Cooking with Wine

Well, I never found time this weekend to buy a new computer, so please bear with me  if the fonts or spacing on this post is off. I couldn’t use my husband’s computer last night and had to blog in WordPress, uploading each photo individually. Argh.

It was a fun weekend but incredibly hectic, and like any time I travel, the first place I wanted to be when I got home was in the kitchen. Throughout the weekend, after browsing through lots of stew and cassoulet recipes and with the giant pumpkin in my kitchen in mind, I put together a pumpkin and white bean stew that blew both of us away with its warmth, complexity of flavors, and comfort.


Carving Pumpkin

The ingredients

1 small pumpkin, chopped, tossed in oil, and roasted at 400 for 25 minutes, then peeled

2 cans white kidney beans

3 large stalks celery, roughly chopped

2 small yellow onions, chopped

3 pieces turkey bacon, chopped

3 cloves garlic, chopped finely

3 cups carrots, chopped

3 cups shitake mushrooms, torn into chunks

1 cup red wine, I used Michel-Schlumberger Petite Verdot

2 cups organic veggie broth

2 sprigs fresh thyme

salt and pepper to taste

stew ingredients

chopped celery




pumpkin white bean stew

This dish was all about layering the flavors, starting with the onions and bacon which I brought to a sizzle with a little bit of olive oil. Once the onions had softened, I added the carrots, celery, garlic, wine, broth, and beans, then stirred everything up, then placed the thyme sprigs on top of the stew, covered the pot, and let it simmer on low while I took a phone call.  About a half hour later, I tore the mushrooms by hand and stirred them into the stew. About 10 minutes later, we were ready to eat. I topped each bowl of stew with a drizzle of white truffle oil, the perfect compliment to the earthiness of the soup. I served the soup with the Michel-Schlumberger Petite Verdot which has some beautiful cherry flavors with its own bit of earthiness that went well both in and with the stew. I may not always have the best sense when it comes to pairing food and wine, but I love the depth that cooking with wine gives food, especially in the fall and winter, and appreciate how food and wine bring one another to a whole new level.

I would most definitely recommend this stew to anyone looking for a substantial, delicious meal for these chilly evenings. Make it vegetarian super easily by leaving the bacon out!

Do you ever cook with wine?

Tags: beans, Food, Petite Verdot, pumpkin, recipe, stew, vegetables, wine

  1. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh that looks like the ideal fall meal – nice work!


  2. Shannon’s avatar

    sounds like a perfect fall soup 🙂


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    This looks so warm and hearty! I love cooking with wine and use it in a lot of different ways. But my favorite is to make sauteed mushrooms with either white or red wine. Yum!


  4. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

    This looks delicious! Hearty soups are the best during this season and I love how you layered the flavors in this one! Fantastic!


  5. Emily’s avatar

    I am *far* from a wine expert… but a splash of it in a pasta sauce or soup really does make a difference. The flavors seem so much fuller and deeper. I use wine to cook whenever I can!


  6. MelissaNibbles’s avatar

    This looks great! I love a good thick soup. I need my belly filled 🙂


  7. Elina’s avatar

    You don’t need to upload the pictures individually! I have some add-on that I use and you can bulk upload. Can check on it tonight if you’re interested.
    I’ve been craving pumpkin like it’s my job but Adam doesn’t like it 🙁


  8. Megan’s avatar

    Wow this was definitely a soup weekend! Yours looks so good! I love cooking with wine… a lot of chicken and fish dishes benefit from a small splash… and of course there’s coq au vin.


  9. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    I love adding wine to soup! Then I have an excuse to break open a bottle and drink a glass myself haha. I’ve never made pumpkin soup before though and your recipe looks fantastic!


  10. Daisy’s avatar

    I do cook with wine! I think white more so, usually when I make a shrimp scampi or something!

    Sorry about the lingering computer issues. ug!


  11. Kim’s avatar

    How convenient I’m sipping a pumpkin spice latte as I read this. Nice…and so delicious. Both the stew and the latte that is. That poor pumpkin looks like its guts were mercilessly ripped out. Or not. Haha.

    Have you ever seen that sticker/magnet/napkin that says, “I like cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food”? Well, some variation of that Too funny.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I love that saying! 🙂 It provides a great excuse to open a bottle!


    2. WineDineTv’s avatar

      We cook with wine all the time! Love the bacon, mushroom and thyme combo with Petite Verdot.


    3. Kocinera’s avatar

      This stew sounds delicious!

      I love cooking with wine, mostly for sauces or risotto. It makes so many things taste so much yummier. 😀


    4. Sues’s avatar

      This looks fabulous! I sometimes laugh about how many of my bookmarked recipes require wine. Nothing better than cooking with wine and drinking while you cook and eat!


    5. Katie’s avatar

      Yum! Love all the veggies in there!


    6. Eileen’s avatar

      That looks like a great meal for these cool nights that have already arrived. Thanks for sharing the recipe!


    7. Jason Phelps’s avatar

      The Petit Verdot must have added a nice earthiness that you can’t get from many of the usual red wines, Pinot excluded. This recipe sounds delightful and having pumpkins around everywhere here in NH is something I could make any time. Any believe it or not I have homemade Petit Verdot I could use to make it! I’d love to share it with you at some point. Of course, my other wines as well.



    8. alicia’s avatar

      I love cooking with wine…especially in the winter. It provides the food with so much richness!!


    9. Grace’s avatar

      Cooking with wine is one of my favorite ways to add lots of flavor to a recipe without a ton of fat. It is great to see how a certain wine brings out the flavor in a dish as you have done here.


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