Blast Off: Boston Food Bloggers Launch!

It was the moment we Boston food bloggers had been waiting for, the official launch of the Boston Food Bloggers website. Last night, many, many Boston food bloggers gathered together at The Gallows in the South End for food, drinks, to meet new blog friends and to catch up with old ones.

I arrived at The Gallows after a fun day with Alicia, Daisy, Megan, and later, Michelle who joined us after work. Even though it was just after 6:00, there was a line out the door, eager bloggers ready to get in out of the cold and into the party.

South End Gallows

The Gallows is a fairly small space, dimly lit, great for a party but not great for photos. In keeping with its macabre name, The Gallows is decorated with ravens and bats and other things, like this creepy old costume in the ladies room.

South End Gallows

Tables were dotted with jars of lemons, carrots, celery, potatoes, and leeks. Fun dΓ©cor, and more than a few of us wondered if they were take-homes Winking smile

South End Gallows

Friendly servers from The Gallows passed trays of Pretty Things Jack d’Or. I have to comment that even in such a crowded space, the restaurant staff seemed really happy and welcoming and were constantly round the room passing the beer, in addition to burgers and other treats.

Pretty Things Jack d'Or

I ate about a million handfuls of the Bacon Caramel Chex Mix, just one of the menu items making The Gallows a local favorite.

South End Gallows bacon caramel chex mix

I also enjoyed a cone of poutine, fries with rich gravy and cheese curds. They were messy, but delicious. As a fry-lover, I approve!

South End Gallows poutine

I spent just over an hour mingling in the packed room. In addition to the friends I arrived with, I got to talk with lots of other great bloggers and saw many others from across the room. There are so many wonderful people who blog in Boston and never enough time to talk to them all!

The gift bag from the Boston Food Blogger party was off the hook! I am still going through it in awe. In addition to fig spread from Whole Foods, a whole bag of Pretzel Crisps, and biscotti there are all sorts of vouchers for free stuff at local restaurants like Island Creek Oyster Bar, Acquitaine, and Union Bar and Grille, and Wagamama. There are also all sorts of great discounts.Β  I am going to make a handy list of all of the great offers in the bag; that way when we are going out I will know what great offers and discounts to take advantage of. I tend to forget about coupons before they expire but not this time!

Boston Food Blogger launch party

Everyone behind the Boston Food Bloggers launch, especially its founder, Rachel, and the folks from Urban Spoon did an amazing job planning an event that, I think, made us all feel a little like celebrities. As we discussed on our way out, after all of the work we put into our blogs, it is really cool that someone took the time to put together something so special for all of us.

I am already looking forward to more blogger get-togethers. So much food, fun, and camaraderie! Also, I have updated my About page with some exciting information about my steps into the world of being a Marketing Consultant. I would love if you could check it out, provide feedback, and spread the word!

The Gallows on Urbanspoon

Tags: beer, bloggers, Boston, Boston Food Bloggers, Boston Food Blogs, events, Food, food blogger, food blogging events, Pretty Things, South End, The Gallows

  1. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

    So much fun! Sad I wasn’t able to attend. πŸ™


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    that SWAG bag is unreal.


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    PS funny that you took a picture of that beautiful nightgown.


  4. Shannon’s avatar

    bummed i missed out on the goodie bag and a chance to chat, but it was nice to say hi πŸ˜‰ that dress was very weird… i was confused πŸ™‚


  5. MichellePC’s avatar

    Wish I could have made it! Looks like a great event, and that bacon caramel popcorn?! Unreal!


  6. Michelle’s avatar

    Last night was a lot of fun! It was great to see the food blogging community come together last night!


  7. Megan’s avatar

    Had such a great time with you. Loved the poutine! And can we plan a trip to ICO Bar now?? πŸ™‚


  8. Justin’s avatar

    Was great to see you! Getting home and digging through the swag bag was a lot of fun.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      It was great to see you and Leah as well!


    2. Marie’s avatar

      I am so bummed I missed this- stupid London! I will be back in April though, so hopefully there are more events to come! πŸ™‚


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I am sure London is worth missing a Boston winter for πŸ™‚


      2. Simply Life’s avatar

        WOW looks like a great event with tons of delicious food!


      3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

        That dress is tres chic. Looks like a fun time. Sad I had to work πŸ™


      4. Megan’s avatar

        I had SO much fun at this event! Hope to bump into you at the next foodie event in town πŸ™‚


      5. Alaina’s avatar

        Oh, I so wish that I could have made it!! Darn cold.

        I can’t wait for the next blogger event!!


      6. ashleigh’s avatar

        Hey girl! I saw you last night as you were leaving… wish we could have caught up!

        Totally ate some of that bacon popcorn without realizing there was bacon in it- ha!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I was so bummed I missed you! It was SO crowded, and I was trying to look at everyone to see who I recognized!


        2. Katie’s avatar

          Was sad I missed you last night, it’s been a while! So many people there last night and so great to see such a packed room full of food bloggers! We’ll have to catch up next time!


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            I know! I kept seeing people I wanted to talk with, like you, and never pushed my way over! Hope to see you soon to hear about your culinary adventures!


          2. Erin @ Big Girl Feats’s avatar

            That is SO fun! I think Rhodey needs to have a Food Blogger meet up too πŸ™‚


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