Winter, meet Summer.

After a freezing cold 18 mile run yesterday, all I wanted was to order some pizza and to spend the rest of the night on the couch. But that wouldn’t be a fun blog post, now would it?  So I persevered with my plans to whip up a crab and corn chowder without following a recipe. One of the reasons I love soups and chowders so much.

potatoes and onions

I started out the chowder by dicing up a small yellow onion and cutting about 15 small red potatoes in eighths. I then added them to olive oil in my Le Creuset French Oven. A few minutes after I started cooking the onions and potatoes, I added two cups of water to the mix as well as a vegetable bouillon cube and a few shakes of cayenne pepper.

Letting all of that bubble away, I poured myself a glass of Bonny Doon Vineyards Muscat and went off to read blogs for a few minutes.

I returned when the base of the chowder was bubbling away, checked the potatoes to see that they were cooked most of the way through, and added an entire bag of Trader Joe’s organic sweet corn. Trader Joe’s sells some good frozen corn, especially this organic variety and their frozen fire roasted corn which they were out of. As much as I love Trader Joe’s it makes me sad when their supplies are inconsistent.

organic sweet corn

Here is the part where I ask you not to judge. I used Trader Joe’s canned crab, two cans to be exact. I had planned on buying fresh crab meat, but once I got home did not feel like going out again. I keep canned crab on hand for quick dishes like garlicky crab and pasta, and these always seem to do the trick. But they make me feel as un-gourmet as it gets.

crab meat

corn and potatoes

Once I added the crab, it was time for a quick taste, where I determined that more cayenne and black pepper needed to be added. I swirled in about 3/4 cup of heavy cream, stirred it all up, and let it simmer until the hubby arrived home.The whole time I was cooking, I was thinking that corn and crab chowder really blends some of my favorite things from summer, corn and seafood, with some winter comfort, cream and potatoes. It’s an almost deceiving meal, like a crab bake in a pot.

corn and crab chowder

Mmm mmm mm. . . the chowder turned out perfectly. The broth had a slight hint of heat but nothing spicy, the crab was succulently sweet, and the potatoes provided a filling, warm addition for my growling stomach. After we had eaten, I proclaimed, a few times, that I am pretty good at this cooking thing!

corn and crab chowder

I served the chowder with corn bread from a box, Trader Joe’s style. I know corn bread is easy to make, but I had this in my cabinet and decided to make it. Just add an egg, oil, and milk, and pop it in the oven!

corn bread

My husband received the official word that he can work from home, and since I am home everyday anyway, today should be a fun combination of work, cleaning, baking, and hanging out.

Do you have a snow day or a work from home day today? Or should we all be jealous that you live somewhere warm and sunny without everlasting snow? Winking smile

Tags: chowder, corn, crab, dinner, Food, potatoes, recipe, soup

  1. Leeanne’s avatar

    Canned crab is so much easier to keep around. I’m making crab linguine tonight with a can of the Bumble Bee variety.


  2. Kate’s avatar

    That looks delicious!! Canned crab or not, you are definitely a legit cook 🙂 Have fun with your snow day–we were not so lucky here, though we did get snow, just not enough to close down work. Boo!


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    My office is still open today but I’m working from home! I think it is totally fine you used canned crab. Sometimes convenience beats getting fresh ingredients. Of course, you’re talking to the girl who makes boxed brownie mix 🙂 Hope you have a warm snow day in!


  4. Angela@RecipesFromMyMom’s avatar

    I made chowder earlier this week too and it did remind me of the ocean and warmer weather. Instead of drinking the wine, I poured some into the soup pot! We did have two snow days this week so enjoyed leftover chowder for lunch. I like your canned crab idea. If we’d had frozen shrimp I would have added it to mine.


  5. brandi’s avatar

    Well, we definitely have snow but no snow day 🙁 It’s very rare that we get a day off here for snow – it has to be at least a foot, maybe more OR we have to have ice to get off from work.

    I think the soup sounds perfect for a cold winter night


  6. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

    Good for you – I would have ordered pizza 😉
    This looks phenomenal. A great treat post a long run! Do you think it would work with reduced fat milk instead of cream?


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I think it would be fine with milk. maybe a little thinner but would taste the same.


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      You are not just “pretty good” at this cooking thing, you are VERY good. This chowder looks divine. I made nacho corn soup last night, very different, but, still a soup with heaping amounts of the yellow kernels.

      no one should be jealous of me, I’m at the office. but I like being here with very few distractions and you know me, I have fun venturing out in the storms.


    3. Heather’s avatar

      Snow day here! I am hoping to make some muffins this afternoon and get some laundry/cleaning done.


    4. Jessica Maillet’s avatar

      Eighteen miles yesterday? Good for you! And that chowder seems like it would warm up even the coldest runner.


    5. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

      What a fantastic chowder – perfect after a run. You’re so amazing. 18 miles? I’ve chickened out and stopped running…I need it to warm up!!


    6. Judy’s avatar

      I work from home every Wednesday and Friday which means I finish up early and can spend some time cooking or blogging. I’ve had terrible luck with canned crab – it was just nasty. I’ve read two posts recently that had good success, so maybe I need to try again (when there’s no fresh crab, that is).


    7. Jennifer (She's a Fit Chick)’s avatar

      That soup looks SO good!! Congrats on the hubby working from home, that must be such a nice setup now!!


    8. Jason Phelps’s avatar

      There is no shame in using canned/boxed products where it works. And you had it on hand so it ends up being economically friendly and green!

      This looks so good. We are enjoying some spicy curried pumpkin soup right now. Perfect for the blizzard going on outside!



    9. Elizabeth’s avatar

      Cornbread and cornmeal sounds wonnnderful.


    10. Simply Life’s avatar

      wow, I still can’t believe you’re so diligent about training in the winter! I really want to sign up for a race but think I should wait several months because I am such a wimp in the cold!


    11. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

      Or are you like me and had to go to work today… when all I really wanted to do was sit inside and make some soup.


    12. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

      I had a snow day too, but am bored out of my mind!

      Your chowder looks VERY good!


    13. Megan’s avatar

      You are REALLY good at this cooking thing. I couldn’t make chowder without a recipe.

      I worked from home today. I really wish my office had just closed though. It would have been fun to play out in the snow with J and G. (And I almost went stir crazy because we lost power around 6 am, and it didn’t come back on until after 11 — realized how addicted I am to the Internet.)


    14. Kate @’s avatar

      That chowder looks so good! I need something like that right now…it’s 7 degrees out there …yuck!


    15. alicia’s avatar

      Yum, I love chowder – it must have been the perfect antidote to 18 miles in the cold. I worked from home on Wednesday and it was awesome. When I lived in Boston I could never do that when it snowed – since I lived right downtown. It was a treat to do work in my pajamas.


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