Friday Foodie Feature

Hello from the sky! I know that much of the US is experiencing great weather this fine Friday, and I hope you all get outside to enjoy the warmth and extra daylight! I am on my way to San Francisco, then to Sonoma, where I have a bunch of tasting appointments at wineries including Rodney Strong and Goosecross Cellars. I will be blogging about each and every sip, don’t worry 🙂

Today I am happy to introduce a very new blogger who happens to be a fellow Bostonian, Kristen, from Indulge Inspire Imbibe Don’t you love the name?! I love that Kristen includes “inspire” as part of her blog title. I also love her restaurant reviews, recipes, and the fun tone that she has to her writing. I hope you enjoy the Friday Foodie interview with Kristen, and definitely check out her blog if you are looking for something great to read!



How long have you been blogging?

Not long at all actually. My first post was February 22, 2010.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

One of my favorite things so far has been hearing all the positive feedback. I really appreciate the support I’ve gotten from friends as I’ve started out a new personal adventure. To hear that people enjoy and get excited about my blog posts (just as much as I do) brings my sense of fulfillment up a notch.

Least favorite – The fact that I can’t do it all. I want to write about my experiences at every single place I’ve ever drank a beer or ate a meal! One thing at a time…..


What has been your most fun blog post to write?

This shouldn’t be hard seeing as I can count the number of posts I have so far (well I am at 19 as I write this, that will change anytime now!) on my fingers and toes. It is definitely going to be a restaurant review – those have been my favorite to write thus far. hmmm I think I will have to pick the Friendly Toast. It was nostalgic, it allowed for many great pictures, and their food and drinks are out of this world.

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

 Hopefully gaining more exposure and continuing to satisfy my readers. I see lots more restaurant reviews and many new cooking experiments in the future!! I can see my blog taking on many shapes and forms as it evolves. Anything that inspires me is open to post, hence why I chose that word in the title.


Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

I started for two main reasons. 1) Friends were always asking me for my advise and expertise on where to eat out / go out for drinks in Boston. 2) I’ve taken pictures of my food / drinks for at least 3 years now. Not every meal, just the special ones. It grew more consistent within the last year. Starting a blog seemed like the perfect creative outlet. Each and every time I sit down to blog I get excited. I am truly enjoying this new hobby much more than I ever thought possible. It’s so much fun and now I understand why so many people do this!

Want to be featured on a Friday Foodie Feature? Email me!

And you are running out of time to enter my ALLY Foundation raffle:


See you tomorrow for my 30th birthday! Wahooooo!

Tags: foodie, Guest Blogger

  1. Daisy’s avatar

    Meghan, thank you so much. This is great. You are a gem. Have a blast in Cali. I am pretty jealous of your trip. And Happy 30th in advance!


  2. Lauren @ Eater not a runner’s avatar

    Have a great trip!! I’m a Bostonian too so I appreciate the guest post….The Friendly Toast is so fun!


  3. Simply Life’s avatar

    Oh this is excellent – more places to find out about!


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