Lunching and Gardening

I am a little behind on posting and am just getting around to Sunday now. That’s a good thing; it means I have a lot to write about! 🙂

Sunday was a scorcher in Boston, and this girl was a bit foolish and only used sunscreen on her face. Other than the ridiculous burn on my chest, back, and shoulders, it was a perfect day spent relaxing with my husband.

We started with another walk around Castle Island. You’ll see lots of these this summer. And if any of you live in the area, I would love to meet for a walk or jog some summer evening.

After our walk, we decided to head to the M.J. O’Connor’s in the new-ish Westin Hotel near Boston’s waterfront. My initial motivation in going here was that the bartender was named one of the best in Boston by the Improper Bostonian, and her signature drink is a perfectly pulled pint of Guinness, something my husband is quite the fan of (me too!).

We ate outside (bad idea for my skin!), and each opted to start with something a little lighter than a Guinness, a pint of Magner’s (Bulmer’s in Ireland) on ice.

Magners Cider

For my lunch, I had an Irish pub favorite, a veggie curry with jasmine rice and toasted almonds. Heavenly, coconutty curry sauce with carrots, zucchini, and summer squash made this dish a simple but amazing favorite.

veggie curry

I also got a side of the curry for dipping my husband’s chips. Ever since the marathon I had been craving Supermac’s, and Irish fast food chain that specializes in chips with good dipping sauces.

BLT Sandwich

Hubby had the “RLT” rashers (Irish bacon), lettuce, and tomato. I ate most of the chips and curry. Still milking that marathon for all I can get 🙂

After lunch, I went to Lambert’s fruit and veg market to get my garden started! I grow a small deck garden, but last year I got lots of grape tomatoes, basil, spinach, and habanero peppers out of my work. I love growing my own food.

Lambert’s was a serious sea of colors with every sort of plant imaginable. Their prices are very reasonable as well, and I love that it is a family owned business.


cayenne peppers



We also got the bulk of our produce for the week for less than $20. If you live in the Boston area, Lambert’s is definitely worth the drive just to get your fruits and veggies!

As for my garden, it is coming along. I need to repot everything, but I am excited about once again having fresh tomatoes right outside my door!

Do you plant anything in the spring/summer? Have any good gardening tips?

If you have not entered to win a case of Honest Tea, make sure to enter by end of day tomorrow!

Tags: Food, gardening, Lunch, plants, summer, vegetables

  1. Terrianne’s avatar

    What a great day you had, aside from the sunburn. =(
    I love growing things in the spring/summer months. I’ve never been to or even heard of Lamberts. Sound like a place I should check out. This year we’re growing strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, cucumbers, and a bunch of herbs.

    Sounds like you’ve got quite the garden started. It’s so satisfying eating things you, yourself have nurtured and watch grow, isn’t it?

    I haven’t been to Castle Island in ages. I must go before the end of summer!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Lambert’s is consistently the best and cheapest produce I have found in the area! Definitely try to get there if you can.


    2. Daisy’s avatar

      I need to go to castle island! every year i say it. i love magners and that lunch looks amazing


    3. brandi’s avatar

      My husband is the real “grower” in the family. He usually does most of the gardening prep work/planting, but I didn’t grow up having a garden so I’m still a bit clueless.

      This year we’re growing peas, probably green beans, lots of tomatoes, and herbs. Our gardening space is pretty small and tomatoes are the most important thing for us to have 🙂


    4. Corinne’s avatar

      Just stopping by for the first time. Love your blog and the fact you are a Bostonian. I live in Portsmouth, NH but come down to Boston just about everyother weekend 🙂 (BF lives there) I have yet to go to Castle Island but have heard wonderful descriptions. Can you grill there? Nice picnic area? BTW Beautiful garden. Thanks! I’ll be back!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Thank you so much for your comment! My husband and I were JUST talking about Portsmouth last night. When we first started dating he worked up there and really wants to visit again soon. I would love your recommendations!
        Castle Island has charcoal grilling and plenty of picnic tables along with lots of open grass and beach space for picnics. It is a really lovely place where people from all over come to enjoy the nice weather!


      2. Jean’s avatar

        I found you on Foodbuzz.

        Just had to comment on this post–I love Bulmer’s/Magner’s! I think I enjoy it more than Guinness. And as for the curry, it seems to be a popular menu item n Ireland.

        Enjoyed reading this! Thanks for posting.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Thank you for your comment! I love Magner’s especially on a hot summer’s day. I look forward to reading your blog 🙂


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