The Run that Almost Wasn’t.


If you live in New England, chances are that today you are being deluged with downpours and whipped by chilly winds. At least thats how it is in Boston. It also, as my luck has it, was the day I planned to run 21 miles. Now I could have planned the longest run of my marathon training for last Saturday, a still, sunny, mid 50’s spring day. But that wouldn’t be exciting, would it?

So this morning, I woke up dark and early. Then I went back to bed for an hour of deep sleep that felt great. I mapped out my running route while eating a bowl of Greek yogurt and peanut butter topped with some chocolate covered Goji berries. Yum!

I REALLY didn’t want to run. I left the house in shorts and after 2 blocks turned back home to put pants on. The forecast said it would be 52, but it felt closer to 32.

Back at home, I considered just staying. That would have been nice. But I headed back out and along the South Boston waterfront where the winds felt like a hurricane. I was soaked about 1/4 mile into the run. The first 6 miles or so were brutal, and I considered quitting about 25 times. The dialogue in my head was literally, “I can quit and start over tomorrow.” “But if you just keep going you’ll be done and can enjoy the weekend.” Back and forth back and forth. I changed my route a million times and after about 8 miles decided to focus on time, just running for 3 hours and 40 minutes. I spent a looooooong time running around Beacon Hill just to make sure I got in a quality run. The mental struggle went on, but it got a little quieter the further I got. Once I was 15 miles in, there  was no way I wasn’t going to finish.

With about 45 minutes left, my iPod died 🙁 So I ran the last bit listening to the wind and the traditional Irish music blaring from South Boston pubs. That kept me going.

I arrived home FROZEN. I couldn’t put my key in the door or turn the doorknob my hands were so numb. Needless to say I ignored the advice to ice and hopped in a hot bath with a bath bomb that I got at Lush in Harvard Square yesterday (more on that later). And here I am, in my bed, blogging and catching up on Real Housewives of NYC.

I had a great afternoon and evening at a Yukon Salmon event with Oldways, followed by a beer tasting at Cardullo’s in Harvard Square and dinner at The Red House. I will be back later with photos and a full restaurant review.

Before I head out, I did want to announce that the lucky winner of Secrets of a Skinny Chef is Nicole from Making Good Choices! Congrats Nicole! Please send me an email to with your address so I can have the book shipped to you.

Have a great Saturday everyone! I am off to do some Napa and Sonoma planning!

Tags: Boston, running

  1. Raija’s avatar

    Love that picture!! Look at you all geared up!! Woah!!! You are amazing!


  2. The Red Menace’s avatar

    Oh my god, that headwind. That was a seriously hideous run. But hooray, you did it! And we did it! And now we can all collapse in warm houses and sweatpants!


  3. Terri’s avatar

    I love the picture!! You should be really proud of yourself, I know I never would have done it if I were you. Keep up the awesome job!!


  4. Simply Life’s avatar

    wow, you are so impressive! way to go!


  5. Tina’s avatar

    You are hardcore! Nice job! I wanted to go inside after a 15 minute walk with Murphy!

    Thanks for the info on Bin Ends! I signed up for their newsletter.


  6. Kelly’s avatar

    Oh man, I saw so many people running today and it made me think of you. I have no idea how you did that. I was unhappy about having to walk from the car to anywhere I had to go today! Good for you!!!!


  7. Tiffany’s avatar

    Wow–you go girl, that’s awesome!! I hope to be able to run that far one day. I want to know what a bath bomb is now!!


  8. Julie @SavvyEats’s avatar

    Congrats on getting through what sounds like a super-rough run! And now you have it out of the way for the weekend 🙂


  9. Lizzy’s avatar

    Great job!!! Now you understand why I went yesterday, haha! Maybe we can meet up for a blogger run sometime!!


  10. Constance C’s avatar

    i ran two miles for the first time since october last saturday…. i was really proud of myself. you are amazing 🙂


  11. sophia’s avatar

    Wow! Good for you! I think I might have just stayed in bed all day, much less run out! Man, you’re dedicated! I have a thing or two to learn from you!


  12. meg c.’s avatar

    awesome job! it was brutal today in boston, i’m amazed at your dedication!


  13. Ruby’s avatar

    Haha you look totally hardcore in that pic! Awesome, AWESOME job on making the run! I remember once hearing on a podcast that these types of runs have a double bonus: you got the miles in AND you did some really tough mental training, which is imperative for the marathon. Well done!


  14. Nicole’s avatar

    wow good for you that you went! I probably would have canned the run or just went to the gym. It was so bad here in NY so I imagine it was almost the same in Boston! love the pic too! 🙂


  15. Melissa’s avatar

    Great job! Your dedication to training for your marathon is amazing!

    And as crappy as Saturday was, today was even worse so you made a wise decision just getting it done and over with.


  16. Caroline’s avatar

    GOOD FOR YOU! I am sure that took a lot of mental energy to stay out there as well as physical of course! Saturday was surely better than today so just be happy you got it over with!


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