A Manly Meal

Happy Thursday! Who is ready for the weekend? I didn’t work on Monday, and my office closes at 2:00 tomorrow for Memorial Day weekend, but I have never been so ready for some time off.

Yesterday was a tough day at work, a tough day in general, and I didn’t have the most pleasant evening either. Hmph. I went to get a much needed cut and color at Rock Paper Scissors, one of the great perks in the Healthworks Blogger Bash swag bag last week. I am still in awe over the amazingness of those bags.

I tend to only review things that I love on the blog to keep it positive, so I will just say that based on my hair cut and color experience last night, I will be sprinting back to my hair men at Tips. To me it is worth it for the level of comfort and more importantly, hair cut and color experience that they offer. If you have specific questions please feel free to email me, and I will leave it at that.

SO back to the long holiday weekend! As you can tell by a few of my recent posts, I am all ready for summer. Grilling is one of those things that makes summer delicious and gives it that “easy like Sunday morning” feeling on a busy weeknight. Personally I go for the grilled veggies, especially zucchini and peppers dusted with a bit of black pepper and good olive oil. I can make an entire meal of grilled veggies!

My husband has made huge strides in learning about food and nutrition since I met him, fresh off the boat from Ireland. He started dating me when I was a strict vegetarian, and over the past 7 years, he has developed quite the appreciation for vegetables. Our diet is vegetarian about 5 days a week.

I do know that he enjoys meat though, so once in awhile, and especially when he is working a zillion hours a week, I like to make a delicious and different meal. I thought this post was timely as people will be barbequing this weekend, and this marinade is delicious!

I started with a few simple ingredients: honey, balsamic vinegar, ginger, garlic, and some grass fed beef.


honey, balsamic, ginger, garlic marinade

ginger root

I actually do the marinade/sauce in 2 separate parts. The actual marinating process involves coating the meat in ground black pepper and balsamic, then rubbing a generous portion of fresh ginger into it. I use a spoon so I don’t have to touch it. Ew!

grass fed beef

I let the beef sit in this mixture for at least an hour. I hear that it makes the beef extra tender, so marinating it longer is even better. In the meantime, I finely chop the garlic and mix it with more balsamic vinegar and about a teaspoon of honey. Like most of my cooking, I eyeball this and taste the sauce to make sure every flavor is well represented. Ideally you would grill the meat, but last night I cooked it by searing it in a pan then slowly cooking it over a low flame. I also simmered the balsamic/honey/garlic mixture on very low so that it reduced a little. Once the beef was done, I poured the sauce over it.

In case you were wondering, I leave the garlic and honey out because both tend to burn quickly, and we don’t want that!

Since I had so much ginger grated, I also tossed it with some broccoli, olive oil, garlic, and crushed red pepper flakes, then roasted it for about 8 minutes at 400.

Altogether, the hubs loved it, and it was a balanced enough meal for me. He eats red meat maybe once a month, so I wanted it to be delicious!

steak and roasted broccoli

Another favorite grilling marinade for us is yogurt marinated chicken. Greek yogurt, paprika, garlic powder, chili powder, and black pepper make an awesome pre-grilling marinade, and I usually make a separate batch with cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions to serve as a little tzatziki for post-grilling.

What will you be eating this Memorial Day weekend? Do you have any beloved marinade or other BBQ recipes?

Have you or your significant other/roommate had to change up your eating habits after moving in together?

Tags: broccoli, Food, grilling, marinades

  1. Elina’s avatar

    Oh no! This is why I’m not going to cheat on my girl at Jerel 119. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. 🙁 I’d think they would take extra good care of you since you’re a blogger. Eh
    The meat sounds delicious. I’m saving the marinade recipe.
    Also – I’m going to be late today. I’ll try to leave work at 5 – that’s the best I can do. I hope that’s ok!


  2. Evelyn @ cheers2healthy’s avatar

    That’s great that your husband is eating a healthier diet and you compromise by giving him a lovely manly meal every so often 😀 Sounds like there’s a lotta love int his relationship!


  3. Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)’s avatar

    That marinade sounds great. Love the flavor combo. 🙂



  4. Michelle’s avatar

    Both of our eating habits have changed so much since we started living together. B eats way more vegetables and I actually eat more pork. Prior to living with him, I would eat pork once every few months and I actually eat it once or twice a month because of him!


  5. Sarah Fullerton’s avatar

    Looks delicious. You may have inspired me to cook steak for the hubby this weekend.


  6. Simply Life’s avatar

    My husband and I have both drastically changed what we eat since being together – part our influence on each other and part just learning about new things together!


  7. Daisy’s avatar

    what michelle said! I eat more pork because of the boy and he eats more veggies becasue of me. I can’t believe RPS was a bad experience! I feel like i just read a GREAT review on another blog. very interesting, and such a bummer! nice of you to take the high road on that review….


  8. Angela L’s avatar

    The marinade sounds delicious. I am inspired for this upcoming weekend to break out the bbq!


  9. Cristina’s avatar

    The marinade sounds so good…did you get to taste it too? I’ve tried to go without meat…just really difficult.


  10. Kelly’s avatar

    Haha, Eric and I just eat separate foods- so no, we didn’t change our eating habits haha. We are both too stubborn.

    Sorry about the bad day yesterday, I hope the wine tasting tonight made things better. Wish I could’ve been there!


  11. Eric King’s avatar

    Trust me – it tasted better than it looked! and it looked amazing.

    🙂 Thank you loveen.

    -Mr. Traveleatlove.


  12. Belinda @zomppa’s avatar

    Perfect marinade. Enjoy your weekend!


  13. Jen’s avatar

    Yogurt marinated chicken is one of my favoritesssss!!! And heh – since my fiance and I started living together he eats a gagillion more vegetables and even says he LOVES asparagus. He even gives me credit for it. I eat more deli meats, which I wouldn’t touch before he and I got together. There’s still a few I won’t touch, though. I’ve also upped my pizza intake from 2 slices a sitting to 3.I feel like I win and lose at the same time lol


  14. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

    Ah, love the look of that meat 😀

    Well, my boyfriend didn’t make any changes..at least not big ones… YET. But now that my diet is going to change a lot he has been very supportive about it and even ate shrimps last night even though he doesn’t like them much 🙂


  15. Kmag’s avatar

    I lost 40lbs in the 6 mos. before I got married. I’ve gained it all back in the last five years. So yes, I’m eating differently. But I think hubby is too. Now he eats whole grain pasta and a green veggie with his potatoes.

    And the marinade, both for the beef and the chicken sound oh so yummy!


  16. Amy’s avatar

    The marinade sounds delicious. I am inspired for this upcoming weekend to break out the bbq!


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