Wine Tasting Class at Goosecross Cellars

Sunrise in Sonoma was nothing short of magical, and since we were on Eastern time, we were up well before the light! Our view out over the Chardonnay vineyard at Vintner’s Inn was breathtaking, and it was so quiet!


Even though the morning was a bit chilly, I was able to wear the dress I planned on wearing on my birthday 🙂

Travel Eat Love

We enjoyed a really delicious breakfast at the hotel and set off for Napa Valley where the wine is indeed bottled poetry.


The drive from Santa Rosa to Yountville was mostly through winding, forested hills until we reached Napa Valley, which was spread out in front of us, covered in yellow mustard flowers. March is a good time of year to be in wine country. As are September and November.

We were VERY early for our tasting class appointment at Goosecross Cellars in Yountville, so we had a chance to wander around a little. There actually were geese crossing the road, but they honked and flew away when I tried to photograph them.

Located on a side road in the middle of sprawling vineyards, Goosecross Cellars is beautiful and quaint.


Goosecross Cellars

To get to the tasting room and barrel storage room, you walk right past the wine tanks.




Since we had about 30 minutes before the tasting class, we did a little tasting at the bar.


And watched their very cool decanter as it spun the Cabernet Sauvignon around. After we wandered and tasted, I met Nancy Hawks Miller, the Director of Education at Goosecross Cellars. Wine education is clearly an important and fun topic for Goosecross, and if you are interested in learning more about wine, you can visit their Education page. I have it bookmarked, and I plan on using the resources as much as possible. There is so much to learn!

wine tasting setup

The classroom overlooked the vineyards and was the perfect location for learning about wine. Each place was set with a glass of Chardonnay and a glass of Merlot on a white placemat with a very informative take-home booklet summing up all of the points learned in the class.

Chardonnay and Merlot

The class was Wine Basics, so after some great information about Goosecross Cellars, we started from the beginning by learning how to pick up the glass and appreciate the color of the Chardonnay. We went through swirling the wine, smelling the wine, talking a bit about what the aromas were, and then went on to sipping  the wine normally, then taking another sip, pulling air in through the teeth, sort of swishing the wine around in the mouth, then “chewing” on it. As Nancy mentioned, when we drink wine in social situations, we don’t often pay attention to all of the beautiful things about a wine, so it was nice to really take it all in. It made me want to slow down with the wines that we drink at home or when we are out.

The Chardonnay was lovely, with crisp, citrus flavors. Because it was a Chardonnay, Nancy spoke in detail about malo-lactic fermentation and the flavors and colors that results that come from  the process of malo-lactic fermentation (ML). If you have ever had a buttery, oaky Chardonnay (the kind that made me think for years that I didn’t like Chardonnay!), those flavors were the result of ML. Goosecross does not use the ML process on its Chardonnay which results in the lovely flavors mentioned above. Interestingly enough, the by-product of ML is diacetyl which smells like butter and is actually used to flavor microwave popcorn!

Nancy had a really great wine aroma wheel that was extremely helpful in evaluating the wines. It starts out in the center with general terms like fruity or woody, then branches out to more specific terms: Fruity>Berry> Blackberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cassis. I have already downloaded a wheel from the internet, and I look forward to having a little fun with my at home wine tasting!

One of the most interesting portions of the class for me was learning WHY we taste pear or raspberry from a wine that is made entirely of grapes. I am getting better at identifying the various flavors and aromas of wines, but I never really knew why these things came through. Nancy explained it so well; certain plants actually share certain compounds. For example, a Viognier grape and an apricot share a compound called linalool. That is where you get that lovely apricot nose and flavor from in a Viognier! If you happen to be looking for a delicious Viognier, Goosecross happens to make an excellent one, by the way.

I learned so much from taking this course, and it just made me want to learn more. Nancy clearly loves educating others about wine, and she was humorous, incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, and approachable. She answered every question thoroughly, had great ideas and recommendations, and provided us with the perfect Napa Valley morning.

Tags: Goosecross, Napa, vineyards, wine, wine country, wine education, winery

  1. Lindsay Meyer’s avatar

    I LOVE your dress! So pretty!


  2. Sonoma William’s avatar

    Nice piece! I have been a fan of Goosecross podcast for years, sadly I have not dragged myself from North Sonoma to them yet, but resolve to do so soon!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I can see the temptation to stay in North Sonoma, but I would say Goosecross is definitely worth the trip! 🙂


    2. Bibi’s avatar

      I love visiting wineries and wine tasting. I live in a small town, but we have more the 12 award winning wineries within 30 minute driving distance.


    3. Nancy’s avatar

      Meghan, you must be the most thoughtful person on the planet! What a nice thing to come back to after a few days off! I also received your lovely note. I’m so glad you enjoyed the class. Again, if you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to contact me ( I hope your birthday weekend was all you hoped it would be! Best of luck with your career! Cheers! Nancy


    4. Melissa’s avatar

      Did you take notes during the class? (actually, do you do it every time you try a new wine?) Cuz your information is great! I love reading it. Jared and I are becoming bigger wine enthusiasts and I really want to learn some new things.


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        I didn’t take notes, but luckily the booklet they provided really covered each point that we learned. It was a great take home. In general I do try to bring a notebook or piece of paper with me like when I go to a Bin Ends wine flea market to take notes because there are SO many wines to try. They are having one this Sunday. Its in Braintree, and if you haven’t already you should definitely check out their site!


      2. Daisy’s avatar

        this is so cool. such an informative post. I want to take a wine tasting class here now!


      3. Simply Life’s avatar

        what a fun class…and I love your dress!


      4. wine blog’s avatar

        Haven’t tasted these wines. I’ll have to look for them here in Az. Not sure they’re distributed here though. Great pics…. I really need to get to Napa this year. Perhaps summer time. Cheers~


      5. Heather (Where's the Beach)’s avatar

        How fun. My husband and I want to get out to Napa SOOO bad.


      6. Raija’s avatar

        I LOVE that picture of you! You are one beautiful brand new 30 year old! See you tomorrow!!!


      7. Colleen’s avatar

        What a magnificent writer you are! You did a fantastic job of capturing every special moment at Goosecross, and we really appreciate all the wonderful things you said about Nancy and your experience here. It is a true pleasure to entertain such thoughtful and considerate folks as you both.

        Thanks for taking the time to post such a remarkable description about Goosecross! Come back and visit us next time so I can thank you in person. Cheers.


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          Thank you so much for your kind comment! We had a wonderful time at Goosecross and can not wait to return!


        2. Grace’s avatar

          I love how small and intimate this wine tasting class seems. Looks like the perfect combination of great wine, wine education, and fun!


        3. Leeanne’s avatar

          We didn’t get to Goosecross until this past Sunday but we loved their wines. Two young consultants, male and female, handled our tasting. They were so laid-back and fun. I took home a bottle of their Tempranillo.


        4. eric King’s avatar

          just watched bottleshock again – and loved this sign at the start – its now my desktop background – oh to go back to Wine country. 🙂 – this is such a great post.


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