Restaurant Week at Rialto

Happy Paddy’s Day! Despite the fact that my husband is from Ireland, we have no big plans for the day. Its difficult when fun holidays fall on a weekday.  A laid back and quiet night at home will be the perfect way to spend the evening for us. I wish you all a really fun and safe holiday!

Last night we had Boston Restaurant Week reservations at Rialto in Cambridge, and since Chef Jody Adams is on the second season of Top Chef Masters, premiering this April, we thought we would try to get a reservation before it becomes even more in demand.

I left work and walked through the public gardens and down Charles Street to the Charles MGH red line stop. Along the way I took in the lovely spring day.






Beacon Hill. . . the best and worst part of my Boston Marathon training


Signs of spring on Charles Street

Once we arrived at Rialto, we were seated immediately, and I took in the simple and bright decor.


I love Gerbera daisies!


We were there for the Restaurant Week fixed menu which is a fantastic deal. I decided to start with a glass of Prosecco di Valdobbiadene. The hubs had Sakonnet Vineyards’ Vidal Blanc, a wine that we tried last summer at the Coastal Wine Trail Kickoff.

We were served crusty rolls with olive oil, rosemary, and sea salt.


And we ordered the obligatory Duxbury Oysters which were perfectly fresh and delicious with a classic shallot mignonette.


As you can see, we started losing daylight on our first course. Do I need to start eating all of my meals at 5 so that there is good food photo light? 😉


My first course was Asparagus risotto…aged gouda, chervil. Springtime in a bowl, this green dish was perfect for mid March.


I tasted a bit of the hubs’ Quercia cured ham with mozzarella, pickled beets, candied walnuts. It was yummy with a blend of salty, sweet, savory flavors.


My entree, pollack with smashed potatoes and an eggplant caponata, perfectly delicate flavors and just the right portion size.


Our desserts, Chocolate espresso torta with strawberries and cream and Coconut semifreddo with roasted pineapple and lime-rum syrup. The meal was great, but the desserts were unforgettable. Holy delicious! I still don’t know which I liked more, but the buttery coconut semifreddo might win by a tiny margin. It was topped with the most perfect butter cookie I have ever eaten. The service at Rialto was incredible, and it was a really special yet comfortable meal. Although it is in The Charles Hotel in Harvard Square and has a famous chef, there was absolutely no pretension about the restaurant, just really good food in healthy portions. I can’t wait to go back.


Outside the Charles Hotel at night

And I hope you don’t mind me sharing, but here are the 30 + tulips that arrived at my office Monday morning, with love from my mom, sister, brother in law, and baby niece.



Does your city celebrate Restaurant Week? Have you had the chance to try any new spots?


Also, just a reminder that my ALLY Foundation raffle ends THIS WEEKEND. To encourage entries, I have changed the raffle pricing. $10 gets you 2 entries, $15 gets you 4 entries, and $20 gets you 6 entries.

The prizes?

$100 gift card to Williams Sonoma

A mixed case of wine from Wine Cellar of Stoneham

A custom granola blend from me & goji

One month membership to all Healthworks Fitness Centers

A private tour and tasting for 10 at Westport Rivers winery

Visit htttp://  for information on The ALLY Foundation and on my Boston Marathon fundraising!

Rialto on Urbanspoon

Tags: Boston, Dining out, Food, Jody Adams, Restaurant Week, Rialto, wine

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    Rialto looks fantastic. Looks like we were both enjoying the benefits of restaurant week last night. (Thought my post hasn’t made it up yet). Thanks for you comment re: friday foodie feature! I’ll compose an email for you soon!!


  2. Michelle’s avatar

    I’m so glad you had such a great experience at Rialto. I think this restaurant is doing really great things and if you didn’t know, they offer complimentary wine tastings on Wednesday nights!


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I didn’t know that. We should go!!


    2. Melissa’s avatar

      Glad you had a great Restaurant Week experience. I wasn’t happy with Gaslight and I’m looking into a 2nd reservation so Boston RW can redeem itself.

      Jared and I need to get to Cambridge more often! I always love it there, but I’m too lazy to take the T over.


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Oh I am sad you didn’t like Gaslight. I love it there! Hope your dinner at Union is great. I can’t wait to read about it!


      2. Christine @ Fresh Local and Best’s avatar

        It looks like you had a great meal at Rialto! Everything look delicious, especially the ham, oysters and risotto!


      3. Simply Life’s avatar

        Oh that risotto looks amazing and beautiful flowers!


      4. Kelly’s avatar

        Look at all those amazing flowers- I am SO convinced it is spring with this weather we are having 🙂
        That restaurant looks really good and it’s near me so I should definitely try it. I have to admit I’m a bad Restaurant Week person. I always want to choose from the whole menu and I’d rather have less courses to save money. I SHOULD take advantage of it, I know.


      5. Raija’s avatar

        those pictures are so great — yay spring!


      6. Nicole’s avatar

        Looks like you had a beautiful tasty dinner. All of those flowers are gorgeous! 🙂


      7. Jessie’s avatar

        Didn’t we have GORGEOUS weather here in the NE today? 🙂 I sat outside at lunch and it was glorious!

        I’m glad you had a great time at dinner! I loved seeing your picture of the plaza outside the Charles Hotel. My husband used to work in the building, at a consultant firm. He used to order out from the Legal Seafood when he had to work late (which was far too often).

        Hope you had a nice run in this weather!


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I wish you still lived in Boston! Haha do you believe that after my spinning class on Monday, my knees started hurting so badly that I feel it with every single step?! I could barely stand walking outside today, so I couldn’t go running. I did enjoy an extended rest on my deck after work though. Didn’t even need a coat!


        2. Karena’s avatar

          Restaurant week is the best thing ever! DC usually has one in the winter and in the summer – such a great way to sample new places! Jamie and I usually wait to try some of the snazzy/pricey restaurants until restaurant week – great bargain!


        3. Leslie’s avatar

          Thanks for writing this up. I loved Rialto last year during RW and am trying some others this year. Tonight is Pigalle, Monday was Olives – blogged on the bargain factor at for anyone interested.


        4. MarathonVal’s avatar

          I’m with ya, weekday holidays are kinda lame… or maybe I am the lame one, haha…. but it would be much more enjoyable on a Saturday. But I also hate the fact that the Oscars and the Superbowl are on weeknights, too!


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