Healthy Recipe Week

It’s coming! Will you join me? After weeks of struggling with getting myself back to healthy and not being very successful, I am declaring this week Healthy Recipe Week, and I want your help!

This coming week is light on blogger events, which means I will be home and cooking, something I need to be doing more of. After this crazy winter and lots of recent wining and dining, my clothes don’t fit well, or at all, I feel unhealthy and tired, and I can’t even get myself to exercise. I want your favorite healthy recipes. Starting on Tuesday, I am going to feature blogger and reader recipes (as long as people are interested in participating!) at least once a day. Participating is simple: just send me an email with your recipe and a photo or two. If you have a blog, I will link back. I am hoping being inundated with your favorite ways to eat healthy will inspire me a little!

If you don’t have a favorite healthy recipe, I would also be happy to post your best tips on staying healthy. It doesn’t have to be long or involved, and the recipe can definitely be something you have posted before.

Tags: health, healthy recipes

  1. Megan’s avatar

    Hmm… I will see if I can find any among all the baked goods. 🙂 This is a great idea!


  2. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    I’m not trying to lose weight, but I feel your pain about the clothes not fitting. I had to staple a zipper shut on my dress the other day after I bent over at work and my big booty busted through!

    I just emailed you a healthy, yummy recipe. Yes, I cook sometimes!


  3. Stephanie’s avatar

    How about a healthy green smoothie filled with veggies (spinach, kale, broccoli, etc.- your choice) but that tastes like pineapple?


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I would love to post this! Would you mind sending the post in an email to me?



    2. alicia’s avatar

      Great idea – I’m trying to eat a little more healthfully myself! I will dig around for recipes…

      I just got a juicer though, and would love to hear some of your juice concoctions! any tips?


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