Pink for a Change

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I ran the 2010 Boston Marathon on Team ALLY for The ALLY Foundation. If you missed it, check out my marathon recap; it is one of my proudest days 🙂

In the 10 months or so since I decided to join Team ALLY, the foundation’s work has become very important to me, and I jumped at the chance to buy tickets for their Pink for a Change Gala at Beacon Rock Mansion in Newport, RI.

The dress theme of the event was festive pink attire, and believe me, I stressed about what to wear. In the end, and at the last second on the day before, I found a dress that ended up being just perfect, if I do say so myself 😉

On the way to Newport we stopped at Travessia Urban Winery in New Bedford, MA for our wine club event and to catch the heartbreaking last 30 minutes of the US World Cup game. I’m still proud of how our team played, and when Americans catch on that soccer is way more athletic and interesting than our national pastime, we will have an even better team!

We arrived at Beacon Rock Mansion after driving through downtown Newport which is one of my favorite places to spend a summer day.

The mansion had a long driveway that eventually led to this view.

Newport Harbor

Beacon Rock Mansion  

Each side of the palatial home was flanked by harbor views for miles around, to the left, Sail Newport, straight ahead, Goat Island, and farther off, downtown Newport. We stopped for a photo op.

Newport Harbor

Newport Harbor Newport

And had another once inside

Pink for a Change Gala

The Beacon Rock Mansion was decorated simply for the event in The ALLY Foundation pink and green, and there were photos of Ally, her friends, and foundation supporters throughout the downstairs.

The ALLY Foundation

Part of the fundraising efforts for the evening was a silent auction, and I was so grateful when Cakebread Cellars responded to my request for a donation with this cookbook, apron, and hat. The ALLY Foundation included me as part of their Gala Committee, and I was glad to be able to help in some way.

Cakebread auction donation

The food for the event was FANTASTIC. It was cocktail party style eating, my favorite way to go, and there were passed hors d’œuvre like Kobe beef sliders, puffs filled with brie and jam, shrimp, clam cakes, spanakopita, and sushi rolls passed all evening long.

There was also a raw bar with a constant supply of delicious oysters, littleneck clams, shrimp, and lobster.

Newport raw bar

Littleneck Clams

Inside there was a station set up with crudite, cheese, and baskets of grilled bread with various spreads. Don’t worry, I spilled some amazing olive tapenade on my dress. You can’t take me anywhere. . .

chesse platter crudite

delicious food station

The party was fun and festive, and while rain threatened and I felt a few drops, it never poured, at least as long as we were there. Luckily, we got to spend the entire time outside, and we were entertained by a really great cover band, The Rolling Who?. I may have even danced a little.


Beacon Rock Mansion

I am so grateful that the weather held off, because it would have been a shame to have to miss views like these.

Beacon Rock Mansion

 Beacon Rock Mansion

Newport Harbor

All in all a very lovely evening was had by all, and I look forward to this event next year. If you live in the Boston area, The ALLY Foundation’s next event is their Flip Flop Regatta in Charlestown. It looks like quite the party, and I am hoping to attend.

I hope you all enjoy your Sunday. There will be more World Cup watching for us as well as wine tasting at Bin Ends Wine and some family visits. Our adorable nephews are visiting from Italy, and they are SO much fun!

Have a good day everyone!

Tags: Food, fundraising, Newport, party, The ALLY Foundation, wine

  1. Raija’s avatar

    You and Eric looked amazing! I love the dress and the event looked lovely. Great photos!


  2. Simply Life’s avatar

    wow, that food and the whole night looks incredible!


  3. Melissa’s avatar

    What a great event! I’m so glad that through ALLY, you not only ran in the Boston marathon, but you found a great foundation that you can support. And love the pink theme of the event…so much fun!


  4. Daisy’s avatar

    You look great in your pink dress. To bad for the olive oil spill! The entire event looks amazing. Good for you for continuing to support the ALLY Foundation.


  5. Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)’s avatar

    Such an elegant evening! Love the spread, especially the cheese platter. 🙂 That view is gorgeous.



  6. Lindsay Meyer’s avatar

    I love the pink dress and the venue looks perfect. Your husbands pink tie is cute, too! I’ve heard amazing things about Rhode Island. I need to spend more time on the East Coast. Maybe we should trade apartments for a week!


  7. Abby’s avatar

    Aww you look great!!!

    THat looks so classy and like you had a wonderful time!!

    Have fun with your nephews!


  8. FrenchPressMemos’s avatar

    Great way to participate! And your dress looks lovely.


  9. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

    Wow! What a gorgeous spot! Your dress really was perfect- and it looks like it was a perfect evening as well! Do you know who the caterer was for the event? It all looks delicious!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      The caterer was Chef Jeff Desmond of Desmond Catering. Everything was delicious!


    2. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      Wow, everything looks so delicious and the place is cool! I would love to go to a place like that 🙂 you look very pretty in your pink dress!


    3. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

      You’re a beast! =) What an event…wow….


    4. ashleigh’s avatar

      I love Newport!! What an awesome event. Your pink dress is too cute!! I hope you were able to get the tapenade off!


    5. Terri’s avatar

      You guys looked amazing! I’m glad the evening went well!


    6. Magic of Spice’s avatar

      What an event…everything looks amazing! And pink is your color:)


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