Sibling Rivalry Giveaway

Happy Thursday! This week is chugging along nicely, isn’t it? Other than some itchy eyes and feeling a bit foggy from allergies, I am having a good week, and I hope you are too. Have you entered my Kerrygold giveaway yet? The winner will be announced tomorrow!

I excited to be partnering today with Eversave Boston for a special restaurant gift card giveaway, a voucher for $40 of food at Sibling Rivalry!

Sibling Rivalry is based on a unique concept, As I shared in this post about a lunch there last summer:

Sibling Rivalry combines the simple elegance of classical cooking with the rich, bold flavors of Modern American cuisine. Chef’s David and Bob Kinkead created a ‘dueling’ menu that showcases their talents with different interpretations of seasonal ingredients. The Kinkead brothers’ philosophy of providing fresh, straight-forward cuisine is at the core of their menu.

I enjoyed a delicious lunch at Sibling Rivalry, and now it’s your turn!

To enter the giveaway:

1) Tweet “I want to win today’s Save to Sibling Rivalry from @EversaveBOS and @TravelEatLoveMM!” if you are on Twitter.

2) Leave your response to this question in the comments section:

Do you have a sibling/siblings? If so, what was the best/worst part  about growing up with them?

3) “Like” Eversave Boston on Facebook – they have great deals!

Tags: Boston, giveaway, restaurant, Sibling Rivalry

  1. Simply Life’s avatar

    Yes, I have an older brother and younger sister. Best and worst part – my brother being so protective of me 🙂


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    I tweeted and I liked and I have one younger sister. We’re very close so it was nice to have her around growing up and now. I’m not really sure the worst….we didn’t fight too much so it is hard to look at having a sibling in a negative light!


  3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    I have a sister. The best part was that she had to drive me to school. The worst…she would put my cat in the dryer when she was mad at me.


  4. Jason Goodell’s avatar

    No siblings 🙁


  5. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    Looks like everyone is doing this today – great giveaway!! I have a younger sister and brother. I think the worst part about growing up the oldest was being followed/copied all the time. My mom tried to convince me imitation was the sincerest form of flattering but it was so annoying!


  6. Colleen’s avatar

    Great post, thanks Meghan! Good luck everyone!!


  7. Kaitlyn’s avatar

    I have a little brother, and though he now outweighs me and is an adult, I’m still so protective of him!


  8. Michelle’s avatar

    Great giveaway! I’m doing the same one today!


  9. Beth G’s avatar

    The best part about growing up with my sister is that I always had someone to play with :o)


  10. Taryn’s avatar

    I have one sibling – a younger brother. Growing up we definitely had our moments (more often than not we argued and fought), but since we’ve gotten older we’ve gotten closer. The best part about our relationship is how many valuable life lessons he has taught me, without even trying.


  11. Megan’s avatar

    I’m doing this giveaway too. Yay! I have two brothers and two sisters… the best and worst part is that there were always so many of us around!


  12. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

    Wow, eversave is really pushing this one, huh? 😉
    I have a sister that’s just a year younger. We used to HATe each other growing up, got into seriously physical fights, but after I left for college we suddenly clicked. I also lived with her for the first 2 years of living in NY. She was the best roommate since we had so much in common! I really miss her now that I’m back in Boston.


  13. adrienne’s avatar

    A younger sister – the best part was having a built in friend, the worst part was sharing a room!


  14. Joy’s avatar

    The best part of having siblings is they spoiled me (heck my sister bought me a pony)


  15. Kelly’s avatar

    I have 2 siblings- a younger brother and sister (7 and 5 years younger than me). It was usually fun having siblings, but having siblings that were so far apart from me in age definitely had it’s annoying parts, like when they would repeat boys phone numbers that they thought I liked over and over again… I still remember them!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      That made me laugh out loud!


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