March 2010

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Spring is in the air! While I see my cousin’s Facebook update from North Carolina about 10 inches of snow, I am sneaking out on my lunch break for a little walk in the sun. Before I launch into my post, I just have to tell you that I felt a runner’s high last night that I have not felt in a LONG time! I ran about 5 miles, including about 20 minutes of hills around Beacon Hill and the Boston Common. THANK YOU for all of your advice and encouragement on my running frustrations post! You all really helped, and after some hunger-related struggles during last night’s run, something clicked and I was flying along, enjoying the weather, and sunset, the wind on my face. All of my runs for several weeks have been AWFUL and really without joy, so I am very happy to have this feeling back!

Speaking of running, I have decided that I have to stay active after my really long runs. Being really lazy and just sitting around makes me so much more stiff. With that in mind, this past Sunday the hubs and I decided to go for a wander around Brookline. Since my running route takes me along Beacon Street, I get to see lots of restaurants and stores, and pretty much all I can think about is going back.

We parked in Washington Square and decided to do a little beer shopping at Publick House Provisions, a really cool store that sells gourmet food and craft beer. They have quite the selection!




We picked up a bottle of Lindeman’s Framboise, a nice raspberry flavored brew in a pretty bottle. We had a lot of fun browsing the beers and the specialty glasses that they sell. I feel a gourmet cheese and beer tasting coming on!


After browsing the beers, we headed across the street to Tamarind Bay for their buffet lunch. I was craving Indian food like you wouldn’t believe, and I love all of the choices available at a lunch buffet.


We were not disappointed by the spread. It included lots of fresh ingredients like crunchy cucumbers, chickpeas, yogurt raita, onions, cilantro, and a variety of other spices to enhance the meal.



I loaded my plate with a little bit of everything. I love topping my hot Indian food with cool yogurt and crunchy raw veggies. It helps to fill me up with a good healthy balance, and the difference between the hot and cold, soft, and crunchy is a lot of fun! 😉


After lunch, all I wanted was ice cream with caramel sauce. With Emack & Bolio’s right across the street, it was fate!


But they were out of caramel sauce 🙁 After perusing their display of chocolate covered items, including Twinkies and Devil Dogs on sticks, completely enrobed in chocolate, I ordered a Nutella cup.


It looks very pretty, and the thought of a peanut butter cup that is instead filled with Nutella pretty much bowled me over. Unfortunately, it was made with super sweet chocolate, and the Nutella had gotten gritty 🙁 I only ate a tiny bite and could not finish the rest. Its amazing how my palate has evolved from super sweet “fake” chocolate to loving tiny amounts of flavorful dark chocolate. Oh well.

It was so much fun to be able to walk around outside without worrying about slipping on ice or shivering so much that we couldn’t even talk. There is no greater feeling than the welcome arrival of spring, and I can’t wait to get out there again to experience all of the great things Boston has to offer!

And did I mention we are spending my March 20 birthday in wine country?!! Most likely we will just focus on Sonoma this time as we stayed in Napa last time, but there may be a little side trip to Chateau Montelena or Castello di amorosa where we are wine club members. I am SO excited. There is nothing better than writing about the food and wine in wine country, in my opinion, and I am super excited for my birthday season to kick off in California!

And speaking of wine, I am publishing my Wednesday Food and Wine Pairing a day late, but it will be a good, comforting recipe to help get you through the rest of the winter. Have a great day!

Tags: beer, chocolate, Food, ice cream, Indian Food, wine, wine country

This is my first time writing about the book, Secrets of a Skinny Chef by Jennifer Iserloh, which I received for free as a review copy a couple of weeks ago. It will definitely not be my last. My copy is currently covered in lime green post it tabs, marking all of the recipes I need to try. And I am sure there are more.

Secrets of a Skinny Chef

The first recipe that I NEEDED to try during last week’s rainy, raw weather, was the “Mac and Cheese with Shredded Chicken and Cauliflower”. I happen to really love cauliflower, and I am always looking for ways to incorporate it into our diets.

roasted cauliflower

Making the mac and cheese involved baking the cauliflower. It called for cooking spray, but I just wrapped it up in a foil packet without. It turned out fine.


The recipe used a bunch of spices, which added flavor without fat.


Making a roux using whole wheat flour helped add to the creaminess of the mac and cheese, and held it all together. The recipe called for margarine, which I find yucky, so I used regular old organic butter instead.

It also called for whole wheat macaroni. Months ago, we had TONS of pasta of all shapes in the house and decided that we were not allowed to buy anymore. So I just assumed we had some sort of whole wheat macaroni in the house. We didn’t, it was pouring rain, and I used what we did have, whole wheat spaghetti.

This dish was so satisfying, tasty, and comforting. I actually didn’t even need an entire serving before I was full. It was perfect reheated the next day and provided a solid mix of protein, whole grains, and veggies.


Unfortunately, I can’t share the recipe, but there are lots of great free recipes on the Secrets of a Skinny Chef site, including the opportunity to receive a free digital dessert book.  The book itself is engaging, easy to read, and makes my stomach growl. It starts out with this lovely sentence:

“Ditch the diets and enjoy food again.”

This simple, direct way of writing is what made me want to read more. Jennifer talks about the food traps that most of us have found ourselves in. The she goes on to lay out her top 6 secrets for health. They aren’t gimmicky, and they don’t promise the world. They do require effort and maybe a new level of consciousness about food, but I can pretty much guarantee that they work if you follow them.  They just make sense.

I love that each recipe offers a little sidebar “Skinny Secret” with a quick tip or trick for cooking or overall eating better. My favorite? To focus more, not less on food if you are struggling with your weight. I think this is a tip we can all learn from, to give food a higher priority in our lives.

Up this week, I plan on using a few more recipes including “Lemony Yogurt Muffins”, “Stuffed Shells that won’t Leave you Feeling Stuffed”, and “Nachos Grande with Pickled Jalapenos”. I will definitely blog about everything that I make so you can all get a better idea of the types of decadent yet health-friendly recipes the book contains.

What is your favorite healthified dish? Do you agree that focusing MORE on food helps to keep you healthier and in better shape?

Tags: Food, healthy recipes, recipes

Happy March 1! I actually wore a spring trench coat to work today, and I wasn’t cold. I am more than hopeful that spring is coming sooner rather than later!

With longer days and warmer weather coming, I know that I will be getting out of the house more, going out after work and on weekends. With just about perfect timing, a PR agency for Morton’s contacted me last week to let me know about their monthly Uncorked Wine Tasting Series. Right up my alley, wouldn’t you say? 😉

If you are in Boston, and would like to check them out, the schedule is below. As of right now, I am pretty sure that I will be attending the April 26 Champagne and sparkling wine event. . . if you want to join me let me know! If you live in another city, I would recommend checking their site to see if there is a Morton’s near you. Our first visit was for my husband’s 30th birthday, and it was such a spectacular experience that we can not wait to go back!

March 22
Pinot Noir

April 26
Champagne and Sparkling


May 24
Tuscan Region


June 28
Up and Coming (Southern Hemisphere & New World)


July 26

August 30

Guest Selection (Wines selected by our guests)

September 27
Rhone Valley

October 25
Napa Reds

I also received an email from an agency for NBC regarding their new game show hosted by Guy Fieri, Minute to Win It.

The press release from NBC says:

“Minute To Win It,” hosted by All-American chef and television personality Guy Fieri (“Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives”), features competitors participating in a series of simple, yet nerve-wracking, games that can lead to a $1 million prize.

You can view the entire press release here.

I know that I am a big fan of Guy Fieri’s big, fun personality (not to mention all of the ridiculously mouthwatering meals he eats on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives)

The show premieres on Sunday, March 14 from 7-9 ET. I will definitely be checking it out and would love to know what you think!

I will be back tomorrow morning with an amaaaaazing macaroni and cheese recipe, so check back! 🙂

Tags: Boston, events, wine

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