Friday Foodie Feature

I won’t lie, I am tired. I read so many fitness and healthy living blogs, and it seems like everyone recovers from endurance events super fast. Not me. My legs feel fine, and I am not in horrible shape, but I feel a little more tired than normal for sure, and I am looking forward to the weekend. Tonight I am attending Healthworks post marathon celebration, and for the rest of the weekend, who knows? Sleeping and eating are definitely part of the plan. I started laying out my May calendar last night, and there are so many fun events coming up! Wine tastings, wine dinners, oyster festivals, weekend trips and lots more to come!  This may be one of the last kind of quiet weekends for  awhile, so I am going to relish it. What are you doing this weekend?

Today I am pleased to feature the lovely Kate from the blog WhatKateAte. I have just recently started reading Kate’s blog; like so many other great things I found it via Twitter. She has some great recipes and tasty looking photos, not to mention an incredible, inspiring healthy weight loss story. She’s a great writer, and I am very excited that she responded to my tweet seeking foodies to feature.

Enjoy today’s Friday Foodie Feature, and be sure to check out Kate’s blog if you haven’t already!

What Kate Ate

How long have you been blogging?
I started WhatKateAte the day after I returned home from spending a month in Greece (January 18th). I had toyed with the idea of starting a blog for some time, but I wanted to make sure that I could dedicate as much time and energy as I wanted into the project before I committed. Sure enough, I took the leap and slowly I have been finding what works for me and I haven’t looked back!


What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?
Part of the reason why I have found success in the realm of healthy living is due to the inspiration and information I found on food blogs – now I’m part of that community. It’s wonderful to be able to share my story with so many people who can relate and also to extend my experience to those who are in the process of making healthy changes in their lifestyle.  I also really enjoy being able to write about topics that I’m passionate about: food, the environment, swimming, and yoga.

My biggest challenge of being a blogger is that I sometimes find myself unnecessarily comparing myself to other bloggers.  After discovering this in myself, it made me realize that part of my healthy living journey is learning to compare my current self with my old self, since that is really the measurement that matters.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?
I really enjoyed the recent post that I did where I shared some photos of my trip to Greece.  One of the fabulous things about blogging is that you can look back at any day and have an instant flashback through photos and dialogue, and I really love that experience.

Where do you see your blog this time next year?
This time next year will be a huge time of transition for me in my life and I hope to have the privilege of being able to blog through the changes on


Want to be the next featured foodie? Email me:

And don’t forget to enter to win a Cabot cheese gift box!

Tags: blogger, Food, foodie

  1. Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat)’s avatar

    Just take the recovery one day at a time. You ran a MARATHON — that definitely deserves a good rest. 😀

    There’s a ton of fun stuff going on this weekend in DC — my uni has its annual open house and a huge climate rally on the Mall — so I’m looking forward to some fun (and free) activities.


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I’m so glad you featured Kate! I just recently started following her on Twitter and I love that she writes about healthy eating! Happy Friday Meghan!


  3. Daisy’s avatar

    Kate – I can’t wait to check out your blog especially to see your Greece pictures. I took a vaca there back in 2007 and have been obsessed with going back ever since. Greece is amazing!!

    I’m using my Groupon to Ma Soba sushi tonight. Tomorrow I’m heading to the bar at Radius for 1/2 off “The Burger”. It’s a $19 burger, so oh yea, big saturday night event. 😉 I love weekends like yours with no plans. enjoyyy it.


  4. Jessie’s avatar

    Yay, I love this feature! Your blog seems really fun, Kate, and I’m excited to read about Greece! 🙂

    Have a great weekend to both of you! Enjoy resting and recovering, Meghan!


  5. Lindsay Meyer’s avatar

    Weekend in SF…

    Friday Night: SF Symphony Concert
    Saturday: Errands, Laundry, Gym, Dinner w/ a Friend
    Sunday: MS Walk, Notre Dame Admissions Event, Church


  6. Lillian King’s avatar

    i like reading food blogs because i am always seeking for new recipes..”,


  7. Flow Meter %0B’s avatar

    eating can be considered my hobby he he he. i would really love to visit foods blogs and see some recipes *.`


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