Strawberry Salad

This is a weeknight recipe that is too good NOT to write about. Earlier in the week I bought a huge tub of strawberries at Trader Joe’s, and I wanted to make sure we ate every single one before any mold started to grow! I HATE when produce, and especially expensive produce, goes bad before my eyes! In addition to eating the strawberries on their own and in a few smoothies, I threw together this healthy, bright, and delicious salad one night after work. The most difficult part was remembering to marinate the chicken strips in balsamic about an hour before I cooked them.

The ingredients:

1 bag organic baby spinach

2 cups chopped strawberries

1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar, reduced until syrupy

organic chicken tenders (I cooked 6, 2 for me and 4 for my husband)

While I plated the spinach, strawberries, and goat cheese, I had a small pan full of the balsamic simmering until it reduced down to a sweet and syrupy dressing for the salad. Just keep an eye on it to make sure that it doesn’t reduce too far, or you will have a sticky, burnt pan!



I added a healthy grind of fresh black pepper to this salad as well. There is just something amazing about the combination of black pepper and strawberries. Mmm. . . a black pepper and strawberry sorbet would be a lovely summer treat!

We used our battered and beaten George Foreman grill, which I have had for 8 years, to grill the chicken indoors. It was a delicious topping for the salad with its slightly sweet, balsamic glaze. Once the salad was constructed, I drizzled a little of the reduced balsamic over everything. Reduced balsamic + goat cheese= heaven.


This salad paired well with, you guessed it, Travessia Rosé. You will be seeing a lot of this wine over the summer 🙂

The Eating from Home Challenge was pretty easy when it came to dinner, especially because of meals like this one. I did learn a few things from the challenge that I think will help me moving forward:

1) Having a desk filled with ample work snacks is key. I work in a building with several takeout restaurants and cafes, and when hunger strikes it is too easy to go buy something. During the challenge I did not allow myself to buy anything, and I ended up pretty hungry most afternoons!

2) Buying treats throughout the week, like an iced latte or a scone, is okay as long as it is within reason. On most normal weeks (not the post-marathon week!) I buy one latte a week and usually also buy lunch once a week. These little splurges help to break up the monotony of the work week and give me a little something to look forward to!

3) This challenge, and especially not being able to go out and buy what I wanted because I was restricting myself, reminded me how lucky I am and that many people really have to spend the afternoon or evening or all day hungry.

I am not huge on doing all sorts of challenges, but I think once in awhile it definitely is nice to check in with yourself to see where you can be doing better!

This week, I will be working on a few recipes to pair with some wines that I was sent last week. I am really excited about this and can’t wait to get shopping! Also up this week, a wine dinner at Ten Tables and a Bordeaux wine tasting.

AND my gym, Healthworks Fitness, is having an event called Shape Day on Saturday, May 8:

SHAPE Day is Saturday, May 8! For a $20 donation you can take a special BURN or Master Class – all money raised will be donated to the Healthworks Foundation, helping women and children in our communities!

I love the idea of the Healthworks Foundation. Many of us know how empowering fitness and health can be to women, and I support anything that helps women and girls to learn about empowering themselves! I actually thought a lot about that as I ran the Boston Marathon, high fiving little girls along the way. If you are in the area, definitely check out Shape Day!

What are your meal plans for the week? Anything new on the menu?

Tags: easy recipe, Food, healthy recipe, recipe, salad, summer recipe

  1. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    I’m really, really, really bad in meal planning but I tried to do a small list of possible dishes for next week. At least we have food until Tuesday in the fridge 😉


  2. Raija’s avatar

    I just ate, but you’ve inspired me to go to the store so that I don’t have to buy as much this week out.


  3. Simply Life’s avatar

    YUM! What a great looking salad! Hope you’re dealing well without regular water! 🙂


  4. Cooking with Coley’s avatar

    This is a great recipe to celebrate the weather in Boston this week… it’s perfect for summer – fresh, healthy and full of bright colors!

    Lately, we’ve been trying to grill up a lot of thin sliced chicken tenderloins on Sundays and just add simple seasonings like s&p, garlic powder or something like Lawry’s. After it comes off the grill, we quickly chop it up then toss it in Frank’s Red Hot and make salads and (healthy) buffalo chicken wraps for lunch during the week. We didn’t do that today though because we can’t deal with the lack of water to clean up!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      That sounds yummy! I love healthy buffalo chicken. Tonight, it might be ice cream for dinner. I am too hot to cook and too tired to think about water precautions!


    2. Chef Dennis’s avatar

      strawberries, goat cheese and buffalo chicken…what a great combination..especially with the balsamic dressing…..
      thanks for sharing


    3. Kelly’s avatar

      Strawberries are definitely one of my favorite things to have to use up- the salad looks delicious!
      Nothing too interesting on my menu this week- its going to be a crazy week so easy dinners are where it’s at!


    4. La_Bella_Luna’s avatar

      We use a George Foreman Grill too! We just it for practically everything! love it!


    5. Fight the Fat Foodie’s avatar

      Wow, looks and sounds wonderful!


    6. Jocelyn @ Peace.Love.Nutrition’s avatar

      Wow! Strawberries…looks delicious. never would have though of that


    7. Bibi’s avatar

      What a beautiful and healthy looking salad. I am so happy that the weather is getting better and salad season is coming.


    8. Therese’s avatar

      Hey! Just popped by after you friended me on FoodBuzz! I make a similar salad that everyone LOVES, I just add mango slices and toasted almonds (and no chicken but that’s just because I’m a veg). I add a raspberry balsamic and it’s to-die for! But I’m definitely going to try adding the black pepper! YUM!

      I love the Eating at Home challenge! I do that as much as possible but on days like today when we’re in desperate need of groceries, I have to eat out. 🙁


    9. Kelly (Hot Cookin')’s avatar

      What a beautiful dish! This is almost like getting to eat your dessert along with dinner! I love it!


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