Spring in the Air and in My Step

Just a reminder to enter my Cabot Cheese gift giveaway and to spread the word to your friends! Only a few days left!

Spring is here, and my legs are no longer sore! I celebrated that fact last night by attending a post marathon/ running club kickoff party at Healthworks Back Bay. I was really excited for this event because it meant that I got to meet other runners and fellow Healthworks members to talk about running while snacking on some yummy treats. I have never belonged to a gym like Healthworks which really aims to engage its members beyond just coming and going to work out. Everyone there is super nice, and it is a beautiful, clean facility which should go without saying, but trust me. . . I have belonged to some other well known gyms that could take a few lessons from them!

The spread was celebratory and offered a variety of options for us hungry runners.

There were adorable, delicious, foot shaped cookies.

Cookies and champagne

Too cute. And yummy. It’s a good thing we all ran 26 miles on Monday!


There were Pop Chips. Though I had tasted and enjoyed the plain Pop Chips before, at this event I had a bag of barbeque and almost drooled, they were so good. Desk drawer, you need to stock up on Barbeque Pop Chips please.

Pop Chips

And yummy Luna protein bars, which I am saving for a post workout boost.

Luna Bars

There was Boston Athletic Association inspiration. I love that unicorn.

Boston Marathon motivation

And Pearly Bay sparkling wine from Boston Wine Exchange, a great store I visited in this post. This wine was slightly sweet, bubbly, and perfect for a Friday night celebration!

sparkling wine 

I spent a little over an hour mingling with other runners, learning about Healthworks’ running club, which is open to non members as well, and even winning an awesome raffle bag full of fun goodies like vouchers for B. Good burgers and fries. Kind of appropriate considering I ran much of the marathon with the B. Good french fry and hamburger. I really did. I even asked if they were hot, and they were 🙂

After I left the Healthworks event, I strolled through Copley Square and snapped a photo of these gorgeous tulips. Did I mention tulips and daffodils are some of my favorite things about spring? Tina from Carrots N Cake actually posted a similar picture last night! They were just too beautiful to pass up.

Copley Square Tulips

And since I was walking by, I decided to stop in to the new candy store next to Marathon Sports, Sugar Heaven.

Sugar Heaven

Sugar Heaven is chock full of sweet treats. They had a refrigerator full of European chocolate, the stuff my hubby grew up on, so I picked up a Galaxy bar, an Aero, and a Dairy Milk for him.

European candy bars

I loved all of the bright colors! I bought a few things, but I just wanted photos of everything.



Chocolate chocolate everywhere!

display of chocolate bars

I needed to get out of there before I spent too much and ended up with a supply of candy that we should not have around.

I walked to meet my husband by Symphony Hall, and passed by the Christian Science center where the fountains were on, and brave people were playing in them.

Christian Science Center

Christian Science Library

Boston is so beautiful this time of year!

We had a great dinner at an old favorite, DBar Boston, in our Dorchester ‘hood. I even spotted Chris Coombs, the Executive Chef and recent Chopped contestant. It was too dark for photos, but I had a glass of Mionetto prosecco, lobster bisque, and tuna ceviche. Every meal I have ever eaten at DBar has been excellent, and tonight was no different. It is a cozy neighborhood place with a sophisticated vibe and upscale comfort food menu, not to mention their awesome cocktail list and amazing brunch.

Not too many plans for today. My good friend Meghan, who was in my marathon photos, lost her wonderful grandfather last night, so I am thinking of her and hoping to see her and her family this weekend. It is so hard to see a friend sad, so send her some good vibes if you can.

Enjoy this spring weekend friends!

Tags: Boston, candy, fitness, Food, Healthworks, running, sparkling wine

  1. bunkycooks’s avatar

    I always love to see your photos of Boston. We really miss living there!! Thanks for sharing.


  2. roxan’s avatar

    Mmm @ the case of european chocolates!
    I was in London last year and brought back a huge supply of Mint Aeros only to find out they are really easy to get here in Los Angeles!


  3. roxan’s avatar

    By the way, congrats on completing the marathon, that’s a huge accomplishment. I’m not a big runner by myself but the LA marathon was just a few weeks ago and I live only a couple blocks from Santa Monica Blvd a few miles away from the finishline. My husband and I rode our bikes to SM Blvd to cheer on the runners and being so close to the finish line their determination was amazing.


  4. leslie’s avatar

    i love the spring joy in this post. aren’t cities wonderful in warm weather?

    one of my friends used to work at sugar heaven! she took me there when she was still living in boston, and i was completely overwhelmed – the amount of color alone was intense.

    hope you can bring some comfort to your friend – sometimes just having company can be enough. enjoy your weekend!


  5. Kelly’s avatar

    Wow the healthworks event looks so fun. Healthworks is definitely an awesome gym- I wish my groupon didn’t run out 🙂

    Those tulips look AMAZING tulips are definitely on my top 5 things I love about spring!


  6. eatmovelove’s avatar

    CONGRATS on your running girl!! I’d be eating horses now ;)…LOVE popchips – only tried the salt and vinegar though, but so good…
    And I want to move to the States just so I can try those Protein Luna bars that they don’t give away here…argh…


  7. Lazaro’s avatar

    Thank you for the kind words. Give the pasta machine a workout with the white wine pasta. The hint of wine is quite unexpected, and never ceases to surprise people. Cheers!


  8. Michelle’s avatar

    These are some great photos! There’s nothing better than Boston in springtime!


  9. Daisy’s avatar

    I love the fountains at the Christian Science center. You reminded me I need to carouse that area next time. I used to live on Clearway Street right over there! I took pictures of tulips too this weekend. gosh they are gorgeous.


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