Royal Wedding. . . Need to Escape?

Where do you stand on the upcoming Royal Wedding? Will you be getting up at the crack of dawn to watch, or are you counting the seconds until the hype is all over? I personally can’t wait. I love that Kate Middleton could possibly be wearing a hairpiece from an Irish milliner, Philip Treacy, I love that their cake has something to do with McVitie’s biscuits, and I love that William and Kate make a most adorable couple. I mean, if he had to marry someone other than me, at least it’s someone as lovely as Kate.

But, I know there are many of you who are in the opposite camp. Many, and especially those in London, might want to get away and avoid all of the hullaballoo that comes with what is the most famous wedding of our generation. The constant coverage may even have you dreaming of a cheap holiday deal.

For a bit of fun on this Travel Tuesday, I have compiled a list of the best places to avoid the Royal Wedding. I can’t promise there won’t be live streaming coverage on the TV somewhere in the vicinity, but you will certainly be able to find something to distract you from the wedding.

1) Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health – Lenox, MA

Escape to the expansive Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts for a quiet yoga retreat. You won’t be burdened by TV here. Instead you will partake in yoga classes, meditation, healthy meals, hikes, and renewing spa treatments.

2) Goa, India

Immerse yourself in the fun and culture of “India’s coolest place”. Partying late into the night will ensure you are too tired to do more than lay on the exotic beaches by day. No royal-watching for you!

3) Serengeti National Park –  Tanzania

Surround yourself with wild animals by staying in a tented camp. You might have you rough it a little, but it will be a piece of wedding cake compared to dodging media and an inbox full of Royal Wedding chatter.

4) Reykjavik, Iceland

Just a hop, skip, and a jump from London, Reykjavik combines nightlife with therapeutic spa treatments and immersion in hot, mineral-rich water, allowing you to rid yourself or Royal Wedding jitters. . . and any other stress you might have.

5) Bali

Staying in a secluded hut on the beach, sipping summery cocktails while digging your toes into warm white sand. . . Royal Wedding who?

6) Patagonia

Trekking on glaciers, penguin-spotting, and whale watching make you one with nature and about as far away from the prying paparazzi as possible. Go ahead and test your adventurous spirit!

7) New Zealand

On the globe, it is the opposite of London, as far away as you can get. My pick? Do some wine tasting in Marlborough and toast to your avoidance of the Royal Wedding with some crisp Sauvignon Blanc!

8) Lapland

Make like Prince Harry and head to the Arctic. It will be more than a little cold, but you can snuggle up with reindeer or catch Santa during the off season. Or at the very least drink a lot of grog.

9) A volunteer vacation. . . anywhere in the world

Hop on a plane and head to a place where your time and skills are needed. Build a home for a homeless family, teach English to a group of schoolchildren, help preserve the rain forest in Costa Rica. The list is endless, and you can guarantee wherever you go you will be too busy making a difference to tune into a billion dollar day.

10) Ireland One of Great Britain’s closest neighbors, Ireland will cover the wedding with wild abandon. Head way West where the sheep population far outweighs that of humans and where you will likely be surrounded by locals who couldn’t care less about the activities of British royals.


So, tell me, are you planning on watching the wedding coverage or catching up on the news on entertainment shows after? Or will you be tuning out until it’s over?

Tags: Royal Wedding, Travel

  1. Terri’s avatar

    I can’t wait to watch the wedding! Not sure if I will get up at 4:00 or if I will dvr it (chances are I will already be up with the little guy!). I like the idea of sitting in Bali with that drink and sand while watching it though!


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    I could go either way. I’m sick of seeing commercials every five minutes about it, but I do think they are a cute couple and want to hear all about the nuptials. (Meaning, after the fact, not at 4am!) But I’d also love to travel to anyplace on your list…..


  3. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Have you been to Goa? When I was in India, we opted to go to Kerala instead (hearing that Goa was really touristy now)… I’m curious to hear what you think if you’ve been! In any case, I’ll prob catch the wedding aftermath at work on Friday but will not be up at crack of dawn to catch it live!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I haven’t but am dying to go!


    2. Jean | Delightful Repast’s avatar

      I’m interested, but will probably not be staying up all night to watch every minute of it. I think they are a good match, unlike his parents, and that Kate is mature enough to know what she’s getting into, unlike the teenage Diana!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Watching the entire event unfold makes me feel even sadder for Diana and the fact that she won’t be there. It is such a hugely different time now!


      2. Hadley’s avatar

        I can’t wait to watch it and probably will get up at 4 to do so (and regret it for the rest of the day!). The only thing that is making me sad is the constant comparing of Kate and Diana. No matter what you think of all the hubbub, I think anyone in the world will hope these two women have a very different fate. But really, I just can’t wait to see the dress!


      3. Megan’s avatar

        I keep thinking about going to Iceland… every time I see that sign along the highway advertising the direct flights there from Boston.

        I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to see or avoid all the wedding stuff.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Iceland is my favorite vacation ever!


        2. Michelle’s avatar

          I’m sort of indifferent about the royal wedding but I’ll probably watch some of the re-caps afterwards!


        3. Michelle’s avatar

          You know, I didn’t care about the wedding a few weeks ago, but now I’m excited for it! We’ll probably DVR it and watch it later. 🙂


        4. alicia’s avatar

          I am definitely interested, but I don’t think I’ll get up at the crack of dawn for a 4a wedding. Roscoe will have me up by 6a, so I will turn the TV on then.


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