Like Summer

It’s official. Summer is close by. From the opening of the Copley Farmer’s Market to the bright, raspberry painted toenails and gold sandals I rocked yesterday to the email from HR announcing that we close at 2:00 next Friday, all of the signs of one of my favorite seasons are here.

The Copley Square Farmer’s Market is every Tuesday and Friday, all summer long, and it is a feast for the senses. As the summer goes on, the offerings increase. Yesterday I was pretty surprised at how much local produce was available for late May. There were lots of greens like chard and spinach, a few varieties of radishes, and even organic strawberries!

I tend to stick to the same stalls, the Atlas Farms, Silverbrook Farms, and Keown Orchard stands, but yesterday I branched out and checked out the Siena Farms/Sofra stand. I ended up purchasing a bunch of these lovely “Easter egg” radishes.

Copley Square Siena Farms Easter Egg Radishes Coply Square Farmer's Market Cat Tails

And at another stall, grudgingly passing by these Red Velvet cupcakes. I love these, but I feel like I should buy veggies at a farmer’s market!

Copley Farmer's Market Red Velvet Cupcakes

I browsed a variety of fresh, locally grown greens. I wanted a bit of everything but settled on a huge bunch of rainbow chard.


Siena Farms Greens and Radishes


Atlas Farms had their first strawberries of the season, and they smelled amazing!


Copley Farmer's Market English Cucumbers

I thought about making strawberries my lunch. Don’t they look good? I am due for another strawberry salad sometime soon.



In addition to produce, the Siena stand offered Ana Sortun’s book and some of her Sofra spices. Chef Sortun owns Oleana, a Cambridge eatery that is on my list.

Ana Sortun's book, Spice, and Middle Eastern Spices from Sofra

I am so excited about a summer of farmer’s markets! I love that blogging pushes me a little more to get out there, to get away from my desk during the day, and to take advantage of all of the local produce, cheese, eggs, and baked goods right outside my office door.  I also ran into Elina, camera in hand. It is easy to spot other bloggers! 🙂

Copley Square and Copley Farmer's Market

I prepared the rainbow chard and radishes simply, with 4 cloves chopped garlic and a nice knob of Kerrygold butter. The flavors altogether were delicious! I love eating a big bowl of greens!

Radishes, Rainbow Chard, Kerrygold


Interesting note about these shoes: I basically ruined them the first time I wore them. We were in Italy visiting my brother and sister in law, and we had a day trip planned to Civitella. My husband encouraged me to wear sneakers since we were trekking up hills and over steps that were hundreds of years old. Wear sneakers in the land of beautiful women and beautiful shoes?! I think not. So, I wore these, tripped on some old stairs, and scuffed the fronts. Battle scars, right? 🙂



Don’t miss my Olivia’s Organics giveaway, friends!

And since it IS almost summer, what is your favorite thing about summer? Thank you all so much for participating in the Your Turn post as well.If you haven’t I would love you to comment. It’s so fun learning about who is reading my blog and finding new blogs as well!

Tags: Copley Square Farmer's Market, Farmer's Markets, Food, radishes, rainbow chard, vegetables

  1. Elina’s avatar

    Hehe, it was so funny running into you. I actually thought that might happen since you work so close by. Btw, I totally buy a pastry almost every week at the farmers market. It’s locally produced 😉


  2. Kelly’s avatar

    I didn’t even know that farmer’s markets had cupcakes but I don’t know if I would’ve passed those up- they look delicious!
    Have fun at the Coastal Wine event today- you know I love that coastal wine trail!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      The cupcakes looked amazing, but they were $3 and since I was short on cash, I thought I should spend it on veggies. Next time I will know to bring more $$!


    2. Simply Life’s avatar

      One of my favorite things about summer is just being able to eat outside!


    3. Nicole’s avatar

      I haven’t been to a farmer’s market yet this season, but I NEED to get to one! I love them so much. My fav thing about summer is not working, reading and getting to the beach with friends. I can’t wait!


    4. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear’s avatar

      Oi, those cupcakes look so delicious 🙂

      I love the warm temperatures in summer. It’s usually so cold in here!


    5. Linda's Yummies’s avatar

      Fresh veggies, herbs and fruit! I need to go there during lunch. Thanks for sharing!


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