Soul Food

#reverb10 Prompt: Soul food. What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul?

The question might be what didn’t I eat this year? In perhaps what was the most liberal-eating year in more than a decade, 2010 embodied the spirit of trying new things and giving old ones a taste for a second time. Once a die-hard vegetarian, the past few years, and especially 2010, have made me a most-of-the-time omnivore with a growing respect for local food and food that is raised humanely and organically. More than ever, I want to know where my food is coming from, and someday would love to know more personally the people who grow and produce it.

As with most everything this year, the food that touched my soul came most often with the people and experiences that touched my soul. What is this blog, other than a place to share soul food just about every day? Soul food can be unhealthy, laden with butter and cream, or can be the sweetest heirloom tomato off the vine. It is an apple off of the tree or a multi-course dinner at Menton.

Meals with my family, friends, and people I met this year who have become friends, no matter the setting, the cost, have all provided something soulful and unforgettable.

Here are just a few highlights:

Stew and dumplings in Prague

dumplings in Prague

Birthday dinner with the girls at Woodward at Ames

Woodward at Ames

First fried clams of the season

fried clams with french fries and cole slaw

Farmers Market to Table Food

tomato salad

A Venge wine dinner

brie and truffle honey

There were also the brownies I made on our King Arthur Flour weekend, the countless meals my mom made me on trips home to NJ, the ones I am too tired or too busy talking to photograph, and lots of simple dinners at home with my husband, all soul food in one way or another.


Your turn, what did you eat this year that you will never forget?

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    ohh I think you know the answer to that question! this is a beautiful post. someday I’d love to eat stew and dumplings in prague!


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I think my most memorable meal was the picnic that Bret prepared before he proposed!


  3. Megan’s avatar

    This would be such a hard question for me to answer, but I’d have to side with you and say that most of my most memorable meals were those shared with family and friends and those made with local farmers’ market bounty.


  4. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    I tried a lot of new things this year too. I have to say that calamari has been my favorite. I just can’t believe I never had it before. I was missing out!


  5. Elizabeth’s avatar

    I’ve been thinking about this, and food for me is so much about the experience surrounding it. I tend to remember the good food that I had along with a memorable experience and when surrounded by people I love. Food really does taste better when eaten with loved ones.


  6. alicia’s avatar

    Hard to narrow this down – but I think some of the meals I shared with family and did NOT photograph were some of the most memorable….

    But our KA fieldtrip is pretty high on my list too 🙂


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