Inspiration is Everywhere

It’s Boston Marathon weekend! Yesterday afternoon I couldn’t wait to get to the Hynes Convention Center to pick up my race number and to browse the expo.


I walked right down Boylston Street through Copley Square where the finish action happens. In the photo below you can see the blue scaffolding which will be covered in balloons on Marathon Monday.


Boylston Street

Access to cross the street near the finish line was blocked off, but when a kind Boston police officer caught me trying to sneak on to the street, he gave me the go ahead to take a photo and wished me luck. Everyone in Boston has the marathon fevah! 🙂

Boston Marathon finish line

When I got to the Hynes, the line was SUPER long, but when the doors opened at 2:00, it completely dispersed, and I had my bib number, fabulous Adidas long sleeved t-shirt and other goodies within minutes. The Boston Athletic Association knows how to run a show!

Boston Marathon number pickup

Once I had secured a coveted size small shirt, I went to browse the seemingly never ending marathon expo. I stopped by the PowerBar display.


And checked out the Gatorade booth where I tried their new Recover drink. It was pretty good, a little sweet but refreshing.


Then I got a sample of Vemma, a liquid antioxidant made from mangosteen, aloe vera, and green tea. It wasn’t too bad. The texture was a tiny bit chalky, but I would definitely drink it again.


I had a nice healthy sample of Fage Greek yogurt with honey which was the perfect late afternoon snack. I love how satisfying Fage is! I like other Greek yogurts, but Fage is the real deal.


Then there was Odwalla with their delicious smoothie drinks.


I unfortunately had to get back to the office, but I really enjoyed the time that I spent at the marathon expo and the samples that I tasted. It was a place full of great energy, and it definitely pumped me up for the marathon weekend!

Boston Marathon inspiration

Inspiration can be found everywhere in Boston this weekend, from the elite superhumans to the thousands of charity runners raising millions of dollars to the men and women in uniform who run with something like 60 pounds on their back in memory of fallen comrades.

Boston Marathon inspiration

It’s all about the promises. My promises? To run a happy and healthy Boston Marathon with The ALLY Foundation in my mind and heart the entire time.

Have you made any promises to yourself lately?

Tags: Boston, Boston Marathon, running

  1. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    Weeeee!!! These photos of the expo even got me excited for hundreds of miles away. It looks like party….you must be going nuts with excitement!!

    BEST OF LUCK (even though I know you don’t need it)!! I wish I could be there to cheer you on.


  2. Nicole’s avatar

    Good luck to you! That looks like a fantastic expo. I hope you have a great marathon run! I’ll be thinking of you! 🙂


  3. Lizzy’s avatar

    Good luck!!!!!!! It’s going to be a perfect Boston day for running. Enjoy yourself and I will be out cheering for you!


  4. Morgan’s avatar

    Good luck! I can’t wait for a marathon recap, you’re gonna do great!
    This is my first Marathon Monday in 10 years I won’t be in Boston. It’s one of my favorite days of the year!


  5. Jessie’s avatar

    Ahh! I’m so excited for you!! You are going to be AWESOME!! 🙂


  6. Terri’s avatar

    What an exciting weekend! I am so proud of you and I know you are going to do awesome!! Enjoy every second of it!


  7. Monique’s avatar

    GOOD LUCK!! I hope the weather’s ideal for the race 🙂 I’m really inspired by you looooong distance runners. The most I’ve done was 8 mi and it was in prep for a 5K race (but that was back when I was in HS and crazy). I’m slowly trying to get back into it with 2-3 mile runs every couple of days.

    Take lots of pictures 🙂


  8. Simply Life’s avatar

    GOOD LUCK! I’m sure you’ll do GREAT!!!


  9. Abby’s avatar

    I’m really excited for you!! You’re going to do so well, and you’re doing it for such a great cause!


  10. Lazaro’s avatar

    Best of luck to you. Running for a charity is a very selfless thing to do. Much respect. Cheers!


  11. genesis’s avatar

    good luck! you’re going to be great!

    i actually want to look more into the charity that does the run for soldiers…


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I know that there is a great one called Homes for Our Troops. I saw their team at the last Boston Marathon. I am not sure if the men and women in uniform run for a charity or more symbolically. At any rate, it is incredibly impressive, emotional to see, and makes me feel like I have it very easy running with nothing on my back!!


    2. Lindsay Meyer’s avatar

      Have been out of the blog loop a bit this week due to travel, but wanted to wish you all the best tomorrow! Just do your best. We’re all proud of you and your commitment to the ALLY Foundation!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Thank you! I have been following your tweets and posts, you sound like a busy but happy girl! I really appreciate your support!


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