March 2010

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Hi from Sonoma and Napa! Today is my birthday na na na na na! 🙂 We have quite the agenda of tasting room visits for the day, plus some relaxing walks and dinner in Healdsburg, one of my favorite wine country towns. Turning 30 for me is all about looking ahead. . . while reflecting on all of the wonderfulness that has touched my life and also thinking of ways to pay that forward.

Today I am happy because of my family, which includes my awesome husband, my friends, health, my cats and all of the animals I get to volunteer with each week, sunshine, travel, food, wine country, and all of you! What a journey this year has been, and how much blogging has changed my life! A year ago I was not even really reading food blogs, much less writing one, and here I am now, having met soooo many great people, attended the Foodbuzz Festival and the Healthy Living Summit, received many great wines and other products to review. I majored in English in college with no idea what I wanted to do, except for the fact that I knew that writing should be involved. Well I do spend some time writing for a living, but I love how blogging has allowed me to take that love into my own hands and out into the world.


Goals for 30

1) Continue learning and working hard in my current job while hopefully moving closer to a field that I am passionate about, whether it be food, wine, or travel

2) Take more long weekends to spend time with family and friends.

3) More yoga! And relaxing and being present in general. I am a pretty big anxiety case, and I would like to not spend my entire life like that!

4) Kick this bloggy up a notch! I would love to have more guest post and freelance writing opportunities, increase my blog traffic, and generally get more involved in the food, travel, and wine blogging worlds. Attending BlogHer Food in San Francisco (and hopefully FoodBuzz Fest too!) and maybe a few other blogging conferences. . . and DEFINITELY lots of blogger meetups!

5) More US/local travel. I really want to visit the Finger Lakes in New York, Savannah, New Orleans, Charleston again, NYC, as well as someplace in Canada, maybe Newfoundland?

And now, a couple of photos of places I love, just for fun. Have a great day!


Roundstone Pier, Ireland


Valley of the Moon, Sonoma

What are you happy about this weekend? Let me know!

And for paying it forward. . . The ALLY Foundation is super important to me, and time is running out for you to enter my raffle!

Tags: Napa, Sonoma, Travel, wine, wine country

Hello from the sky! I know that much of the US is experiencing great weather this fine Friday, and I hope you all get outside to enjoy the warmth and extra daylight! I am on my way to San Francisco, then to Sonoma, where I have a bunch of tasting appointments at wineries including Rodney Strong and Goosecross Cellars. I will be blogging about each and every sip, don’t worry 🙂

Today I am happy to introduce a very new blogger who happens to be a fellow Bostonian, Kristen, from Indulge Inspire Imbibe Don’t you love the name?! I love that Kristen includes “inspire” as part of her blog title. I also love her restaurant reviews, recipes, and the fun tone that she has to her writing. I hope you enjoy the Friday Foodie interview with Kristen, and definitely check out her blog if you are looking for something great to read!



How long have you been blogging?

Not long at all actually. My first post was February 22, 2010.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

One of my favorite things so far has been hearing all the positive feedback. I really appreciate the support I’ve gotten from friends as I’ve started out a new personal adventure. To hear that people enjoy and get excited about my blog posts (just as much as I do) brings my sense of fulfillment up a notch.

Least favorite – The fact that I can’t do it all. I want to write about my experiences at every single place I’ve ever drank a beer or ate a meal! One thing at a time…..


What has been your most fun blog post to write?

This shouldn’t be hard seeing as I can count the number of posts I have so far (well I am at 19 as I write this, that will change anytime now!) on my fingers and toes. It is definitely going to be a restaurant review – those have been my favorite to write thus far. hmmm I think I will have to pick the Friendly Toast. It was nostalgic, it allowed for many great pictures, and their food and drinks are out of this world.

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

 Hopefully gaining more exposure and continuing to satisfy my readers. I see lots more restaurant reviews and many new cooking experiments in the future!! I can see my blog taking on many shapes and forms as it evolves. Anything that inspires me is open to post, hence why I chose that word in the title.


Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I started for two main reasons. 1) Friends were always asking me for my advise and expertise on where to eat out / go out for drinks in Boston. 2) I’ve taken pictures of my food / drinks for at least 3 years now. Not every meal, just the special ones. It grew more consistent within the last year. Starting a blog seemed like the perfect creative outlet. Each and every time I sit down to blog I get excited. I am truly enjoying this new hobby much more than I ever thought possible. It’s so much fun and now I understand why so many people do this!

Want to be featured on a Friday Foodie Feature? Email me!

And you are running out of time to enter my ALLY Foundation raffle:


See you tomorrow for my 30th birthday! Wahooooo!

Tags: foodie, Guest Blogger

Today is my Friday! I can not even believe that this time tomorrow I will be on a flight to San Francisco and then on my way to wine country!

Earlier this week I took some inspiration from The O2 Diet and made
salmon salad stuffed cucumber boats. Now, the actual recipe called for a chicken, in addition to a bunch of other ingredients, but I improvised. I wanted to use salmon because of my informative afternoon at For the Health of it on Friday, and luckily we had some high quality canned salmon in the house.
Little secret. . . I actually buy this as a treat for my cats, and I decided to try some last week. Its tasty!  And it is nice to keep on hand. Sometimes its nice to have some non perishable items. With our crazy schedules, food, especially fish, sometimes goes bad before we can eat it!



I started out by draining all of the liquid and giving it to the kitties.
They were very happy 🙂 I mixed the salmon with a good shake of curry powder, 2 chopped apples, and 3 spoonfuls of 0% Greek yogurt.



I stirred everything together, then put it in the fridge to chill while I worked on the other components of the meal, roasted Brussels sprouts and potatoes.
When we were ready to eat, I cut a cucumber lengthwise, scooped out the seeds, and stuffed the halves with the salmon salad.




With Brussels roasted to perfection. this quick dinner provided enough fruit, veggies, and protein, along with a mix of flavors and textures. The cucumbers were SO crunchy!

I originally planned on pairing this with Sauvignon Blanc, which I think would have gone really well with this dinner. However, you might recall that earlier this week we had a never ending monsoon, and long, cold, gray days. As a result, we decided on a lighter bodied red, the first Pinot Noir produced by our favorite local winery, Travessia Urban Winery. You may have seen write ups on Travessia’s wine in earlier posts, one about their wine club event and the Coastal Wine Trail kickoff.

Light in color and body, this wine differs from Travessia’s other wines in that it is not made with Massachusetts grapes. Rather, it is made from Russian River Valley grapes. It is a very easy to drink wine, smooth, silky with a delicious hint of cherry. It went very well with our dinner despite the fact that it was a fish dish, and I can see it pairing well with many different meals. Its a good food wine that I would drink well into the summer because of its lightness.

If you live in New England and haven’t tried Travessia wine yet, you should!


And because she’s so cute and can open cabinets herself, a photo of Smuckers 🙂

I hope its a beautiful day wherever you are today. Enjoy it!

P.S. If you live in the Boston/Cambridge, MA area, there is a great event going on this Tuesday, March 25, at the Seaport World Trade Center. Cooking for a Cause benefits East End House . According to the press release I received:

“East End House has been offering vital programs and services to children, families, and individuals in East Cambridge, Cambridge and the surrounding communities for one hundred and thirty-five years. Currently, they  offer affordable, nationally accredited childcare and after school care, a middle school out-of-school-time program, a one-on-one mentoring program for at-risk youth, an innovative youth science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program, emergency food assistance, senior support services, and volunteer and community outreach programs. With your help, we will continue to offer high quality programs that meet growing community needs.”

Cooking for a Cause features a long list of amazing local chefs like Jody Adams from Rialto, where I dined this week, along with other favorites of mine including Dante DeMagistris from Dante, Andy Husbands of Tremont 647, Will Gilson from Garden at the Cellar, and the amazing Tony Maws from Craigie on Main in addition to many others. Help a great cause while eating food from Boston’s best! 🙂

Also, just a reminder that my ALLY Foundation raffle ends THIS WEEKEND. To encourage entries, I have changed the raffle pricing. $10 gets you 2 entries, $15 gets you 4 entries, and $20 gets you 6 entries.

The prizes?

$100 gift card to Williams Sonoma

A mixed case of wine from Wine Cellar of Stoneham

A custom granola blend from me & goji

One month membership to all Healthworks Fitness Centers

A private tour and tasting for 10 at Westport Rivers winery

Visit htttp://  for information on The ALLY Foundation and on my Boston Marathon fundraising!

Tags: Food, Pinot Noir, salmon, wine, wine and food pairing

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