Peanut Butter Vegetable Soup

Who else is completely snowed in? We are thankful to have made it home safely from Christmas in NJ yesterday. My plan was to stay in NJ until this afternoon, but with the doomsday forecast, the husband and I decided to leave at 8 am yesterday to make sure we beat the storm. The traffic was mad, and we beat the storm by about 15 minutes. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time to do our weekly grocery shopping. After days of eating cookies, meat, cheese, and consuming wine and beer, we also needed some vegetables, so I spent a few minutes browsing the refrigerator and got a little creative.

I started with an entire onion, sliced into rings and a habanero pepper, seeds removed, sliced into tiny pieces, and added to some extra virgin olive oil in a hot pot.

onions and habaneros

While those softened, I cut cauliflower and carrots into bite-sized pieces and dried out some kale that I had frozen last week.



carrots and cauliflower

I added those veggies to the olive oil to sauté for a few minutes. For the soup stock, I pulled out some frozen turkey stock made after Thanksgiving and thawed it quickly in the microwave. Having homemade stock in reserves is handy and delicious!

After I poured the stock in, I brought the veggies up to a boil for a few minutes, then lowered it to a simmer and added a can of rinsed black beans and a can of fire roasted tomatoes in adobo seasoning, given to me by my friend Megan.

beans and tomatoes

All together now!

spicy peanut butter stew

Everything simmered together while I did some kitchen cleanup, and then I served up the soup with a key ingredient, a spoonful of peanut butter! I was watching Top Chef: All Stars, and inspired by Carla’s spicy groundnut stew, I decided to use what I had to make my own version!

spicy peanut butter stew

The spice, combined with the salty, peanutty peanut butter flavors made this dish a winner. The plethora of veggies was just what my body needed to refuel after eating so many indulgent treats.

Alongside the soup, we each had a piece of whole grain bread topped with Kerrygold Red Leicester cheddar cheese melted in the oven.

Kerrygold Red Leicester

We also followed up with some Christmas cookies. It IS still the holiday season! Growing up, we considered it to be Christmas until the Epiphany, January 6, and I stand by that rule for celebrating to this day.

How was your weekend? If you celebrate Christmas did you receive any fun gifts or eat anything particularly delicious?

Tags: Food, peanut butter, recipe, soup, vegetables

  1. Elizabeth’s avatar

    The soup sounds amazing! Seems like you were pretty well stocked despite not being able to go to the store. I’ve had groundnut soup at restaurants before and loved it. I’ve never tried it myself. I might have to try out your recipe.


  2. alicia’s avatar

    mmmm – sounds great. Glad you beat the snow home safe and sound! I’m craving veggies today too. I can totally tell a difference in my energy from eating all these rich holiday foods. I need broccoli & kale immediately!


  3. Elina (Healthy and Sane)’s avatar

    I need some lighter fair after the indulgences of this weekend except salads don’t sound appealing. Must make soup. 🙂
    PS – I’m hosting a giveaway for sustainable seafood. Check it out if you’re interested!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    I love that carla inspired this dish. so glad you made it home safely and beat the storm in the nick of time!


  5. Julie’s avatar

    Mmm… looks delicious! Glad you had a safe & uneventful drive back!


  6. Sues’s avatar

    Oooh I LOVE the idea of adding a scoop of peanut butter into the soup 🙂 That’s definitely right up my alley!


  7. Kori’s avatar

    I totally know what you mean about needing veggies and lighter food after the holidays! We’re in the same boat. And how fun to add PB to your soup! I wouldn’t have thought of that, but I’m sure it was delish! Thanks for sharing your idea!


  8. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    I love Carla! I’m sure she would love your soup. I’m glad you made it home safe 🙂


  9. Amanda L.’s avatar

    Oh man, peanut butter in SOUP!? Sounds amazing. Can’t wait to try it!


  10. Enrico’s avatar

    looks delicious and healthy for you!!!


  11. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

    I can’t believe you made it out!! Wonderful recipe!


  12. Shannon’s avatar

    wow, this sounds amazing! i waited to come back to boston… not complaining about a few extra days home 🙂


  13. Kate @’s avatar

    peanut butter? really? this sounds amazing!


  14. Kerstin’s avatar

    Love your PB twist – I’ve always inspired by Top Chef too! And I’m definitely craving veggies right now 🙂


  15. Katie’s avatar

    Wait a tick, PB in veggie soup? That sounds oddly delicious. I’m curious. Way to take a gamble with ingredients, love it!


  16. Michelle’s avatar

    I love dishes like this that are so creative and thrown together with ingredients you have on hand! The peanut butter sounds really interesting!


  17. Nikki @ The Tolerant Vegan’s avatar

    My husband and I also rushed back here to beat the storm. We made it over the Verrazano about an hour before they closed the bottom lanes. So lucky! And this soup looks fantastic! I’m obsessed with nut sauces at the moment and this looks so filling and healthy!


  18. Megan’s avatar

    You’re so creative! Glad you found a good use for those tomatoes!

    I’m still so jealous of your cheese stock.

    And I’m happy you made it home safely… I was worried about you!


  19. katja’s avatar

    The soup looks really good! It made me recall the (totally different) Peanut soup we got each year as a child on school field trips to Mt. Vernon.


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