Mezzetta Mediterranean Bean Dip

I am already looking forward to lunch today, and I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet! Yesterday I received a box of yummy Mezzetta products to sample, and since they were on the counter when I was brainstorming lunch, they provided huge inspiration for my big salad topper, Mediterranean Bean Dip.

I incorporated Mezzetta Napa Valley capers (after I ate a whole bunch by themselves!). I love the salty, slightly mustardy flavor of capers.


The bean dip recipe also featured Mezzetta’s Napa Valley Bistro pesto. I  may have eaten a couple of spoonfuls of this out of the jar here too. Hey! I am eating to fuel for a marathon! 🙂 This pesto is soooo good.


I drained and rinsed a can of pinto beans that I had lying around. I have been buying lots of pinto beans lately. I like how creamy they are, and they are a nice change from the usual black beans or kidney beans I use.


I added the entire can of beans to my mini food processer along with some salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, and a splash of aged balsamic vinegar. After the beans were completely pureed, I added a couple heaping spoonfuls of Mezzetta pesto and pureed everything together again.

pinto beans and spices

Right before I added the dip to our lunch salads, I stirred in a teaspoon of capers into each serving of bean dip.

This dip is AMAZING. I know it sounds really simple, and it is, but it tastes completely like an afternoon in Italy, and the creaminess of the beans and the oil make it so satisfying and filling. In addition to topping salads with the dip, it could easily be served with pita triangles, crostini, and veggies, as a spread for sandwiches and wraps, and I think it would be good rolled in panko and baked or pan fried into a bean burger type of dish.

Thanks to Mezzetta for the samples! I love coming up with new recipes based on a product or two!

Don’t forget to check out my Equal Exchange giveaway . . . a $30 gift certificate to buy coffee, chocolate, tea, or snacks!

Tags: beans, capers, Food, healthy eating, healthy recipe, pesto, recipe, salad, vegetarian recipe

  1. Jessica @ How Sweet’s avatar

    That bean dip does sound delicous! I really love most bean dips – filling and full or fiber!


  2. Abby’s avatar

    Meghan that looks so yummy!! That’s amazing that you just thought up this recipe! Must try it!


  3. Meg @ Be Fit Be Full’s avatar

    I love capers, pesto AND beans, so I’m pretty sure I would love this dip! Thanks for sharing how you made it!


  4. Lazaro’s avatar

    Now I know what I’m making for the Arsenal game this weekend. Thank you for sharing this wonderful dip. Cheers!


  5. kalli@fitandfortysomething’s avatar

    oh this looks divine! i love mezzetta products 🙂


  6. Simply Life’s avatar

    oh those all look so good!


  7. Nicole’s avatar

    I love bean dips, it does sound simple but sometimes the most simple recipes are the best!


  8. Chef Dennis’s avatar

    just give me a bag of fritos and point me towards the bean dip!!


  9. krissy @’s avatar

    how cool! i received a similar package from Mezzetta too, but haven’t had a chance to make any recipes with it. thanks for the reminder! your Mediterranean bean dip looks deeelish!


  10. Kelly’s avatar

    Wow that sounds really delicious. I love easy things to make that are also yummy. What could be better?


  11. Kathy Gori’s avatar

    I have coffee with ron mezzetta every morning, if it’s ok with you, may i show this to him? I think he’d love it.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Wow! That is so neat. Of course you can share it with him, thank you!!


    2. My Man's Belly’s avatar

      Isn’t it great when you an throw a few things together to make something really yummy and it doesn’t take all day and every pot you have in your kitchen?

      Love this dip.


    3. Elin’s avatar

      Great sharing. I wish we have this mezzetta homemade basil pesto sold here 🙂 It looks delish!


    4. Holly’s avatar

      Love this! It sounds perfectly salty and creamy. Are these products found in normal grocery stores? I have an edamame dip that I threw together in a similar fashion. Sure beats regular chips and dips, right?


    5. Rochelle (Acquired Taste)’s avatar

      Bean, capers and pesto all together? Sounds like e an awesome dip, and with some whole wheat pita chips, yum yum!


    6. Lori Lynn’s avatar

      I received some jars of Mezzetta too!
      Looking forward to trying them.
      Your dip sounds awesome.


    7. Claudia’s avatar

      I am going to play with this – I love your addition of pesto and the capers – delizioso!


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