I am going tokeep it short today. I have not been this sick in a very long time, so my day will be spent in bed watching movies and sleeping and hoping my throat stops hurting. And if my husband lets me get up, I may try to make sweet potato custard. I am officially run down, have not been taking care of myself, and most importantly not taking the advice below which usually gets me through the winter perfectly healthy. I posted this last winter but thought it was worth repeating; hopefully it can be helpful! Have a great day everyone!
1) Eat like you do in the summer. . . most of the time.
Obviously for most of us, access to fresh fruits and veggies declines and/or becomes pricey once winter hits. The temptation to eat heavy stews and mac and cheese can be hard to resist on those endless cold dark nights, and of course there is room for those things in a healthy diet. But I try to keep eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Most stores carry an abundance of frozen varieties that can be used in crunchy warm stir fries, or thawed and topped with hot oats for a body and soul warming meal. Continuing a vitamin rich food intake is number one for me, especially when work gets busy and the holidays hit.
2) Supplements
Everyone has their own opinions and experience with supplements, but I swear by drinkable ones such as Emergen-C and Amazing Grass powders. Trader Joe’s Super Red Drink Powder is my recent favorite. I really think it has saved me this winter! They boost my energy, serve as great snacks, and offer nutrients that I may need a bit more of.
3) Water
Just because you aren’t sweating doesn’t mean you can drink less! Water is key to keeping your entire body working properly, including your immune system, and keeping the toxins in your body on the fast track out of you! I have been guilty many times of not hydrating well after an outdoor winter run because I am not thirsty, and I have paid for it! Make sure to be conscious of your fluid intake; that cranked way too high office heat takes its toll!
4. Hand washing
While really obvious, this one is so important! We all need to be reminded, especially in a year with flu levels expected to soar. My office has already seen its fair share of sick days, so I try to wash my hands multiple times a day in addition to the obvious ones. Keeping your phone, keyboard and desk clean and disinfected also make a huge difference.
5. Take a break!
I recently asked my readers what comforts them when they get sick, and so many of the things they do and eat could be done before you get sick. Make sure to take a break to curl up and watch a DVD or make yourself some amazing hot soup and go to bed early. Being run down makes it easy for germs to have their way with us, so be easy on yourself.
If you get sick there are lots of ways to cut the life of the illness short and to make sure you remain as comfortable as possible.
1) Listen to your body, and listen well. It may tell you to take a sick day or to skip a couple of days at the gym. It knows best, and you will bounce back stronger!
2) Try some natural relief: saline spray is miraculous for a stuffy nose, and my cure all broth (chicken or veggie broth with sautéed garlic, chilis, and ginger, heated to a drinkable temp) soothes the throat, clears the sinuses, and makes you sweat it all out. If all else fails, my in laws in Ireland give me a hot whiskey. It helps you get all of the sleep you need! 🙂
3) A short, hot bath or shower with some dried lavender or lavender soap, followed by bedtime in the warmest pile of blankets you can find
Hopefully some of these tips will help to keep you strong and healthy throughout the winter. Do you have any other winter wellness tips that you swear by? Please share! 🙂
Feel better! I love hot water with lemon and raw honey…my yoga instructor suggested I do it in the fall, when I usually get sick, and it seriously soothes my throat. I also love a big bowl of spicy pho when I’m sick… all that broth and steam clears up the sinuses.
Relax and get some rest!
Yea, my husband swears by honey & lemon; hope you’re feeling better soon! =)
Great staying health in winter tips. I swear by Oscillococcinum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillococcinum. take at the first sign of flu symptoms! i swear it works. I’m also a big emercen-c girl. I have my cabinet stocked with raspberry and lemon lime and my desk at work with orange. stuff works miracles.
I remember being impressed last year as you marathon-trained in the Boston winter without getting sick so I better take your advice 🙂 Winter always kicks my butt but it’s usually that most of the time I am just fighting illness and it makes me feel yucky, but still able to do most things. I blame this on kindergartners who are just ALWAYS sick and always cough and sneeze everywhere. No amount of hand washing can save me! I do have a pretty good immune system though that it (for the most part) fights these things. Though last November I had a terrible flu and I was literally in bed not moving for 4 days..it was not good at all.
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