Friday Foodie Feature

First things first. Have you entered my Honest Tea giveaway? You can enter to win an entire case of a variety of Honest Tea flavors, so check it out!

It has been a good week for the bloggy with my first Foodgawker acceptance (followed by a dozen rejections!), my first Foodbuzz Top 9, and some fun giveaways in the works. I love a good blog week!

Otherwise, I have been dragging. I think it’s just the weather which is past due for some warmth and sunshine. It is promised to be in the 70’s for the weekend, and I can not wait, not to mention that I have 2 great wine events and a possible food event coming up this week. TGIF!

Today’s foodie feature, Erin from Travel Eat Repeat is a girl after my own heart. She has an awesome travel and living abroad background and shares my goal of eating her way around the world and telling everyone about it! Erin’s blog is so much fun, and it is really just a breath of fresh air to read. I love checking it out every day, and I can’t wait to see what adventures she finds stateside!

Whitehaven Beach, Australia  

How long have you been blogging?

I’ve been blogging since October 2007, when I started my blog (then called Postcards From the World) to keep in touch with friends and family back home while studying abroad in London. It wasn’t something I started doing regularly until I moved to South Korea in September 2008. Suddenly, blogging was a fantastic way to record my day-to-day life in Seoul and share that experience with others, too.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

I love meeting new people–both in person and on-line–and realizing how many shared interests we have. Blogging has also introduced me to new recipes, cool products and created a fantastic Internet network of liked-minded people. There’s nothing I don’t like about blogging, except maybe those days when absolutely nothing has happened and I feel like there’s nothing to say or blog about. Luckily those days are pretty rare. 😉

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

People really seemed to like the posts I wrote about traveling through Australia and New Zealand but my personal favorite was called “How to travel around the world without being rich.” By far the thing I get the most emails and comments about is “how do you travel so much?” so I was able to talk about my experience teaching in Korea and being budget-conscious.

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

My life is changing so much right now–settling down from traveling, searching for an apartment, interviewing for full-time jobs. I want my blog to reflect that and show what it’s like to be a single girl living in the city and exploring everything there is to do here.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I don’t keep a “traditional” food blog but that’s definitely the type of blog I read the most. It’s fun to do my own thing and I really encourage more people to start blogging, no matter what subject they want to write about. Thanks so much for this opportunity, Meghan!


Thank you, Erin, for sharing some of your adventures with us and especially for sharing this photo, which is no doubt the best photo to ever be posted on Travel Eat Love!

Chiang Mai, Thailand

If you would like to be featured as a Friday Foodie in the future, please email me: traveleatlove at

See you all again very soon 😉

Tags: blogs, foodie, Guest Blogger, Travel

  1. Lazaro’s avatar

    Fantastic feature piece. Wonderful photos. I too find the blogging experience to be very gratifying. Cheers!


  2. Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat)’s avatar

    Thanks Meghan! Love your blog. 😀


  3. Simply Life’s avatar

    I love that blog! Thanks for sharing! What is foodgawker? Congrats on the Top 9!


  4. Kelly’s avatar

    Yay, I love Erin’s blog, I’m glad she’s featured today! Erin, I love reading about your travels and I think it’s great how much traveling you have done while not being “rich” like you said. It IS possible, it’s just about priorities. It’s going to be fun to watch you settle down too though- there is room for traveling in a “settled” full time job life- Meghan is an great example of that!


  5. eatmovelove’s avatar

    I need to find that post then…..about how to afford to travel…I would love to do this – but having to pay near $1000/month in student loans is prohibiting me 🙁


  6. Kelly’s avatar

    If you did tell me you used to go to Prana- I totally forgot, it is awesome- but I hear you about the crowds. I go to Winchester (thinking about Newton on Sunday- is it right in the center?). I started going there when Winchester was first open and it was not crowded at all and now it’s a LOT busier…luckily not too crazy though I wonder how many other people are going to have to go every day now like me…oh boy.


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