
Last night I had the opportunity to attend yet another great event at the  Morton’s Back Bay location. The Uncorked series gives attendees a nice glimpse into the wines of the evening, and last night featured my favorites, Champagne and sparkling wine. On the menu, a Lunetta Prosecco, an Iron Horse Vintage Brut, a NV Graham Beck Brut Rose, and a 2008 Moscato d’Asti.

wine tasting notes

Lisa from Ruby Wines gave us a nice background on Champagne, the bubbly made only in the Champagne region, which is about an hour outside of Paris vs. the Method Champenoise which creates sparkling wine in the same method of the Champagne region but can not be called Champagne because it is made outside that region.

Some of her explanation I had heard before, but I never knew about the dead yeast that results from the fermentation in the Champagne bottle and the process by which the dead yeast is removed. It was so interesting to learn even more about the process of making Champagne, and Lisa described it in a way that was interesting and understandable while we sipped some quality wines.


Iron Horse Sparkling Wine

She also showed us how to open a bottle of bubbly. She pulled this off without even a pop, and not a drop was wasted!

Lisa from Ruby Wines

Morton’s provided fabulous food pairings for the wine, as usual. With the Lunetta Prosecco, we enjoyed Morton’s fresh crab cakes which are pretty much 100% crab, no fillers here! Delicious, sweet, and meaty, these paired well with the pear flavor of the Prosecco. Lunetta Prosecco is a great value wine that is easy to drink and like many sparklers, goes GREAT with food!

Mortons' Crab Cakes

Our second wine was Iron Horse Vintage Brut. My first thought? This tastes like Sonoma. I love Iron Horse. Their sparkling wine is toasty, with a lovely sweetness to it. It has been served in 5 White House administrations, and it is actually listed as an icon of Americana. This was probably my favorite wine of the evening and brought me back to my birthday dinner at Scopa in Healdsburg :).

Sparkling wine

We were served a tuna tartare which I photographed the last time I tasted wine at Morton’s. The tuna was as delicious as I remembered! We also had a bit of bruschetta with perfectly reduced balsamic, syrupy and sweet, and delicious with the salty cheese, crust bread, and juicy tomato.


Our 3rd wine was a South African Rose from Graham Beck, a lovely shade of pink and made of 50% Pinot Noir and 50% Chardonnay, this wine was very tasty, and I love that Graham Beck is still a family owned winery headed up by a passionate winemaker. Visiting South Africa is definitely in our future.

Graham Beck Brut Rose

The final savory course was mini burger sliders which I didn’t try since they were made from beef. My friend thoroughly enjoyed them, and I loved how adorable they were!

Mortons' Sliders

The final wine and food pairing of the evening was a Moscato d’asti with an intense apricot flavor, and a New York style cheesecake topped with fresh and fragrant strawberries. This dessert bubbly was sweet and paired very well with the richness of the cheesecake.

Cheesecake with Strawberries

Morton’s offers nothing but quality events, and this was no exception. I was SO happy I was able to attend and look forward to their next Uncorked event which features Tuscan reds. If anyone is interested in attending, I will be there and would love to taste wine with you! To register, just visit their website:


For $40 you get a few great portions of delicious food, several glasses of wine, and some great insight into the wine of the evening.

I can’t wait until the next event!

Have you attended any fun events recently? I would love to hear about them!

And don’t forget to enter my Cabot giveaway! AND I have another giveaway starting on Thursday so stay tuned!

Tags: champagne, dessert, Food, food and wine, food and wine pairings, Morton's, sparkling wine, wine

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    Besides the awesome wine and food, I’m totally into the sentence where you said “A visit to South Africa is in our future.” Love how tasting the wines really makes you want to travel there! I gots to check out that link, these events look fun


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I once worked with someone who owned a vineyard in South Africa, and he invited us to get married there! Due to $ and the logistics of getting all of our families there, we turned it down. But I will be sure to look him up if we plan a trip!


    2. A Boston Food Diary’s avatar

      This sounds fantastic! Thanks for the tip-Tuscan reds are some of my favorite wines!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I don’t know much about them, so I am looking forward to the event!


      2. Michelle’s avatar

        This looks like a great event! I’m going to try to go to next month’s event!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          We should go together! 🙂


        2. Rebecca @ How the Cookies Crumble’s avatar

          I worked at a nice restaurant back in college and I loved when our wine menu would change. They would get us all together for a wine tasting and to take notes. We started with the less expensive wines and, of course, as we got to the more expensive wines everyone was starting to get a little rowdy. My manager got annoyed with us all and sent us home. I ended up with a nearly full bottle of Caymus Cab to take with! Worked out for me!


          1. traveleatlove’s avatar

            Nice! I could see that as being a nice restaurant job perk! 🙂


          2. Simply Life’s avatar

            Looks like another great event filled with great food and drinks!


          3. Nicole’s avatar

            I want to hide in your pocket and come to all of these amazing events with you. All of that food and wine looks amazing, sliders, tuna tartar and dessert…yum!


          4. Jocelyn @ Peace.Love.Nutrition’s avatar

            What a fun event with delicious eats (and drinks!!) haha


          5. Lori Lynn’s avatar

            Sounds great, I have to look into attending one!


          6. Sandy’s avatar

            This looks like a fabulous time!


          7. Alison’s avatar

            Prosecco and crab cakes? Color me jealous!


          8. The Cilantropist’s avatar

            This event sounds fantastic, and I especially would have loved to try the dessert course. The wine paring sounds perfect, and I cheesecake is always a winner in my book. 🙂


          9. Pieter Ferreira’s avatar

            I am the winemaker from Graham Beck Wines and I am delighted that you enjoyed the wine#3. It is really a fun wine with great flavour and stunning silver-pink colour. please drop us a note if you get down to South Africa and we can arrange a tour and tasting at the winery. If you are a Tweeter follow us on http://twitter.com/GrahamBeckWines Enjoy!


            1. traveleatlove’s avatar

              Thank you so much for your comment. I thoroughly enjoyed the Graham Beck wine I tried at Morton’s and have since bought a few bottles. It is the ideal summer sparkling wine. South Africa is one of my top destinations, and I would love to visit.


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