Foodbuzz Festival Tasting Pavilion

A slightly overwhelming day and a half of food, wine, and networking would sum up my view of the 2nd Annual Foodbuzz Festival. Not meant in a bad way at all, but I feel like it went by in a blip, almost like it never happened. Luckily, 350 bloggers caught it on camera, so we will always remember that it did Smile

One of the highlights of the Foodbuzz Festival for me is the tasting pavilion. Held in the same place as last year, the San Francisco Metreon, the pavilion offered all sorts of food, wine, and beer samples, in addition to cooking demos from the various Foodbuzz sponsor contests.

I made my way over to the Metreon with Elina, Elizabeth, Janetha, Elise, and Holly.

Metreon Foodbuzz Bloggers

Every single Foodbuzz Festival attendee was starving at this point and itching to taste, but we behaved as the patient bloggers that we are and spent some time milling around the foyer and outdoor patio areas while we waited to stampede. . .  Devil I mean patiently enter into the tasting area.

Foodbuzz Festival

Festival staff handed us a wine glass as we entered, and then Elina and I decided to head straight for the back of the room, a decision that proved to be successful, and one I often utilize in big wine tastings. While the crowd clogged up the first tables, we sampled our first few dishes.

Foodbuzz Festival

Shrimp cocktail from a restaurant in Oakland whose name escapes me.  The shrimp was great, but the sauce was a little too sweet.

shrimp cocktail

The Alaska Seafood fish taco station was our next stop. We were some of the first people in line, and was I ever glad later on when the line was a few dozen long.

Alaska Seafood

taco bar fish taco

The best part about the Alaska Seafood taco bar? Obviously the toppings! I loaded my salmon taco with jicama, guacamole, corn salsa, and hot sauce. And then I chowed down!

Next I moved on to the Foodzie area where I sampled some kickin’ spicy pistachio toffee. Pop toffee from Etsy

Some totally gooey and sweet dough balls from Annie the Baker

Annie the Baker

And spicy pickled vegetables of all sorts from Pick-A-Peck. The pickled asparagus was my favorite, and while the people staffing the table told me some great uses for these pickled veggies, I am not sure I would make it past eating them all straight from the jar. Yum!

Pick a Peck Pickles

I warmed my body and soothed my soul with Tyler Florence’s butternut squash and apple soup.

butternut squash bisque

And enjoyed dessert and beer in one in a Bison Chocolate Stout.

Bison Chocolate Stout

We learned about real, high quality (and pretty!) sprinkles from Ticings.

Ticings sprinkles

And finally spent some time soaking up the warm November San Francisco sun with new and old friends on the Metreon’s outdoor patio space. You may recognize Chels and Sues from We Are Not Martha Smile and of course, Elina from both Healthy and Sane and the new blog, Russian Bites.

Boston bloggers


I actually failed to photograph my favorite taste of the day, the Chanterelle mushroom soup from Americano. Sweet, savory, warm, frothy, this soup was simply perfect, though not photogenic. I overheard the chef saying that the soup had Madeira wine in it, and I am now plotting a mushroom soup making lab to see if I can recreate it.

The Foodbuzz Festival tasting pavilion is filled with magnificent delights, and this is simply a recap of my favorites. Once again, the Foodbuzz staff and their vendor sponsors outdid themselves with the display of decadence that they put together.

I have so many posts to go, and today I am enjoying one last day of wine tasting in the Dry Creek Valley and Russian River Valley. Not having a full time job will come in handy, at least for this week so I can catch up on blog posts!

What was the most delicious thing you tasted this weekend?

Tags: bloggers, Food, foodbuzz, Foodbuzz Festival, San Francisco, wine

  1. Michelle’s avatar

    It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! The best thing I ate all weekend was by far this fantastic tuna tartare at Church!


  2. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    Looks delicious! The sweet balls sound the best 🙂


  3. Elizabeth’s avatar

    That toffee was one of my favorite things there. It was so good. I want to be back on that patio now. Enjoy the CA weather while you still have it.


  4. Chef Dennis’s avatar

    What an incredible time…….I was sooo tired I didn’t take many images, thank you for some wonderful memories….FoodBuzz Rocks!!


  5. whatsfordinneracrossstatelines’s avatar

    So sorry I didn’t get to meet you in person! Next time I will make sure! It was an amazing experience!


  6. Cristina @ TeenieCakes’s avatar

    Looks like it was a great time, lotsa food and meeting up with fellow bloggers. Look fwd to your future posts.


  7. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    Looks like you ladies had such a fab time!! I love reading all your recaps.

    The best thing I ate this weekend was the salmon and tuna tartare at the Met Bar. It was my first time to try that dish and I’m so glad because it was delicious!


  8. Alicia’s avatar

    Looks fun! I wish I could have joined you!
    Let me know if you need taste-testers for that mushroom soup adventure!


  9. Sara’s avatar

    These pictures are making me nostalgic! I can’t even decide which one was my favorite food of the day! Although those toffee bites might have been the one. I’m totally going to order a box (or two:) ) of them….just to cheer myself up for being back to work. And I totally agree…I feel like it went by sooo fast!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I wish I had gotten to meet you! Hopefully next year’s Foodbuzz Festival or another blogger event!


    2. Sabrina Modelle’s avatar

      I’m so with you on the mushroom soup with the star of that dish being the candy caps and perhaps Corey, the adorable chef. Lovely to meet you at FoodBuzz and I’ll see you next year!


    3. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

      Aw so sad I missed out this year. At least I can live vicariously through your posts!


    4. Enrico’s avatar

      wow looks like you had a great time and great weather at the foodbuzz festival. is the foodbuzz festival only an annual event? Would the foodbuzz festival consider a bi-annual east / west festival? looks like some great venues were chosen – I will try to be able to be in San francisco area when the next one happens.


    5. Kim’s avatar

      Looks like you had a wonderful time! All of it is making me sooo homesick and wishing I had been there for the festival. Would have loved to meet so many wonderful bloggers like yourself.

      Glad you had such a wonderful time and had such great weather!


    6. Kristen’s avatar

      What a great experience you had! I am more than a little jealous of all of you that made it to San Fran, but next year, I plan to be there with fork in hand!


    7. Jen@Twenty-Something and Starving’s avatar

      It looks like it was such fun!! Hopefully next year I’ll be able to afford it 🙂


    8. Jolene (’s avatar

      I didn’t see you there! I wish I would have gotten to meet you!


    9. Amanda’s avatar

      Looks like such a good time. Hoping to make it next year. So glad you had fun! I would’ve been sampling those dough balls.


    10. Elina’s avatar

      Mmm, the pictures from the sunny patio bring me right back. I totally forgot to take a picture of the mushroom soup too but it was so good. We were probably chatting too much 🙂
      Thanks for mentioning Russian Bites! I hope people check it out 😀


    11. Janetha G - meals & moves’s avatar

      It was so, so, sooo nice meeting you! I want to eat all that deliciousness again 🙂


    12. Grace’s avatar

      Oh my goodness! Foodbuzz Festival seriously was chock full of food, wasn’t it?! Those fish tacos look perfect, lots of great toppings!


    13. Pink Blender’s avatar

      thanks !! very helpful post!


    14. Terri’s avatar

      Wow! Foodbuzz Festival looks like it was a great event. Those fish tacos look like they were delicious!


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