Dinner by Lucini

A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by a representative from Lucini Italia products asking if I wanted to try their Tuscan Chickpea Frittata mix. I love trying new products, so I of course said yes. Imagine my surprise when I came home from the Healthworks picnic last Tuesday and found a HUGE box full of items from Lucini. I kept digging through the packing materials and finding more and more, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soups, sauces, salad dressing, and of course the chickpea frittata.

I couldn’t wait to get back to NJ and into my kitchen to get started with the delicious-looking gifts I received. Last night was our first night home in ages, so I made a quick and tasty dinner featuring Lucini products.


Lucini Italia Products

For the salad portion of dinner, I made one of my favorite simple combinations, romaine, red onion, and local heirloom tomato topped with Lucini’s Fig & Walnut Savory Balsamic.



heirloom tomatoes

I love that I found local heirloom tomatoes at Trader Joe’s as I missed the farmers’ market on Friday. I love my heirlooms!

The main course was Tuscan fiery chili frittata with Tuscan marinara with roasted garlic. This was super easy to make, just add water and olive oil, mix, and pour into a baking dish. Next time I would use a larger baking dish; I spilled the mixture on the VERY hot oven and had to turn everything off for the cleanup as you do need to preheat it to 500.

Once the frittata was cooked and set, I topped it with the marinara and some grated parmesan cheese.

chickpea frittata

Soft, hot, comforting, and spicy, I loved the frittata. I had never had this before, and it reminded me a little bit of polenta. I loved how savory and satisfying it was. And I can’t wait to have a slice on top of salad for lunch today.

chickpea frittata

In other news, I bought a juicer over the tax free weekend, and I can’t wait to start drinking fresh juice a few times a week in addition to my veggie smoothies. Last night I made one with carrots, bok choy, apples, and lime. Delicious!

With fall coming, I love that feeling of renewal, and part of that is definitely getting back into a better workout routine and really nourishing myself, all while still savoring summer, of course. Getting ready for fall makes me think all about new beginnings, new clothes, and this year a new class, my wine class at the Elizabeth Bishop Wine Resource Center at BU.

It’s also a great time to do some shopping for the home, new kitchen appliances, bedding, and maybe even dining room furniture. To help one of my lucky readers with that, CSN Stores is offering a $50 gift card to one lucky reader. They have SO much great stuff; I would love to win this giveaway!

To enter: Leave a comment responding to the question below. If you have Facebook or Twitter, link back to this post there as well as on your blog if you have one. The giveaway will end on Saturday, August 21. Good luck!

Even if you are, like me, no longer in school, do you still feel that new-ness when fall starts approaching? What do you to to welcome it?

Tags: Food, frittata, giveaway, Italian food, salad

  1. Lizzy’s avatar

    So many great things in this post! The heirlooms look delicious- love the recipe. A juicer- totally jealous. Great buy : ) When fall starts approaching it means my marathon is coming up quick!! AHHHH. No seriously- I do love the feeling of a start to a new year and different weather.


  2. Lara’s avatar

    I do! I feel like cleaning out the closets and going back to school shopping!


  3. Melissa’s avatar

    That salad and frittata look so good!!


  4. Shanna, Like Banana’s avatar

    Oh the frittata looks good! Are there eggs in it?

    Fall means new clothes regardless of school 😉


  5. Elina’s avatar

    Ooh, I remember seeing Lucini products a while back on Sabrina’s blog. They do look fabulous!
    I haven’t experienced the new-ness of fall yet. Maybe once pumpkins and apples start appearing at the farmers markets (actually I did see some apples but they haven’t “screamed fall” yet). 🙂


  6. Michelle’s avatar

    I absolutely love fall. I have been out of law school for four years but for me, the new year always seems to start at the end of August and beginning of September! I like to do a clean sweep of my clothes – bring fall clothes to drycleaning, donate unused items, store away my summer whites….and reward myself with a trip to the outlets to stock up on fall and winter items!


  7. Clarice’s avatar

    As a teacher, fall is an exciting time with new students, a new schedule, new classes. If I’m ever not excited for fall, I will quit teaching.


  8. Anne@ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    After FINALLY graduating I was so happy when autumn came and I did not have to begin a new semester! but now, after 2 years I want something new to my life, so I decided to take German classes 🙂


  9. Corinne’s avatar

    Oh my gosh, yes. I was just having this conversation with a friend. September and fall always feel like a new start to me, way more than the beg. of any other season. Something about the “new school year”, football season, the fresh crisp air, leaves and chilly nights gets me uber excited! I guess I embrace the end of summer to welcome fall. Soak up all the time I can at the beach and doing summertime things in preparation. I have been seeing fall produce sneaking into the farmers market and if taking 10+ pics of squash and eggplant isn’t welcoming fall, I don’t know what else to do 🙂 hehe


  10. Finance Foodie’s avatar

    Ooo that frittata looks really tasty! Cute blog btw (I think we met before at the Stonyfield Lunch)

    And fall to me means the respite from the hot summer weather 🙂


  11. Shannon’s avatar

    Though I have a hard time letting go of summer, especially this one – it’s been gorgeous, I do love fall as well. I typically welcome fall by digging out my sweaters and who am I kidding, heading to do some “fall clothes shopping”. I look forward to apple picking, pie baking and the SMELL of fall. So crisp and fresh. Last but not least, fall brings with it the availability of Sam Oktoberfest and Shipyard Pumpkinhead… great in a pint class rimmed with cinnamon/sugar!


  12. Clarice’s avatar

    I linked back on my blog.


  13. ashleigh’s avatar

    I’m a huge fan of heirloom tomatoes too!

    Even though I am not in school I always feel like fall brings a fresh start! I’m with you on getting back into an exercise routine, and my newest plan for the fall is to try and become a morning exerciser!


  14. Lisa @ Lisa's Foods on the Move’s avatar

    I’ve never heard of these products, but they sound great. When I feel a cool breeze that has a hint of autumn, I know summer is coming to an end. To celebrate the start of the season, I like to buy seasonal foods, like apples, root vegetables, and squash. I also like to do some baking with the weather getting cooler.


  15. Kristy’s avatar

    Everything looks delicious especially those heirloom tomatoes! I need to get to Trader Joe’s, def don’t get there enough!!

    When fall comes, I love to celebrate it by apple picking at our local farm and lots of baking with my girls!!

    Linking back to your blog!!


  16. elizabeth’s avatar

    Everything here does look really delicious and perfect for a hot summer evening.

    For me, welcoming fall is all about pulling out the tweeds, corduroys and glen plaids, checking out the fall fruits and vegetables at the greenmarkets around the city and even on occasion enjoying a nice glass of bourbon. It’s also the time we start making filled pastas again as they serve as a reminder of our gorgeous fall honeymoon to Italy…


  17. Joy’s avatar

    Fall is like a new beginning for me each year! I love to better some as pet of my life each fall… Take a local adult Ed class or donate a bunch of clothes and clean out my closet in the process or reconnect with an old friend. This year I am redoing the hallway in our home – yesterday I pulled the carpet up and am starting tiling today


  18. Jess’s avatar

    I think because of the weather and the change from the hot humid summer, I always loved the newness and coolness that the fall brings with it. I welcome scarves and sweaters and jeans and apple picking and fall festivals.


  19. Jess’s avatar

    I love fall! It does have a sense of newness to me. I love the change to cool weather, and look forward to wearing scarves, sweaters, and going apple picking. And I love the winter squashes that accompany the changing season.


  20. Melissa’s avatar

    I also received a package from Lucini. Your meal looks great. Now I’m inspired to start cooking with my product samples! 🙂


  21. Kaitlyn’s avatar

    Everything looks delicious! When fall approaches, I get giddy-excited about big comfy sweatshirts and boots and football season. (Just don’t tell my first love: summer… 😉


  22. Shannon’s avatar

    oh wow, that frittata sounds amazing!! what an awesome package 🙂

    i definitely don’t have the same sorts of feelings when it comes to fall, but i still am excited, as fall is my favorite season. I gear up for more comfortable temperatures, changing leaves… and APPLE PICKING!!! 🙂


  23. JBW’s avatar

    I am also a fan of fall. I too am out of school now, and sadly I miss it believe it or not! I would go back to college in a heartbeat. I also loooove college football!


  24. Laura’s avatar

    This is my first fall in Boston and first fall with a full-time job in “post-college” life. Because fall has always represented a new cycle of the seasons, it is a reminder of my new life and all of the new experiences around me. And I can’t wait to see Boston in the fall!


  25. Gina’s avatar

    I am actually going back to school this fall for another degree so I feel the new-ness of fall even more this year. I got a haircut (over 6 inches!), preparing for a move and admiring cozy sweaters in stores. Very excited for new endeavors!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Good luck with school!


    2. Elizabeth’s avatar

      I don’t think I will ever grow out of the “back to school” feeling. It’s the perfect time to get reorganized, re-focused, and re-energized. Plus, it’s a great excuse to buy some new Post-It cubes. 🙂


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I love a good excuse to buy school supplies! 🙂


      2. genesis’s avatar

        im still in school and i dread the back-to-school frenzy. we live in a small college town and the beginning of school year, an influx of people come into town and so the population is quadrupled, not good when a town is only built for 25,000 or less people…its interesting though to just sit back and witness the actual frenzy


      3. Megan’s avatar

        I’ve never heard of Lucini’s products before but the balsamic sounds wonderful as does the chickpea fritatta. I’ve had chickpea flour pancakes before and can imagine your dinner was just as tasty!


      4. Cooking with Coley’s avatar

        The end of August means… football! I get ready by reading up on my fantasy picks and on new snack and entertaining recipes!


      5. Samantha’s avatar

        Looove the end of summer and “back to school” time. I usually need a new planner, new notebooks and pens, and maybe a new messenger bag – even if I’m not heading back to school! Also new jeans. Fall definitely = new jeans 🙂


      6. Bill’s avatar

        Love to go back to school shopping with the kids!


      7. Marcie’s avatar

        I love the fresh start, the crisp air and I always celebrate the bounty of apples and squash this time of year!!!


      8. Carol’s avatar

        I get excited about my fall wardrobe and gearing up for the holidays!


      9. Beth’s avatar

        Definitely apple crisp and zucchini bread, plus a new pair of boots and a new bag!


      10. Morgan’s avatar

        I love the newness of the school year, it always seems like such a wonderful fresh start!
        I always treat myself to a present this time of year. I don’t know what yet!


      11. Julie’s avatar

        I love baking Nobby Apple Cake and wearing chunky sweaters, jeans and boots!


      12. Katie’s avatar

        I definitely feel the newness in Fall since I’m in graduate school part time. I try to not get sad about summer ending by getting excited about apple picking, football and all things Fall!


      13. Theo’s avatar

        We always do a grand house cleaning in my house and we start bringing out the fall clothes from storage and began “taking down” the garden little by little. I love fall and cannot wait for it. My mom makes a really delicious pumpkin pie!


      14. Colleen’s avatar

        I buy new sweaters and scarves! A girl can never have too many scarves 😉 I also can’t help but wish I had a big trip to Staples with my mom and dad to get new notebooks, pens, etc. I looooooved back to school shopping – what a nerdO I am!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I love school supplies!


        2. Renee’s avatar

          I love the smell of fall! Everything is so crisp. My favorite fall activity- The ski lift through the foliage at Wachusett. Love!


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            I have never done that! I love Wachusett beer though, sounds like a perfect fall day!


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