Welcoming March

daffodil shoots

In like a lion and out like a lamb. When I was a little girl, I resented this statement about my birth month, partially because I didn’t think the lion part very nice, but also because it was almost never true. Surely, there were Marches that began with balmy days, and I remember more than a handful of birthday parties, March 20, threatened by snow storms.

In school we made two paper plate animals, you guessed it, a construction paper fringed lion at the start of the month and a cotton ball dotted lamb at the end. At home, I was half-Irish, and so we watched The Quiet Man, planned a party, and a few times went into New York City for the parade. In college I studied abroad in Ireland, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and my 21st birthday for three days straight three days apart. By the time March rolls around in Ireland, spring has fully sprung, with tiny lambs dotting the countryside and daffodils popping up just about everywhere.

As a result of so much fun, March has always been my favorite month. It is, in many ways, for me a month that encompasses the entire cycle of life, birthdays and Spring, and in some years, Easter. It is also the month where, nine years ago, I said a final goodbye to my father and six years ago a dear friend lost a sister, a month punctuated by the closest and most tragic loss I have ever experienced.

After those moments I truly wondered, would I ever want to celebrate anything in March again? But I did. There were Marches earlier on that passed without notice and those that stung like the winter wind where I recalled every second like it was happening all over again.

But, the thing I love about March is that no matter how it starts or how high the snow might pile, it almost always gets warmer, at least for a few days, and suddenly true Spring weather is not that far away. Ultimately, it is a reflection of the human spirit’s ability to come out of darkness, whether it be the darkness of a long winter, or of a loss, a stronger spirit, one that is more appreciative, but one that is as fun and able to celebrate as ever.

For me, this March is a busy one, starting with dinner at Petit Robert Central with friends, followed by a Red White Tasting Crew , my first taste of Saus frites on Thursday, a trip to Napa and Sonoma over the weekend, and several other fun events coming up throughout the month.

After being knocked down by the flu for a week, I am hoping March also brings some new energy and some new life into everything I do, especially exercise, blogging, and hunting for additional meaningful work.

I think we can all use a little renewal, don’t you? Smile

What is your favorite month? Is there a time of year where you most feel ready for a fresh start?

By the way, the above photo was taken in Ireland. . . in JANUARY.

  1. Justin Ide’s avatar

    The Quiet Man is the best movie ever! MO’h by far the hottest actress in the world at that time, and I’m not sure she’s been surpassed as yet!


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    this is such a beautifully written post.


  3. GirlyGreenGirl’s avatar

    March is my birthday month too but I’ve always hated it, I think because there are no holidays/days off and it tends to be a pretty gray month. My favorite month is November; my favorite Holiday in my favorite season. I hope this March is more lamb than lion!!!

    ~ GGG


  4. Megan’s avatar

    I loved reading this… March is obviously a very meaningful month for you. I’m looking forward to some of the upcoming events we have together. I can’t wait to catch that glimpse of spring!

    September has always been my favorite month, first because of my birthday, and second, it’s usually the best weather in my opinion… a little warmth hanging on from the end of summer and then those cool, crisp days.


  5. Elizabeth’s avatar

    Really nice post Meghan. For some odd reason, I really disliked Spring when I was younger, I think it was because there were no birthdays or holidays and not growing up surrounded by much nature, I didn’t appreciate what Spring really entailed. Fast forward several years and i am in love with spring. I cannot wait for the coming weeks when we have SO much more daylight and warmth.
    PS. see you tonight!


  6. Raija’s avatar

    Amen! A beautiful post.


  7. alicia’s avatar

    Great post – very heartfelt. I also can’t believe that flowers were blooming in JANUARY in Ireland!!

    September always feels like a new-start for me. I’m 29, not even taking classes, but ‘back to school’ time always feels like a good time to start fresh!


  8. Kelly’s avatar

    It’s funny how months can be so different for some people. I am not a fan of March at all, because it’s one of the only months of the year with no long weekends or anything- and I don’t even like St. Patrick’s Day as much as I did in college (although in college it was spring break so I guess I liked March back then!). I like April a lot better because to me April really equals spring. But I was just saying to my husband the other day that everyone close to me who has ever passed away, has passed away in April… so that is a little scary as well.

    I hope you are starting to finally feel much better!


  9. Michelle’s avatar

    March is usually the first month where things start to really slow down so I’m looking forward to this month too! I’m also looking forward to seeing you a lot during this month!


  10. Enrico’s avatar

    A very beautiful post.


  11. Hester aka The Chef Doc’s avatar

    Oh, I’d love a renewal! I can’t wait till my last final on March 17th!


  12. Dionne @ Try Anything Once’s avatar

    How adorable! I still have my daughter’s paper plate lion and lamb from when she was in Kindergarten! I love that photo it reminds us winter doesn’t last forever. In January I feel like I get a fresh start because it’s a new year and if there are any changes I wanted to make I’ve already had a few months practice so I put it in full swing. April is energizing because it’s usually close to warm weather season!

    I like your analogy of the human spirit. We can usually pull through but it isn’t easy as you’ve experienced. I hope this March is a good one for you my dear.



  13. Kankana’s avatar

    It’s a nice post 🙂 March is my fav month .. for all the reason you mention, the starting of the warm , the new flowers blooming .. plus my birthday 😛


  14. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    March had better bring some warm weather. At the very least no snow!


  15. Emily @ A Cambridge Story’s avatar

    What a great post. There definitely is a sense of rebirth and renewal in March that I really look forward to – same with April. My favorite month is (like Megan) September because of my birthday and the weather. I also find it to represent renewal with the beginning of a new school year and the end of summer.


  16. The Chocolate Priestess’s avatar

    Interesting. Where I grew up in Iowa in the 1970s we saw that expression as more “IF” it comes in like a lion, then it goes out like a lamb. “IF” it comes in like a lamb, it goes out like a lion.


  17. Judy’s avatar

    I hope this March is a good one for you. My best friend died in March 12 years ago so it’s a month that has long had difficult memories for me. And it was in March last year that I was diagnosed with cancer. I guess there’s good and bad about every month.


  18. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

    What a beautiful post, Meghan! Sounds like this March will be a good one for you! 🙂


  19. Raija’s avatar

    A year of Saus frites…


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Best eaten in the car. . . 😉


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