Sunshine and Wine

Gooood morning! How is your weekend going? Are you enjoying absolutely gorgeous summery weather?

So far, so good here in Beantown. Well, unless you count the “catastrophic” water main break that has us on a boil notice, which I learned of right AFTER I chugged 2 glasses of tap water.

Yesterday was a very relaxing day that started with a walk around Castle Island in South Boston. The beaches were packed with people just dying to see the sun and feel some warmth after a week that was quite chilly and stormy at times.

The hubs and I spent the morning lolling around the house, me playing on Picasa and TRYING to get some more Foodgawker photos accepted and him working on a Masters assignment. He is so close to being done!

Our walk was about 2.5 miles long, and it felt really good to get moving again. I will run again someday, but you have to walk before you can run, right?

Castle Island Boston


This week I am planning on getting back into shape with some yoga, weights, and spinning. I will need lots of encouragement as I have totally enjoyed my post marathon time off! 🙂

After our outdoor fun, we headed to Bin Ends to pick up our wine from the fine wine flea market and perhaps a few more bottles that found their way into our shopping cart. . .

I mean really, its a wine warehouse with awesome prices, knowledgeable staff, and a great selection. Get thee to the next Bin Ends fine wine flea market!

Bin Ends Wine

I would rather shop for wine than clothes. True story.

Bin Ends wine

Our newest bottles (and box!!). I joked to my husband that it was like a class photo the way they are all lined up 🙂

new wine purchases

I am particularly excited about the addition of more Sicilian wine including 2 bottles of the Nicosia Nerello Mascalese and the Planeta which contains the Frappato grape, another to add to my grape tasting list! Who knew so many grape varietals existed?!  I also got a bottle of Graham Beck bubbly which I so thoroughly enjoyed at Morton’s on Monday and a Belle Vallee Pinot Gris which is a delectable, summery food wine. Also included, a couple Fitch Mountain Cab Sauvignons. I feel like I could start an entirely separate blog just for wine. . .

I had planned to maybe meet up with Tina from Carrots N Cake at Bin Ends as we had talked about it awhile back at an Oldways event, and luckily we got to see her and to meet the famous Mal after reading so much about him! It was great to see them; I love that they live so close! We chatted for just a few minutes, and we were on our way again.

Our Bin Ends trip was followed by a glass of Travessia Rosé on the deck. Have you tried this wine yet? It’s only available in Massachusetts at the moment, but it is so good. It is the epitome of spring and summer to me, goes well with just about any food, and tastes SO good.

Spending the later part of the afternoon just resting on the deck was perfect and felt like vacation. We followed it up with dinner at the Russell House Tavern in Cambridge, and I will be back later today with a post all about it. A truly delicious dinner with great service was had by both of us.

How was your Saturday? Have you entered my Honest Tea giveaway yet? I am excited about Honest Tea’s delicious, thirst quenching powers in this warm weather!

I will be back in a few hours!

Tags: Boston, fitness, wine

  1. ashleigh’s avatar

    I love going to Castle Island when it’s nice out! It’s one of my favorite parts of Boston. I <3 the ocean. Bin Ends looks like a really cool place. Shopping for wines is a good time and it looks like you guys are stocked up for a least a little bit 😉


  2. Raija’s avatar

    I was on the Travessia website yesterday contemplating ordering bottles to be shipped to me…I really want to try to Rose. It sounds like a lovely weekend so far! It sure is a hard one to try to work through – Kudos to Eric!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      It’s so good, and shipping is cheap. You have to have it sent to your office though.
      Eric is seriously the most disciplined person I have ever met when it comes to work and school! I need to borrow some of that.


    2. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      Oh and forgot to comment your strawberry salad, that salad looked so delicious!


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