What you CRAVE

First, before I forget, guest posts! I need 3 guest posts: 1 Friday Foodie Feature and 2 posts on anything from recipes to wine reviews to travel photos. We are leaving for Napa and Sonoma a week from today, and while I do plan on some blogging, I would love to have some guest bloggers as well. Going to so many events recently and meeting so many great bloggers has totally reminded me of what a great community we bloggers have, and I want to keep promoting that.

Speaking of events, last night I attended the launch party for the Crave Boston book.

CRAVE boston innovatively connects urban gals to the sassiest, gutsiest, most inspiring people they need to know in Boston. Our modern marketplace of soirees, gatherings and online networking serves as your ambassador to everything there is to CRAVE about the Walking City.

Since much of my blog focuses on my life as a city girl, I could not wait to get my hands on the Crave book and to learn more about it.

I walked from my office all the way to the event and enjoyed the GORGEOUS dry, sunny day that we had yesterday. It was perfection.

view from Fort Point Boston

The event was held at a funky artists’ studio in the Fort Point area, a refreshingly different event space.

image Fort Point artists studio

Two of my favorite things in the event space were this poster and Oscar the dog who was friendly and fluffy and knew how to sit and shake. Love.

I love blogs and coffee Oscar the dog

There was beauty everywhere.

image image

There were chunky chocolate chip cookies from Harvard Sweet Boutique, and they were awesome.

Harvard Sweet Boutique cookies

Vianne Chocolat

And I sampled some more chocolate from Vianne Chocolat, the lovely chocolatier that I reviewed earlier this month.

Once again, Valerie outdid herself with her gorgeous creations, and I tried a new one, a chocolate with goat cheese strawberry balsamic filling.

Holy chocolate heaven.

Vianne Chocolat

The perfect burnt caramel cups and lavender infused chocolates were also on display.

Vianne Chocolat

Throughout the evening, I sipped on an Honest Tea and Segura Viudas cocktail. It was yummy AND healthy!

I also sampled Joos fresh juice which was fresh and life-giving. From the Joos website:

You can expect any combination of dark, leafy greens (e.g., kale, chard, collards, etc.), other green vegetables (e.g., celery, cucumbers, fennel, etc.), herbs (e.g., cilantro, parsley, etc.), roots (e.g., ginger, turmeric, beets, etc.), fruits (e.g., lemon, apple, cranberries, pineapple, kumquats, etc.), carrots and so many more exciting and delicious fruits and vegetables.

Joos fresh juices

I love this stuff and hope that it becomes available in places around my office. I love my kale and spinach smoothies, and I often CRAVE them during the work day. Joos is an awesome solution to that craving.

I had to leave the party a little early and know I probably missed even more fun, but I was go glad to have a chance to check out Crave, and I look forward to learning more.

Right now I am craving rest and sunshine. I want to spend a day this weekend just sitting on the beach quietly with no technology, work, or worry.

What do you crave?

I am also changing the name of the blog soon, after a year it has evolved and has been confused far too often with Eat Pray Love, a book that I did not even finish because I didn’t like it! I am thinking Boston Wine & Dine or Travel, Wine & Dine, something that more accurately reflects the writing I have been doing. Stay tuned!

Tags: book launch, Boston, chocolate, CRAVE, events, green juice, Harvard Sweet Boutique, Joos, sparkling wine, Vianne Chocolat

  1. Clarice’s avatar

    I like Travel, Wine, and Dine. Best of luck with the switch.


  2. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh my gosh, how do you find out about all these amazing events?! This looks great!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I find a LOT of events on Twitter. Are you on there?


    2. Kathy’s avatar

      Sorry I missed the event. I heard it was wonderful!


    3. brandi’s avatar

      that event sounds great! And those goat cheese chocolate sound incredible.

      I’d love to do a guest post…when do you need it by? Guess I better get my thinking cap on πŸ™‚


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        If you could get it to me by Wednesday evening, that would be great! Sorry I didn’t respond yesterday, just catching up!


      2. Michelle’s avatar

        Today I am craving health! πŸ™‚


      3. Tina’s avatar

        Looks like such a fun event! πŸ™‚


      4. Elina’s avatar

        What a fun blogger event! I wanted to go but the Taste of Beacon Hill was the same night and I couldn’t pass that up, since I already missed the Taste of Cambridge.
        Today I am craving some rest after a long day at work. Let’s see if I can make it happen πŸ™‚


      5. Corinne’s avatar

        ooo a name with wine and dine is nice! i am CRAVING those chocolates with goat cheese and strawberry! but more realistically i am craving the forecasted sunshine for this weekend πŸ™‚ bring on the beach!

        do you know where “crave boston” can be purchased?


      6. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

        I’m a fan of all those chocolatey treats πŸ˜›

        Can’t wait to hear your blogs new name!

        Would you be interested in a guest post about Finland? let me know via email if yes πŸ™‚


      7. Daisy’s avatar

        I’m craving the exact same thing as you. think I will get that on cape cod this weekend? πŸ˜‰

        love the picture of forst point channel with the buildings in the background. one of my favorite views in the city!


      8. Clarice’s avatar

        If you don’t have all your guest posts set, I have a wine post.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I would love to post it! Just email me traveleatlove (@) gmail.com, thanks!


        2. Phebe’s avatar

          The event was incredible, I’m sorry I missed you.

          I would love to do a guest post, maybe you can help me put my almost completed Masters in Gastronomy degree to use–Finally, email me with details, robinson_p@live.com.


        3. kyra’s avatar

          Oh, thank the universe!
          Finally someone else who didn’t care for eat pray love.
          I generally don’t post negative comments but I could not fathom all the great press such a mediocre book got.
          Check out “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” by Tahir Shah or “Faith” by Sharon Salzberg for a true journey to the east.

          Glad you changed your name!


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