Friday Foodie Feature

TGIF! I am taking a weekend break from wine country posts for my regularly scheduled Friday Foodie Feature and some marathon updates. Today’s featured foodie is Danielle from Danielle writes about the things I love most, food and travel, and her travel experiences are AMAZING. Seriously, go back through her archives and just enjoy! She also has used her blog to deal with what I think all of us who have studied or lived abroad have gone through, the reentry period that occurs when arriving home. . . and trying to incorporate those life-changing experiences. Thank you Danielle, for sharing all of your loveliness with us! 🙂


How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging for almost two years now. Wow., I surprised myself with that. It began as a blog to follow my cultural experiences (art, food, etc… mostly food) while I was studying abroad and has evolved into so much more than just a glimpse into my life.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

I love blogging because it allows for feedback and a virtual interaction with people from all around the world with similar interests that have their own  amazing experiences to share. I’ve gotten encouraging comments or emails  from readers when I’ve found myself in an unfortunate situation and ones of  congratulations when I’ve accomplished anything in particular. I also  appreciate having a keepsake of my life–thoughts, feeling, opinions and all–to look back on and remind me of all of the wonderful experiences I’ve had and challenges that I’ve faced. My only qualm with it is that it can sometimes be stressful (when I’m too busy to post) and oftentimes competitive. There is a pressure to be happy and healthy all the time that can easily be self-inflicted and that’s certainly a downside when I blog simply for pleasure.

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

Maybe I have abnormally deep thoughts, but one of my favorite posts is a rather recent one, My Biggest Fan . I have spent my life learning about others and the world around me, wanting to help and make a difference in any way I can, and often forget about the fact that it’s okay for the top priority to be me most of the time. I feel like it’s an internal struggle that many women of all ages can deal with, and I appreciated every bit of feedback I got back. Each time I write such a personal and reflective post that like, it amazes me how possible to influence others in such a positive way by focusing on yourself.

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Hopefully depicting the life of a college graduate in her first new job! But I’d also like to know that no matter what I’m doing, or where I am, I have grown, even since this guest post right now. I always want to challenge myself in new ways and discover more of who I am. The elements of travel, food, and  culture would, of course, continue to be the focus though, that’s where my passion is at, and I assume where it will always be, although things can  definitely change and I’m okay with that too.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

As much as I blog for me, I also blog for others like me. I’m trying to reach people that are interested in learning and experiencing more of the world. Alongside food and travel I always make sure a lot of insight into cultural differences and similarities, prejudices and  hopes of acceptance, and generally other things that I’ve face and/or  learned about first-hand or in the classroom. I am thankful for the chance  to share myself in this way. Not to mention that every now and then my  day is made by a reader who emails me with questions or even just “thank yous” about something I’ve said or done. It makes it all worth it and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.

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  1. RunToTheFinsih’s avatar

    awe i like this! So fun to find new people to read…like my reader isn’t overflowing 🙂


  2. Lazaro’s avatar

    Thanks for dropping by the blog today. My cousin Nancy is the Vegan voice on my blog and she has lots of unique recipes. Her lentils are amazing. Look forward to talking with you further. Will be following you here. Have a great day.


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