Sick of Pumpkin Yet?

I know many people in the blog world have had pumpkin overload, but I actually haven’t been cooking with it much this season. After being away for a few days and not eating my best, a quick, healthy, and delicious homemade meal was necessary. Inspired by my veggie burger at Hubert Keller’s      Burger Bar, I decided to make pumpkin lentil “falafel”.

I started with 2 cups of lentils that had been soaking in water forever. I planned on using them on Sunday, but a brand new nephew got in the way Winking smile 


I measured out a tablespoon of curry powder and set that and the lentils aside.

curry powder

I chopped a small yellow onion and a couple of jalapenos and sautéed them in some olive oil until the onions were very soft.

onions, jalapenos

Then I added in a half can of Libby’s canned pumpkin, the lentils, and curry powder.

canned pumpkin

On the side, I boiled a few potatoes until they were mashable. Once ready I mashed them into the pumpkin and lentil mixture.

pumpkin and lentils

Once cooled, I formed them into falafel-like patties, then baked them at 380 for 15 minutes.

pumpkin falafel

Baking them didn’t give them the golden crust on the outside that I hoped for, but it did dry them out on the outside and seal in lots of flavor. Maybe next time I will roll them in bread crumbs.

pumpkin falafel

The pumpkin falafel was very spicy, even for me, so we cooled the dish down with some Greek yogurt. We didn’t have many great falafel toppings, but I plan on making these again and covering them in pickles, red onion, tomatoes, lettuce, sriracha, and Greek yogurt with garlic. Definitely one of my favorite things about falafel is the toppings. Have you ever been to a Maoz? I dream of Maoz in Boston.

With this spiced curry dish, we drank our newly arrived La Naris from Sheldon Wines, one of the wines that we picked up during the Wine and Food Affair. La Naris is one of my new favorite whites and one of the best wines I tasted during the Wine and Food Affair. A Rousanne/Viognier blend, all I could say after tasting this wine was how beautiful it is. It has both floral notes and some lush fruit flavors, think juicy apricot and white pear along with a distinct (for me) white pepper taste on the finish. It seems at first to be very light, but offers a smooth, almost light oil like sensation in the mouth. It was complete perfection with the flavors of our dinner and on its own after dinner. And the winemakers have a beautiful, adventurous, love-filled story for each other, for wine, and for life. I am sort of in love with this wine.

Sheldon wines

I miss my nephew and niece, but it is good to be back home. I have a TON of cooking to do today and tomorrow and lots of other fun stuff going on. I can’t wait to share with you as it all happens!

Back to the pumpkin. Are you sick of it yet?

One thing I am sick of reading about is oatmeal. After all of the blog reading I have done over the past couple years, I never want to look at another bowl of oatmeal again.

Do you ever overdo it with certain foods or get super tired of foods that are blog “trendy”?

Tags: curry, falafel, La Naris, pumpkin, recipe, Sheldon Wine, Vegetarian, wine

  1. Estela @ Weekly Bite’s avatar

    Looks delicious!

    I have to admit… there is a bit of pumpkin overdose going on… but lucky for me, I still love it! Great recipe!


  2. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    There’s a pumpkin overdose, but I think it’s just the season and because it’s only in stores for a limited time. Some things look great, but I’ve seen some really weird recipes out there with pumpkin. I’d definitely try this. I love falafel.


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    I still love pumpkin posts and haven’t gotten sick of it yet! I say pumpkin stays around until at least turkey day! Plus, I can still drink Shipyard Pumpkin. enough said!!

    Oatmeal bowls can take a hike. I’m with you there!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      So I am actually even sick of Shipyard Pumpkin! Moved on to the Sam Adams Winter Sampler pack! 🙂


    2. Kathy’s avatar

      What a brilliant Idea! I really need to try to make my own falafel riff I keep getting sidetracked by breads. 🙂 Have you tried Fordees in Watertown for Falafel?


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I haven’t, but I will have to check it out!


      2. thehealthyapron’s avatar

        I’m not sick of pumpkin either! Even though there are a ton of recipes for it right now, doesn’t bother me one bit! have to get it in while you can no? These sound great! I actually have all the ingredients but the spicy-ness isn’t my favorite so maybe I would have to take it down a notch on the curry!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I would say just leave the jalapeno out then. The curry I used was mild, it was the peppers that got me!


        2. Samantha’s avatar

          Not tired of pumpkin yet! I think by the end of November, maybe, maybe, I’ll be sick of it. What I dread is the no-flavor months of January, February, March, where you start to count up just how many potatoes and squashes you’ve eaten. Where will the pumpkin be then??

          Definitely sick of the oatmeal trend, but I’m back on the Amazing Grass train so can’t really talk – I swear it keeps me from getting sick and is just the right amount of effort I need to make breakfast in the morning (open tub, fill scooper, add to milk, drink).


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            I love how Amazing Grass makes me feel, but somewhere along the way I couldn’t physically get that or green smoothies down. Maybe I just needed a break? As always, I am loving the Trader Joe’s Super Red Drink Powder in place of Amazing Grass. Not the same nutrients, but still good, and it tastes pretty yummy!


          2. Elizabeth’s avatar

            I’m a big fan of bean burgers. I find it’s easiest to achieve browning on the outside if you pan fry them. No need to deep fry them like you would falafel, just cook in a pan with a thin coating of oil.


          3. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

            Oooh lentil falafel! This sounds delicious. I agree, def roll them in breadcrumbs next time. I love Falafel (my fave is Falafel corner in Harvard Square – cheap and tasty!) but never tried making at home. You’ve inspired me!


          4. Enrico’s avatar

            Pumpkin Lentil Falafel – where do you come up with these ideas – they are brilliant- it looks so colorful 🙂


          5. Grace’s avatar

            Agree with the oatmeal! Another thing I can no longer look at is almond butter. It is EVERYWHERE!
            This pumpkin falafel recipe looks delicious and healthy. Lots of good nutrition snuck in there!


          6. Kim’s avatar

            I’m guilty of oatmeal since I made oatmeal cookies recently and also made pumpkin muffins. Oatmeal is one of those things I can and do get sick of easily, pumpkin not so much. Pumpkin really is one of those “only once a year” kinds of things so I tend to OD on pumpkin anything during the fall and winter months, usually from October to December.

            I can see pies are becoming a big blogger trend right now because of the holidays. Personally, I prefer to stick to cookies and muffins whether it’s pumpkin or otherwise. I have a few recipes in my arsenal I may attack in the near future and also try making sugar cookies. I’m finding I like baking a heck of a lot more than I do cooking so I’ll stick with it.


          7. Jean at The Delightful Repast’s avatar

            This sounds delicious! And, no, I am not sick of pumpkin yet! I love pumpkin and enjoy it throughout autumn. I eat seasonally for the most part so don’t have pumpkin the rest of the year. Though I could eat the canned pumpkin, which I love, at any time of year, I reserve it for autumn.


          8. Megan’s avatar

            I don’t think I could possibly get sick of pumpkin. I adore all winter squashes 🙂

            Oatmeal, though, I am tired of seeing. I don’t know why people keep blogging about oatmeal!


          9. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

            Can’t say I’m sick of it, especially a recipe like this!


          10. Dionne Baldwin’s avatar

            Falafel? Seriously?? I love it! I love falafel and I’m not quite sck up pumpkin yet but I’m almost there. 🙂 I absolutely love falafel and lentils. The pumpkin is a creative addition and I am on a jalapeno kick lately so that’s right up my alley. Bring on the heat!


          11. Michelle’s avatar

            I am sick of being sick but definitely not sick of pumpkin. These look yummy!


          12. Judy’s avatar

            I never get sick of pumpkin and since I’m in Peru for three weeks and missing Thanksgiving, I haven’t even had a chance to try any of the great recipes.


          13. Jolene (’s avatar

            I never get sick of pumpkin! I love seasonal flavours!


          14. Anjali Shah’s avatar

            What a creative way to use canned pumpkin! I’ve made regular falafel a bunch of times before but never thought to use lentils and pumpkin instead. I’m looking forward to trying this recipe and following your blog! It was great meeting you at FoodBuzz btw – please do stay in touch!


          15. Jason Phelps’s avatar

            I like pumpkin all year round and if I am careful not to overdo it during the holidays I usually don’t care. Lot of recipes out there this year as always.

            I roasted several and used them to make pies this weekend. Ready to eat for Thursday.

            The description of the wine is wonderful. I love Viogonier and can imgaine the influence of the Roussanne. Viognier is on my list for Thanksgiving this year instead of something new.



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