Heirloom Tomato Panzanella

Thank you all for the great anniversary wishes! We had another spectacular dinner with a six course tasting menu at Craigie on Main. . . and I left the camera at home! The food was so delicious, the wine perfectly paired, and as much as I wished I had my camera, I wanted to take the night off from being a food blogger! My favorite course was the arctic char, a most perfectly cooked, melt in your mouth, fatty fish, completely delicious. But everything was amazing, and the service completely perfect. I love how Craigie is fancy and casual at the same time, not pretentious but not quite homey either. I just love it.

Anyway, today’s recipe takes advantage of my most beloved summer fruit, the heirloom tomato. I can not get enough of their quirkiness, their bold, beautiful colors, and the freshness these tomatoes offer. I will be very sad when they are gone.

For yesterday’s dinner (husband’s side dish) I started with a baguette that I bought and left out on Sunday. Three days later it was nice and hard and ready to be part of an heirloom tomato panzanella.

stale baguette

A variety of heirloom tomatoes, washed and cut into chunks, made the colorful portion of the dish.

heirloom tomatoes

For some flavor and crunch I added in a bit of chopped red onion, no more than 1/4 of a cup.


And of course there was cheese, goat to be exact. Creamy, fresh, local goat cheese added the satisfying fat and creaminess that I needed to make this a meal salad.



I did not take a photo of the salad with dressing because it’s just not pretty! My dressing included 3 cloves of garlic, a jalapeno, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar, and a big drizzle of honey. I of course ground some salt and pepper over the top as well. Delicious.

I made my husband a steak on the side and marinated that for about an hour in the same panzanella dressing mixture. No photo, steak really isn’t very nice to look at, in my opinion!

I haven’t been promoting my CSN Stores giveaway as much as I should, so I am extending it an extra couple of days. I want to hear what you love about the changing seasons, so check it out!

I have been such a slacker on posting. . . no food and wine pairings, “Wine from Where?” postings or other wine reviews in awhile. Coming soon, I promise! Where does the time go?

Phew. . . I am happy it is Thursday. Bring on the weekend!

Tags: goat cheese, panzanella, recipe, tomatoes, Vegetarian

  1. Hadley’s avatar

    Looks delicious! Good thing the Copley Farmers Market is tomorrow. Guess I will be headed to the Siena Farms stand to pick up some of their beautiful heirlooms. And as luck would have it, Iggy’s is right next door! And the goat cheese guys just across the green. Done, done and done!


  2. Renee’s avatar

    This looks amazing!! I think I will have to find a potluck to go to this weekend to make this for! @renh77


  3. Michelle’s avatar

    I’m glad you had such a wonderful time at Craigie and totally don’t blame you for taking a night off to just enjoy the meal without worrying about getting the perfect shot 🙂 These heirloom tomatoes look gorgeous – what farm are they from?


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I got them at Trader Joe’s in their “locally grown” section. I can’t remember if it said what farm, but I am hoping they really were local! The other side of the produce aisle had heirloom tomatoes from Mexico, so I hope these were at least more local than those!


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      Perfect description of the atmosphere at Craigie. I agree, steaks never look good. I always take pictures when adam cooks me one, and then never post them, because ew a huge thick chunk of sorta red meat. who on earth wants to stare at that?


    3. Emily’s avatar

      I just made panzanella for the first time and am in love! Great idea to add goat cheese!


    4. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

      Gorgeous salad Megan! Ever since lunch last week at Sibling Rivalry I’ve been craving Panzanella Salad-I actually have some stale-ing bread at home perhaps I will whip up some tonight 🙂


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        The lunch at Sibling Rivalry was what got it in my head! I just had to wait for the bread to get stale!


      2. ashleigh’s avatar

        I agree, where does the time go? Glad you guys enjoyed your anniversary.

        I’ve never had a panzanella salad, but it totally looks up my alley and delicious… tomato, bread, cheese… some of my favorite things in life!


      3. RavieNomNoms’s avatar

        Fabulous colors!


      4. Anne@ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

        I love goat cheese and those pictures made the crave it a lot 😛


      5. Megan’s avatar

        Glad you enjoyed Craigie — and it’s always good to have those sans camera nights. 🙂

        I love this panzanella recipe. And I am loving all the heirloom tomatoes right now. I want to move somewhere I can get them year-round. Or maybe just keep moving each season to where they are in season. Ha ha.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I like that idea! I hate being without fresh local produce!


        2. Kristy’s avatar

          Pretty or not, I’m sure it tasted delicious!! Beautiful colors!! 🙂


        3. Shanna @ Shanna Like Banana’s avatar

          Those tomatoes look incredible and they keep popping up in blogland…I’m pretty sure, I’m going to seek them out and center my meal around them as well.


        4. Corinne’s avatar

          i’m happy its thursday too. what a flippin week. so nice to read about your anniversary dinner!! even w/o the pictures 🙂


        5. Jennifer’s avatar

          I was going to make roasted tomato sauce with my hierlooms, but after reading this post, I think I’ll make your recipe instead!


        6. Dana’s avatar

          Sounds delicious and looks beautiful…. I love summer heirloom tomatoes!!


        7. Cooking with Coley’s avatar

          Love that you added jalapenos to your dressing! Way to top off a fresh and delicious salad.


        8. Mary (A Merry Life)’s avatar

          That looks amazing! The dressing sounds awesome too. I want to try adding in some jalapenos next time I create a dressing.


        9. Bistro Gerard’s avatar

          This looks delicious! Panzanella is one of my favourite salads and I loved your choice of ingredients.


        10. Kocinera’s avatar

          This panzanella looks so pretty! I love all the heirloom tomatoes, and don’t get me started on the goat cheese. Seriously, don’t. I love that stuff so much it’s not even funny. 😀


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