Our Anniversary

Happy 4th anniversary to my wonderful husband! Four years ago, we had the most magical wedding which I recapped on our last anniversary. Our wedding was small, casual, elegant, and intimate, just the way we wanted it, and we may even do it again next year. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lots of people ask how we met, so I figured that instead of another wedding recap, I would bring you back to where it all began. . .

My first year out of college, I moved to Boston and got a job working in the Heart Failure clinic at Brigham & Womenโ€™s Hospital. (More info on that here). My now husband had just come to America from Ireland and was temping at the hospital. It was literally love at first sight across the office counter when we first saw each other, and I just had to meet him. The first time I shook his hand I had just gotten a yogurt out of the refrigerator, and my hand was cold and wet ๐Ÿ™

Before we even got to go out, he got a job in IT, his field of expertise, in New Hampshire, and I didnโ€™t get to see him at work anymore. Through a friend, he got my number, called to set a date, and we first went out at Maggianoโ€™s followed by drinks at the Top of the Hub. So cheesy ๐Ÿ™‚

Two years and many trips to Ireland later, we were back on one of my favorite beaches in Ballyconneely in the West of Ireland. The beach first became a special place to me in 2004 on our first trip to Ireland together. It was where I scattered my fatherโ€™s ashes, and it is a place I visit every time I go to Ireland no matter what.


It is one of the quietest, most serene places on earth, and we were just looking out to sea when my husband spun me around, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. At the same time a fish leapt out of the water several feet into the air and made a huge splash on the mirror-calm bay. I took that as a sign that we were not alone ๐Ÿ™‚

AND I said yes! ๐Ÿ™‚ballyconneely

And so, the day after a fun Irish rehearsal dinner at the Banshee in Dorchester, we got married on August 18, 2006. (How YOUNG do I look?!)


Boston Harbor

Tonight we will celebrate at Craigie on Main, one of my favorites and perhaps with a drink out somewhere after, but most of all I am looking forward to the Newport Winefest and some relaxation this weekend. Itโ€™s only Wednesday, and I am tired!

If you are married or engaged, what was your engagement like? If you arenโ€™t, do you have a dream proposal?

Tags: anniversary, Ireland, Travel

  1. Emily’s avatar

    My two-year wedding anniversary is in a few days, so this post really resonates! My husband proposed on vacation in the virgin islands. We were ecotourists staying in glorified tents with separate restrooms. Dressed in sweats, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and came back to find my husband dressed up, with our ipod deck playing tunes and on one knee. I was kind of expecting the proposal on the trip but didn’t expect to be in sweatpants when it happened! It was a great trip. happy anniversary and enjoy craigie!


  2. Daisy’s avatar

    this is such a cute and heartwarming story. what a beautiful spot for a proposal. Enjoy Craigie!!


  3. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

    BEAUTIFUL story- and those photos! On your anniversary- I wish you many many more years of happiness together ๐Ÿ™‚


  4. The Red Menace’s avatar

    That’s lovely. Congratulations on 4 years, and here’s to many more together! Have a wonderful time at dinner!


  5. Michelle’s avatar

    Even though you told me how you guys met the other night, I still got chills reading this. What a wonderful story and happy anniversary to you both!


  6. Mellissa’s avatar

    We got engaged in Paris and it was the perfect trip ๐Ÿ™‚ Good fine, wine and a very romantic spot.


  7. Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic’s avatar

    Congratulations on your anniversary! Your wedding dress was gorgeous. I’m sure you will have a great time at Craigie!


  8. Corinne’s avatar

    AW! I love love. What a beautiful story ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy your dinner and happy anniversary!


  9. Simply Life’s avatar

    Happy Anniversary!!! Gorgeous pictures!


  10. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Congrats Meghan! May you guys celebrate many more!!!


  11. ashleigh’s avatar

    What a cute story!!

    Happy Anniversary!


  12. Kristy’s avatar

    What a great story, that last pic is beautiful!! Happy Anniversary!!!


  13. Leigha Montgomery’s avatar

    I am engaged now, getting married in November, but yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of when we met! When people ask how Kile proposed I always say, “Simply.” We were walking on the Mississippi River in Memphis, TN (his hometown) admiring the driftwood and the river and he said “I think it’s time I asked you to spend the rest of your life with me.” And of course, I said YES!
    Thanks for sharing your story. It’s nice to hear while planning this wedding…reminds me that it’s all worth the time and effort we put into it, so that we can remember and celebrate it for years forevermore.


  14. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

    Congrats! ๐Ÿ™‚

    My husband took me to a B&B in Carmel by the Sea (Cali) looking over the Pacific and got down on one knee. It so ‘us’ and perfect. I loved it!


  15. Anne@ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    Congratulations!!! your story is so sweet and the proposal a dream ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve never thought that I would get married and if I did I would like to elope, so my dream proposal would be a spontaneous one with plane tickets to our wedding destination ๐Ÿ˜€


  16. Enrico’s avatar

    What a wonderful story – he is a lucky man.


  17. Elizabeth’s avatar

    What a beautiful post. Congratulations and happy anniversary!


  18. Megan’s avatar

    That is such a beautiful story… and a beautiful dress! I hope you enjoyed your dinner at Craigie. Happy anniversary!


  19. Terri’s avatar

    Ok, now I am crying! Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite people! Love you both!


  20. Jenny’s avatar

    Getting ready one morning, Nathan yelled from the kitchen, “This is so cute, quick, come here!” I thought no way whatever one of the cats was doing could be THAT amazing, and when I realized my cat wasn’t in the kitchen I thought, “No way Nathan’s cat is doing something adorable.” So I came around the corner in pjs and there he was in the kitchen on one knee.

    He said he didn’t know how else to get me into the kitchen without sounding like he’d broken something.

    I can’t WAIT for our wedding on October 30!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      That is such a cute story! October 30 will be here before you know it, so exciting!


    2. BakingWithoutABox’s avatar

      Happy anniversary! Lovely proposal story and beautiful photographs! You look so happy. May you have many more equally wonderful years!

      My husband proposed by burying the ring in a plastic Jack O Lantern filled with chocolates on Halloween.


    3. Susan’s avatar

      Happy belated anniversary! I love your story. I am getting married in two weeks! The engagement is a long story- let’s just say we will have been together for 11 years when we do get married so there were no surprises ๐Ÿ™‚

      Glad you had a lovely dinner at Craigie on Main. I’ve wanted to go there for so long, but haven’t yet. Maybe once the wedding planning is over…


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        You will have the best wedding ever! But it just gets better… Best wishes to you!


      2. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Good luck with the wedding! Enjoy every single second!


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