Bloodypalooza at Turner Fisheries

Blogging in Boston has opened so many doors for me and most importantly has allowed me to meet some really great people. Part of all of that is the ability to attend events and try things I may have never encountered in life pre-blogging. I had the pleasure yesterday morning of attending Bloodypalooza at Turner Fisheries in downtown Boston. The fabulous Christine from Citysearch organized the event which was full of delicious food and of course, spicy Bloody Marys.

Turner Fisheries

Turner Fisheries has a fun, swanky design and layout AND offers lots of great light for food photos. The important things we bloggers have to think of!

Turner Fisheries

When we arrived at Bloodypalooza,  were given an overview of what was available for the make your own Bloody Mary bar. Pickled string beans, jumbo shrimp, lobster, crab claws, seared tuna, and oysters were on ice, and containers of regular olives, blue cheese stuffed olives, and citrus were available for garnishing.

seafood bar



seared tuna

lemons and limes celery

To get us started, our hosts provided shots of their clear Bloody Mary mix which is made by juicing tomatoes through cheesecloth to get the color out. As a result, you get more of a tomato broth. This was mixed with lobster juice, and while I am glad I tried it, I will stick to the more traditional mix. Other available bases included Bloody Caesar mix and clamato juice.

lobster shot

For my drink, I opted for a jumbo shrimp and olives in a classic Bloody Mary. The homemade mix was perfectly spicy with lots of horseradish and black pepper.

Bloody Mary bar

Alongside these delicious drinks, we were served a few of Turners’ food specialties.  I didn’t try it, but this chicken top a Bloody Mary risotto looked delicious, and my husband loved it.

chicken risotto

There were also lobster tacos and these sandwiches, upstate New York specialties called spiedies. Apparently, spiedies are a big deal; there is even a festival to celebrate them!


It was great to spend some time on a beautiful Saturday sampling great food, sipping one of my favorite spicy drinks and seeing some blogger/Twitter favorites like Michelle and her fiance, Bret, and Justin and his wife, Leah. Here Michelle and I are posing for our high school yearbook photos with the over the shoulder smile 🙂

Boston bloggers

Many thanks to Citysearch and Turner Fisheries for hosting such a fun event. I look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Do you like Bloody Marys? Which combo would you have chosen?

Tags: bloggers, Boston, brunch, cocktails, events, Food, restaurant, Turner Fisheries

  1. Debbie’s avatar

    oh my gosh! I would go nuts in a place like this! Who doesn’t love a Bloody Mary? I know I do!!!!


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I am DYING laughing at our weirdo photo shoot! What a great time and the perfect way to start off the weekend!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      It was great to see you! I think we are now required to have a weird photo at every event!:)


      1. christine’s avatar

        i totally inadvertently interrupted. those are my cherries in the background! but you guys look totes model-esque, in that nonchalant “oh, *me*?” way. so glad you guys had such a fantastic time!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Thanks so much for hosting! It was great!


        2. Elina’s avatar

          Oh man, I would have LOVED to attend this event. I am seriously obsessed with bloody mary’s. Maybe next time 😉


        3. Daisy’s avatar

          Looks like a blast, bummer I was out of town. I love a good bloody Mary as well as goofy photo shoots 😉 haha you guys had too much fun!!


        4. Cooking with Coley’s avatar

          I’m so jealous! This looks like such a fun event! I need to check it out the lunch one of these Saturdays.


        5. Sonia @ Master of Her Romaine’s avatar

          so cool! I love bloody marys… not sure about all of those sea-food elements though! I don’t think I would have tried the lobster juice one, you are brave!
          I prefer a classic one…but once I had a Mexican bloody mary- it was soo good! I think it had some Mexican beer in it and lime juice!


        6. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

          I really don’t like bloody marys but you made yours sound so delicious 😛 what a fun even, so much good food, great people and drinks!


        7. laura @’s avatar

          Wow, those look really good and i don’t even like tomato juice!!


        8. Betsy’s avatar

          Wow, that looks like a blast!


        9. Shannon’s avatar

          I’m bummed I couldn’t make it! Even though I’m not a huge fan of bloody mary’s it would’ve been great to see you all 🙂


        10. Corinne’s avatar

          aw i love the photo of you and michelle. strike a pose! 🙂

          i’m not a huge fan of bloody mary’s and these pictures make me feel like i am really missing out. glad you enjoyed the event!


        11. Terri’s avatar

          Bloody Marys are definitely the best part of weekend brunch! Looks like Boston has lots of great brunch options.


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