Tomato Blue Cheese Pie

Looking for an easy appetizer, light dinner, or side dish? Look no further. I am currently obsessed with store-bought phyllo dough and the variety of sweet and savory purposes it has.

My other obsession is local tomatoes, so I decided to pair the two for a quick tomato tart with crumbled Amish blue cheese.

I started by preheating the oven to 375 and lining a pie dish with about 6 layers of phyllo dough which can be found in the freezer section of your grocery store.

I then sautéed 3 large tomatoes in some garlic, olive oil, and oregano. Next time, I would use 2-3 more tomatoes as they really shrunk down. 


I used a slotted spoon to remove the tomatoes from the pan and gently placed them into the phyllo dough, making sure to not have too much liquid in the pie. Then I placed it in the oven and kept a close eye on it. When the dough was browned, I turned the oven off and kept the pie in for a couple of minutes.

Then I added about 1/4 cup of crumbled blue cheese to the top.

tomato tart

tomato recipe

I suggest waiting until the pie cools before taking a bite. I completely burnt my mouth diving in too soon.

tomato basil blue cheese tart

After my first few bites, I decided that the pie needed some fresh basil, so I added a small sprinkle, then let it cool before eating any more.

As you can see, there is plenty of room for more tomatoes, and this dish would definitely be more filling with a bit more cheese. Overall though, it is a perfect way to simply highlight fresh ingredients in a crispy crust. Eaten at room temperature with a side salad or some soup, this would make a great summer dinner.

My weekend is over, and I am off to a work event later. It was short but absolutely spectacular; the weather in Boston was complete perfection.

I watched Julie & Julia again last night just because I felt like zoning out. I can’t help but wish it was just about Julia. . .

Have you seen the film? What did you think?

Tags: blue cheese, phyllo dough, recipe, tomatoes, Vegetarian

  1. Brian @ A Thought For Food’s avatar

    This looks so good! Sounds like it satisfied your crazy.

    In terms of Julie and Julia, I completely agree that the Julie plot line was lacking… I don’t think it’s the fault of the actors, but more of an issue with the writing. There are, of course, some nice moments and the food always looks incredible.

    This weather is incredible… going for a walk right now!


  2. Megan’s avatar

    Oh but Julie inspires me in some ways too…

    This tomato blue cheese pie looks really, really good. I think I would try it with puff pastry too… more buttery than the phyllo!

    I have been eating as many tomatoes as I can lately!


  3. Chef Robin White’s avatar

    Great job I think it looks fantastic. Next time I come to Boston your cooking!!!


  4. El’s avatar

    That looks really good. I completely agree. While entertaining, I wish the whole story had been about Julia and Paul Child.


  5. Chef Dennis’s avatar

    that pie looks so very very good….blue cheese and tomatoes, in that gorgeous filo dough…


  6. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

    I watched that movie just before starting to blog and I really enjoyed it..but a whole movie about food is right up my alley 😉


  7. Monet’s avatar

    I agree…this looks so amazing, and I also have fallen in love with phyllo dough. So simple and so very good! And I can’t help but wanting to watch Julia and Julia over and over again too.


  8. Jessica @ How Sweet’s avatar

    Oh my gosh… I would love this. Love blue cheese!!


  9. Sanem’s avatar

    I never thought of making this with phyllo pastry although I always have some in my fridge. Definitely will be trying this one next time. Thanks.


  10. Gisela’s avatar

    Perfect recipe for my taste. It has some of my favorite ingredients and it looks absolutely delicious.


  11. Corinne’s avatar

    I was popping fresh farmers market tomatoes into my mouth last night like they were candy! tomatoes, so hot right now 😉


  12. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    I haven’t seen the film but I have read the book – twice 🙂

    You make tomatoes look so good!


  13. Alan’s avatar

    It looks wonderful but skimpy on the tomatoes and cheese. I wonder if puff pastry would get too soggy, but if not I would prefer it. Definitely going to try it as an appetizer or side with grilled fish – maybe bluefish.
    Thanks for the new idea.


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