March 2010

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Two weeks in a row! I did miss posting my normal Wednesday Wine and Food Pairing yesterday because I really wanted to share all of my photos from Taste of the South End. It was a great event, and I wanted to strike while the iron was hot!

This week’s wine and food pairing is actually from last Friday. I worked from home which is one of my favorite things ever. Without having to waste the time of a commute, I got SO much done and was able to throw together an easy spinach lasagna.

I started out with about 4 cups of fresh baby spinach.



And a 14 ounce can of Trader Joe’s marinara sauce, which I doctored up with extra garlic, basil, oregano, and a teeny glug of olive oil.


The filling was a large container of part-skim ricotta, one whole egg, a handful of nutty, salty parmesan, and a cup of part-skim mozzarella.


I used the “no boil” lasagna noodles. Starting with a layer of sauce in the bottom of a glass baking dish, I layered sauce and spinach, noodles, cheese filling, sauce, etc. The recipe I was roughly following called for another cup of mozzarella sprinkled on top, but we really didn’t need it.


Cover tightly with foil and bake at 375 for about 40 minutes. For the last 4 minutes, I put the broiler on which resulted in bubbly brown deliciousness.


For the wine pairing, I broke into the latest wine that we bought at the Bin Ends fine wine flea market. We tasted a few Sicilian wines there and decided to add a few bottles to our rack.

On this particular evening, we opened a Cossentin Nero d’Avola. This Sicilian wine was a perfect match. Dark red and tasting of dark berries and a little bit of anise, this wine worked well with the richness of the cheese as well as the acidity of the tomato sauce. We have another bottle of this Nero d’Avola left as well as a bottle of Francesco Nicosia Nero d’Avola waiting for us at Bin Ends. I love trying new grapes! The Nicosia wine that we ordered has the perfect blend of fruit with a hint of black pepper which I LOVE in a wine, so I will definitely be giving that its own post once we go pick it up!

Are you ready for the weekend?! I am so happy its almost here and more than looking forward to getting my 21 mile run. . . and my longest pre-Boston Marathon run over and done with!

What are you doing this weekend? Does it involve wine? 😉

Tags: Food, lasagna, pairing food and wine, Sicily, wine, wine and food pairing, wine and food pairings

Last night I had the very fun opportunity to volunteer at the Taste of the South End, an annual event that brings restaurants, bakeries, and wineries together with foodies for a great cause, the AIDS Action Committee.

From the Taste of the South End website:

The Taste of the South End is Boston’s premier food & wine event in our neighborhood and it brings together all of the South End chefs for the AIDS Action Committee. It is a fine way to both raise money for a wonderful organization that does vital work in our community and also have fun saying hello to friends, neighbors and colleagues. I would not miss this event for the world,” said participating chef Gordon Hamersley

I arrived at around 4:45 and got to take a quick walk around to see the hustle and bustle of the setup. After a brief volunteer orientation, we got to work. I was in charge of assisting Masa, Avila, and Flash’s. It was an easy volunteer gig; all I had to do was make sure they had enough ice, napkins, utensils, plates etc. We were also to watch out for spills and to bus tables to make sure there weren’t dirty dishes laying around.



Aquitane’s lovely menu item


Gaslight’s Eiffel Tower of chocolate


I stopped by and visited the table from Rodney Strong, a winery I will be visiting in California wine country in just a week and a half! I also tried to chat to reps from another winery I planned on visiting. . . and they were quite unfriendly! Reconsidering that visit. . .


Boston Center for Adult Education had a gorgeous display of tasty cupcakes. Aren’t they pretty?


Aroa Chocolate offered a variety of treats, including a spiced hot chocolate that they were brewing up on site.


28 Degrees had these awesome cups of tuna tartare.


And my favorite brunch spot, Masa, was serving up their habanero watermelon margaritas.


The Flour / Myers + Chang crowd were all smiles as they served up decadent eclairs and little boxes of chicken noodle salads.


Chef Barros from Myers + Chang wins for best headgear 🙂 I’d say that Flour and Myers + Chang win for the most fun restaurant tables at the event.


I hate to say it, but I forget which restaurant served these delicious bites. But I had two 😉


Sibling Rivalry and their refreshing mango gelee topped with crab salad.


Petit Robert’s delicious chocolate macarons (I also had 2 of these.)


Cocktails poured down an ice luge at the Franklin Cafe table


Volunteering was a lot of fun and very easy. I got to chat with a few of the other volunteers, and the best part of course was that we got to take breaks to sample the delicious food on display. The only downside was that we could not taste the wine, and there were a few great wineries there. Next year, I would definitely consider buying tickets to attend the event. With the money going to a great cause and the sheer number of quality South End establishments cooking up a storm, its really a great deal for an evening out.

The planning team and everyone involved deserves a real round of applause. They did a great job, and from what I could see, everything went very smoothly.

Have you ever volunteered at an event? What was it, and what was the experience like?

My ALLY Foundation raffle will end on March 20, my birthday

$10/ticket at

The prizes so far? A custom me & goji mix, a one month membership to Healthworks fitness, a case of wine from Wine Cellars of Stoneham, a tour and private tasting for 10 at Westport Rivers Winery, and a $100 Williams Sonoma gift certificate. There aren’t a ton of entries, so there is a good chance of winning!

Tags: Boston, events, Food, South End, wine

Spring, spring, spring! It still feels like spring, and after a fabulous 10 mile run on Monday night, we decided to open the bottle of  Château Fage 2008 Graves de Vayres Blanc Bordeaux sent to me by the Life Goes Better with Bordeaux campaign. You can read my post on the lovely red that they sent me here.

The white Bordeaux is a lovely pale straw color as you can see here on a sunny spring-like day 🙂


The nose was slightly floral and woodsy with a very mild citrus fruit taste. Its a very easy wine to drink, not a white that makes you pucker because its too acidic, and not at all buttery or oaky like a Chardonnay. It was perfect chilled for just about an hour as it was cold but still warm enough to really let all of those flavors come out. I am very grateful to the Life Goes Better with Bordeaux campaign for introducing me to another white wine that I like. With warmer days upon us, I have been looking at our wine rack and thinking we may have too much red 🙂 I had never tried white Bordeaux before, and I love that I had the opportunity to try this bottle. Life Goes better with Bordeaux is hosting an event in Boston this May, and I am looking forward to trying more Bordeaux wine, both at the event and before then! If you haven’t checked out their website, do, as it provides helpful suggestions for Bordeaux wine based on the wines you already know you like.


Since it was such a lovely day, and I was feeling super fit and healthy after my run, I decided on simple salads with lots of yummy ingredients to go with the wine.


Its funny how I pretty much never get sick of salads, because I am constantly buying new ingredients to add to them. Its a great way to fit in many servings of fruits and veggies at the end of the day. Plus its a nice way to get out of cooking if you just worked a whole day and had a big workout 😉


Our Monday night salad was a base of baby spinach (about 3 cups for each of us) topped with shredded cabbage, avocado, beets, pickled vegetables, olives, jalapenos, carrots, and Trader Joe’s mango chicken sausage. With all of those yummy flavors, you don’t even need dressing! The zing and the crunch of the pickled veggies especially bring a lot of deliciousness to the salad without adding any fat. The salad went great with the wine, and I suspect the wine would go great with any light meal or mild cheese. As the representative that sent me the wine noted, it would be great for a picnic! Ahhh dreaming of wine country picnics 🙂

What are your favorite salad toppings? Is a salad enough to fill you up as a meal, or do you like to eat something else with it?

Have you enter my Secrets of a Skinny Chef giveaway? It ends on Friday, and my charity raffle for The ALLY Foundation and the chance to win a $100 Williams Sonoma gift card, in addition to a bunch of other great prizes, ends on my birthday, March 20! Since its charity Tuesday on Twitter, might you consider helping me spread the word today? I’d appreciate it! 🙂

Tags: Bordeaux, Food, giveaway, salad, wine, wine and food pairing

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