioned that I don’t love rice, I think it is more than I don’t love it on its own. Add in lots of vegetables and protein, and I am a fan!

Have you ever taken inspiration from one favorite dish and turned it into something else?

Tags: dinner, rice, tofu, vegetables, Vegetarian

  1. alicia’s avatar

    Love this!!! Such a creative idea and a great summer dish!! xoxoxo


  2. Shannon’s avatar

    I cook tofu a lot but never have done it that way, ill have to try it! Great meal idea!


  3. Raija’s avatar

    Abby made a baked tofu with nutritional yeast that was crunchy and with sriracha was great — I bet that would go great on this salad. Also, I need to buy some rice vinegar — is it that different from plain vinegar?


  4. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    My favorite way to eat tofu is with rice and Asian flavors, so this sounds delicious to me!


  5. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    That sounds great. I love rice in anything!


  6. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    I love fresh Asian dishes but have never tried this! Great idea to lose the bread and make this into a salad!


  7. Beth’s avatar

    Yum! I also don’t really like rice.. in almost all cases where you would normally have rice I sub in quinoa instead. This looks really tasty though. Do you think it would work with quinoa, or do you think the creaminess of the rice is essential for the dish?


  8. Michelle’s avatar

    Yum! I love all of the flavors in a good banh mi sandwich and love this salad version!


  9. Megan’s avatar

    I think this is soo cool. I often wonder what things I could take in a different direction. Like how a lot of people make cupcake versions of different desserts now…


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