Jalapeno Roasted Chicken

I feel like such an adult. I purchased my very first roasting pan last night on my run home! I honestly can’t believe I have gone this long without one. I have made roasted chickens before and even cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner, in Ireland, for my husband’s family, but my kitchen has just been seriously lacking. I also picked up a rolling pin (which I wanted to use on the woman who cut me in line, but that’s another post!) for some serious cracker-making. Stocking my kitchen for the winter and for my future days of unemployment is exciting, and I am doing the best I can on a limited budget. Bed, Bath, and Beyond is a dangerous place for me right now.

Anyway, on my way home from a pretty great run, I popped into BBB, snagged myself a nice roasting pan, and headed home to make a recipe I have been dreaming of since the summer, Jalapeno Roasted Chicken. I was watching Food Network one day over the summer when roasting a chicken was the last thing on my mind. I don’t even remember whose show it was; I just remember the loads of jalapeno butter that made a lasting imprint in my culinary brain. Last night was the night.

I started with a stick of organic, unsalted butter and 3 large jalapenos, chopping everything together in a food processor until the butter was a soft, green paste.

jalapeno butter

I removed the innards, cleaned the (organic, free-range) chicken inside and out, then patted it dry and added a generous coating of salt and pepper to both the cavity and outside. Sorry, my vegetarian friends, as a vegetarian and vegan for over a decade, I shock myself with the enjoyment I get out of seasoning a whole chicken!

Then I got to work, sliding fragrant jalapeno butter under the skin and again into the cavity. I added a shake of garlic powder and then put the chicken in the oven at 425 for a very long time. I consulted a number of recipes and decided I probably need a meat thermometer, but I made do with cutting the chicken after about 45 minutes, seeing that the juices were not clear, and putting it back in the oven for another 20 minutes or so. I am writing this about an hour after eating and am feeling fine, so I think I cooked it enough!

preparing to roast a chicken

The sounds of sizzling butter and the smell of roasting chicken made me feel like we were at my husband’s home in Ireland, a place that can get so damp and cold, but is always warmed by some great food cooking away inside.

The chicken came out of the oven looking pretty great, and after we let it rest for about 7 minutes to seal in the juices, I had my husband do the honors of cutting while I got the sides ready.

roasted chicken

Golden roasted potatoes with sriracha aioli and Brussels sprouts made hearty accompaniments to the chicken, which was ridiculously juicy, tender, and flavorful. It didn’t get any of the heat from the jalapenos, just a mild, really well seasoned flavor. And it left enough leftovers for me to make chicken salad for lunches, which I am already excited about.

roasted potatoes

Never one to let anything go to waste, I decided to use the giblets and other fun bits to make homemade chicken stock. I simply added a quartered yellow onion, a few carrots, black peppercorns, bay leaves, fresh thyme, and crushed garlic cloves to some water, brought it all to a boil, and then let it simmer while I worked on the rest of the meal. I will be freezing this delicious stock for future soup-making this winter. YES to multi-tasking!

making chicken stock

I have been having some troubles trying to book my hotel for the Foodbuzz Festival. I tried the Sir Francis Drake at the very beginning, only to be told first that they hadn’t heard of the event and then the next day that the block had sold out. I am a Kimpton Hotels traveler normally and was so disappointed with their customer service on these occasions. And  I didn’t love the Galleria in Union Square last year, so I am trying to find other hotel options. If you are going to Foodbuzz Fest, have you booked a hotel yet? Or if not, do you have any recommendations in Union Square?

What is your dream kitchen appliance/item?

**If you are free on Monday, please join me at Sonsie to celebrate the launch of Red White Boston: http://redwhitebostonlaunch.eventbrite.com/ **

Tags: chicken stock, Food, jalapeno, potatoes, recipe, roasted chicken

  1. Jessica @ How Sweet’s avatar

    I have never roasted a chicken! This looks delicious. We love jalapenos so I think it would be the perfect place to start!


  2. Emily’s avatar

    My husband would love this entire meal between the jalapenos and sriracha! (speaking of, can you post the aioli recipe? thanks!) I was so excited to receive a roasting pan for my wedding – but, of course, have only used it a handful of times. My next dream appliance is a HUGE food processor.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      No recipe, just sriracha and mayo, the measurements depending on your love of spice. I am having it on roasted Brussels sprouts right now, SO yummy!


    2. Michelle’s avatar

      This entire meal looks like something that I would love – from start to finish! I am dying to know what you’re going to do with the leftover – a spicy chicken wrap perhaps?


    3. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

      This looks amazing!!!!! Im like you- in desperate need of a roasting pan- this is great motivation to get one- spicy roast chicken! Good for you!!


    4. Justin’s avatar

      I love roasting chickens and making stock! Great post. I’m also kind of laughing at the site of you running down the street carrying a roasting pan…


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        And a rolling pin! I thought about running with the rolling pin like a baton 😉


      2. brandi’s avatar

        that chicken sounds so good with the jalapenos! You just can’t beat roasted chicken.


      3. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

        This looks fabulous. I was supposed to roast a chicken this coming Sunday, but my guy is going to watch football at a friends instead and we’re doing it the Sunday after that. It’s two weeks away, but I’m nervous because I’ve never roasted a chicken before. You make it sound less scary though.

        Sorry about your hotel woes! I hope it all works out soon. I’m sure it will 🙂

        My dream kitchen item would be a personal chef…does that count?


      4. Kimmy’s avatar

        Ooh, never have done a roasted chicken with jalapenos… sounds awesome. I always am hit or miss with roasted chickens for some reason. Sometimes they come out crispy and perfect, and other times I’m battling with the oven until they’re cooked. Congrats on your roast! 🙂


      5. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

        Anything spicy is right up my alley..yum!


      6. shannon’s avatar

        i really need to roast a chicken! i’ve been so afraid since I had a seriously unevenly cooked turkey the first and only time i’ve done anything of the sort.

        butter jalapeno butter? that sounds incredible.


      7. shannon’s avatar

        and clearly i was so excited about “butter” i wrote it twice…that was suppose to say, “but jalapeno butter?”


      8. Samantha’s avatar

        I’m not a fan of the Sir Francis Drake in general – I just found it too cheesy and full of an odd mixture of sad businesspeople and honeymooners from the midwest (hopefully that doesn’t sound snarky). I’m trying to figure out where I stayed near Union a couple of years ago – I remember it being dirt cheap (like, less than $100) but a decent little room and I felt very safe, and a great location – a block or two off of Union. There is the Prescott, Serrano, or Palomar near there (other Kimptons), and I’ve always wanted to stay at the Fairmont on Nob Hill if you’re up for a splurge…


      9. Sara’s avatar

        oooh great success! Incidentally, I highly recommend investing in a meat thermometer. I was lucky enough to score a roasting pan on clearance a few years ago when Linens and Things was going out of business (I always hated the name of that store!). It’s been a great buy!

        I just booked a work trip to San Fran yesterday and will be staying at the Westin on Union Square–haven’t stayed there before but I’ve heard great things! Previously I’ve stayed at the Hyatt on Stockton that’s a few blocks away. It was a nice place with awesome views from their roof-top restaurant.


      10. Megan’s avatar

        Jalapenos and Sriracha… there’s no break in there! Way too much heat for my wimpy self, but wow, does that look delicious. I always tell myself I’m going to make stock after we roast a chicken, but then I never do. I need to stop being so lazy and unprepared about that.

        My dream kitchen appliance… hmm… I’m not sure I can pick just one. I hope someday I can design my own kitchen and have all Viking or Dacor appliances though.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Neither one was spicy at all, really! The jalapeno just gave the chicken flavor, almost more of an herbal/grassy flavor like green pepper with a tiny hint of spice.


        2. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

          What an awesome meal!! I love roast chicken and jalapenos and never thought of combining them. Also, sriracha aioli? Yum! Right now because my tiny apartment hardly has a kitchen, my dream is just to have a big open space that’s perfect for cooking and eating!


        3. Julie’s avatar

          Your chicken looks so cozy but also to die for! The potatoes are roasted to perfection!! The Mark Hopkins in SF is fine and the room was big; the views from the bar at the top are really not to be missed; at least go there for a drink!


        4. Shannon’s avatar

          aah, i was just debating getting a roasting pan! but i decided to wait, as i am not a huge roaster… (veggies yes, but i don’t reach for a whole chicken yet!) need to try that soon, looks so good 🙂


        5. Gina’s avatar

          Looks wonderful! I just registered for the Red White Boston launch party and hope to make it. I have a nutrition exam the following day so I am not sure I can make it depending on how my weekend studying goes.


        6. Tiffany’s avatar

          I LOVE this recipe! So making this, as soon as possible!


        7. Kerstin’s avatar

          What a unique roasted chicken – the jalapeno butter is making my mouth water! And congrats and good luck with your job change!!


        8. Yesim’s avatar

          roasted chiken is one of my family s favourite , and it looks so good.. unfortunatly i ll not be able to join the Foodbuzz Fest as i m a bit far:((
          but maybe next year:))


        9. RavieNomNoms’s avatar

          Oh my goodness yum! That sounds really amazing!


        10. Elina’s avatar

          I bought a roasting pan late last year and only used it one time. Need to change that this fall/winter – perhaps with this recipe to break it in? 😉
          I got a roomate at Sir Francis Drake but still have my previously booked room at the Galeria if you change your mind and can’t get a reservation anywhere, you can have it 🙂
          Also, on our last trip to SF, Adam and I stayed at the W Hotel which is pretty close to Union Sq and it was really great. One of the best rooms we’ve ever had!


        11. Dana’s avatar

          Jalapeno butter roasted on top of a delicious chicken?? I can’t think of anything more perfect for dinner! Now I’m going to have to get a roasting pan, too!


        12. A Little Yumminess’s avatar

          This is a lovely, spicy variation on a traditional roast chicken. We make it a ton and I will try this recipe…


        13. Fight the Fat Foodie’s avatar

          I love the idea of jalapeno butter! I may steal this idea and use it with some chipotle I just made.


        14. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

          You are so funny! An adult!! This is a great update to roasted chicken – thanks for sharing!


        15. Rebecca @ How the Cookies Crumble’s avatar

          Yummmmmy! That chicken looks amazing!


        16. Jason Phelps’s avatar

          Great recipe for our weather we are having. I love roasting chicken with rosemary on it. The smell from the oven fills the house!



        17. ashleigh’s avatar

          Hey Meghan, just catching up on your blog and I have to say this is a great post! The way you describe everything in detail makes me want to have a bite and I don’t even eat chicken!! Also, jalapeno butter? Brilliant!!


        18. Danica’s avatar

          I LOVE the idea of using Jalapeno Butter to roast a chicken!


        19. Enrico’s avatar

          YUM!!! wow that looks good!


        20. Grace’s avatar

          This is such a creative way to make a flavorful roast chicken! I love that it combines a little bit of a kick with a traditional chicken roasting method. Really yummy!


        21. Anthony’s avatar

          Awesome recipe…..we at Sezmu like this!


        22. Anthony’s avatar

          Awesome recipe…..we at Sezmu like this!


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